Kamis, 31 Mei 2018

How to Lower a Wedding Cake Price

How to Lower a Wedding Cake Price

Image source: https://www.wikihow.com/images/thumb/5/5c/Get-a-Lower-Wedding-Cake-Price-Step-7-Version-3.jpg/aid7454-v4-728px-Get-a-Lower-Wedding-Cake-Price-Step-7-Version-3.jpg

I recall how Mrs. Ingridman taught me invaluable lessons on how to lower a wedding cake price while still going for the classiest of cakes. After her successful wedding, she told me how she managed to treat her guests with a mouthwatering cake which was bought at reasonable price.

She told me the reasons why most wedding cakes turn out to be expensive are because the cake pans used to bake them are expensive. I will list some of the ways by which you can lower a wedding cake price and choose the best cake for your wedding:

1. Before you agree to give an order to the baker, make sure that the decoration and design is the right kind to suit your taste. Go through referrals and see what prices are being quoted. Look through the samples first before deciding on your cake. A supermarket could offer a wide range of cakes at a lesser cost than your bakery.

2. Decide on how you want to decorate your wedding cake whether you want to keep it simple and cute or splendid and rich. Avoid over decorating the cake. It is not necessary to have a five tiered cake. You can have your cake stacked if you want.

3. Bakers who are not specially into wedding cakes could still bake the best cakes and cost less. Home bakers too do not charge much and could make lovely cakes.

4. You can borrow the pillars. There are disposable pillars available with your local baker or rental companies which are a better alternative than those crystal pillars if you want to cut down on the cost of the pillars. Let the baker or your local rental company helps you with the disposable pillars instead of the crystal ones.

5. Another great idea would be to find prices at a cake making or culinary school near your place. Students have baking and decorating cakes as part of their curriculum. You can be assured that you will get gorgeous cake and have your wedding cake made at a very low price.

6. Investigate prices at a culinary school near you. If students are baking and decorating wedding cakes as part of their curriculum, the per person charge may be greatly reduced.

7. You can even save on your wedding cake topper prices. In Mrs.Ingridman's case her uncle asked her what she would like to have as a wedding present. Her quick answer was a wedding cake topper. Often relatives and well wishers would ask you to ask what you need as a gift.

8. Another good thing which Miss. Ingridman did, which you may want to do, is that if you buy a multi-tiered cake, see that you decorate it yourself or have the florist do it for you. If you want flowers on your cake but the cost of the artificial flowers isn't fitting in your budget, let your florist put real flowers on the cake. Just make sure that they are non toxic. Check the price of the organic
edible flowers.

As Mrs. Ingridman put it, before you meet with any baker, look around for the best samples. At http://www.cakechannel.com >Cake Channel you will find amazing and interesting varieties of wedding cakes.

Expect to pay per slice of the cake as the cake cost depends more on style than flavors.

Before sign up with your baker, shop around or decide what is the topper you would like, what style you would want for you cake, what flavor is the taste of the season for you and how tiered it should bebut the most important see that your mouthwatering wedding cake comes at mouthwatering price.

It is important to get what you want, at a price which does not tug at your purse strings.

How to Lose Weight at a Desk-Sitting Job

How to Lose Weight at a Desk-Sitting Job

Image source: https://i.ytimg.com/vi/iQ2jtGtzpXg/maxresdefault.jpg

Most contemporary money-bringing jobs are related to desk-sitting. While you can earn your leaving easier, its also much easier to get extra kilograms and youre your body shape. Statistics says that almost 40% of the country population suffer from obesity and more than 70% have overweight issues. If you dont want to become one of them then the time to act fast has come. Yes, it would be weird and uncomfortable at first to follow the rule of weight-losing at a desk job, yet if you follow all the rules you can be sure to see results over a month or two. So here are three donts and 3 dos to help you stay or get fit at work.


1. Soda. Even if you see the label diet, dont be fooled by it. Its still soda that contains sugar and additional chemicals that stay in your body and increase your size day by day. Several researches reported that daily soda drinking leads to higher risks of stroke and type 2 diabetes.

2. Chips. You may think that if the label says baked potato chips it means they are healthy. Forget it! These are still chips and thinking otherwise would be fooling yourself. This product contains too many carbohydrates that you will never get rid of, so they will transform into fat that you are so interested in getting rid of.

3. Energy shots. This is a complete taboo! They not only contain tons of sugar, but also lead to serious cardiovascular and gastrointestinal systems damages. You risk having a heart attack of only two-three bottles of energy drinks and find gastric ulcer over only a couple of months.


1. Green tea. Stop drinking coffee and adding milk and sugar to it. Start getting your caffeine shots from green tee. According to personal trainers this is a great supplement because green tea contains even more caffeine than coffee. If you feel sleepy at work, there is no better remedy than a cup of fresh green tea. According to the Canadian researchers, regular consumption of green tea can even prevent you from getting colds. Furthermore, green tea is a great fat burner. So if youre aiming at losing weight, there is no better remedy than green tea at a work place!

2. Healthy snacks. Forget about sandwiches, hamburgers, and chips. All this food has extremely negative effect on your health not only in terms of weight gaining, but also damages your cardiovascular system. Replace all junk food that you consume during the workday with something healthy and tasty. For instance, chips can be replaced with nuts; dried fruits and banana chips are perfect supplements for candies. A piece of chicken with salad is pretty much the same hamburger. Think healthy and eat healthy to improve your appearance.

3. A small mirror. A small mirror on the desk is a perfect way to stick to your plan of healthy habits. If you feel the need to eat something bad, just look into the mirror and think if you want to get those perfect check bones or your second chin works well enough for you?

4. A bowl of fruit. There are several studies that proved that if you look at food and smell it before consumption for 10-15 minutes, you lose some part of appetite and as a result eat less. So instead of putting flowers all over your office, put there fruit bowls. During the meetings and discussions with your colleagues youll be able to look at this fruit and so eat less during the lunch time.

5. Gum. Though some people say that gum chewing is not a very healthy habit, it can and will help you lose weight. When you chew a gum in some middle-range stressful situation, you lover cortisol level and as a result influence on your bodys capacity to store fats. Furthermore, you know that gum chewing lowers stress level that also leads to obesity.

As you can see, there is nothing unbelievable in the tips from above, ye you need to follow them in order to lose some kilos. If you want to get faster result and more relief body check personal trainers in your area (now you can do it online with websites like hirerush.com) and start doing some exercises to consolidate your success.

How to Get Rid of Onion Breath by Natural Ways

How to Get Rid of Onion Breath by Natural Ways

Image source: http://www.organics.org/wp-content/uploads/how-to-get-rid-of-garlic-onion-breath-1.jpg

Onions have been used in culinary aspect for centuries in many different cuisines all over the world since they enhance the nice pungent flavor to various dishes and salads. Moreover, onions are beneficial since they contain vitamin C as well as vitamin B, dietary fiber and folic acid which can offer many health benefits.

However, one thing that many people complain about onion is onion breath. A nasty smell from onion can linger in the mouth for a long time and cause discomfort for many surrounding people. It is caused by chewing raw onion. The sulfurous properties found plenty in onion are the main culprits of this condition. When the raw onion is digested, the scent molecules will approach the lungs through blood stream and give rise to bad onion odor when you exhale. However, cooked onion will be fine. They can be consumed without causing any nasty odor.

Moreover, some factors such as smoking, medications gum diseases and mouth dryness may worsen the problem since they contribute to nasty breath. One of the best ways to treat the onion breath is to stop chewing raw onions. However, if raw onion is your favorite, you might seek for other home remedies which can significantly help you in treating the bad breath from consuming raw onion.


Baking soda counts for another very effective treatment for onion breathe. It is able to neutralize the onion breath, exterminate the development of harmful bacteria as well as maintain the pH balance of the mouth.

Mix some baking soda with sea salt into a cup of warm water
Use this solution to gargle for several times a day to treat onion breath effectively.


Parsley is another effective remedy to fully treat bad breath particularly onion breath. It consists of chlorophyll which can counteract the bad breath.

Soak a handful of fresh parsley leaves in vinegar and put a bit salt on them
You can take them and chew them for several minutes so that they can help you to ward off bad breath.


Add some coarsely chopped parsley in 2 glasses of water
You can add 2 3 cloves and boil the solution
Strain it and let it cool down to the room temperature before consuming it.


Mustard sauce is very effective remedy when it comes to treat onion breath. The powerful aroma of mustard sauce will cover the onion smell and keep it at bay.

Put some mustard sauce inside your mouth
Swish it for a couple of minutes and spit it out.
Take another spoon of mustard sauce and swallow it.
Rinse again with water
Repeat it as much as you need.


Mint is packed with chlorophyll, therefore, it can freshen your breath and cover the onion smell. In addition, it possesses mild antiseptic properties which can effectively treat the bad breath caused by germ and bacteria.

You can put some of crushed mint leaves into a cup of hot water
Cover and let it sit for about 10 minutes
Strain it and you might add some honey to enhance the taste
Consume this tea several times a day so that your onion will be fully kept at bay.


Crush some fresh mint leaves and orally consume it
It will work effectively right after you eat raw onions.
You may opt for mint flavored candies or chewing gums.


The citric scent from lemons will neutralize the bad smell caused by chewing raw onion. In addition, it possesses antibacterial as well as antiseptic compounds which will ward off bacteria that are responsible for bad breath. Otherwise, do you know lemon and honey can grow thicker eyebrows as well.

Add some lemon juice to a glass of water and stir it well
Use this solution to wash your mouth thoroughly several times a day till the scent has faded away.


Consume 1 2 cups of fresh lemonade to get rid of onion breath


Apple cider vinegar can neutralize onion breath and it can destroy germ in the mouth which is responsible for bad breath.

Mix some apple cider vinegar into a glass of warm water.
Use this solution to gargle for several times a day.

Another option,

Mix cup of apple cider vinegar, 3 drops of clove oil, 1 tablespoon of honey and tincture of myrrh in a cup.
Add some hot water and stir it well
Use the solution to gargle and exterminate the onion breath.

Rabu, 30 Mei 2018

How to Fall in Love with Your Caterer

How to Fall in Love with Your Caterer

Image source: http://s8.favim.com/orig/150630/fall-asleep-fall-in-love-indie-sad-Favim.com-2874715.jpg

Catering is one of the most essential elements of any social event. Whether you are throwing a business party for top-notch guests, organizing the special wedding day, or just planning a family gathering, food is of utmost importance. People will never remember average food, but they will always complain about a bad menu as well as they will admire an excellent table. Of course, you may try to deal with everything yourself, but do you really want to spend the whole evening in the kitchen instead of having fun with your guests?

The most likely answer to come to your mind is no and it should be so. Your party should be fun for everyone including you, so look closer at catering services to ensure that everything goes smooth and appropriate. Here are five simple tips to help you find and hire the best catering chef and crew for your special evening.

1. Start from the Venue

It is very likely that you already have a venue for your party. And the important point for caterers here is whether outside service providers are allowed to participate or not. If in your case the venue offers its own chef and catering crew, then you will have to stick to what you have chosen or consider changing the venue if you are not satisfied. If your venue allows hiring people from other services, then you got the best offer! This means that you have already chosen the best place for your special occasion and now will get down to choosing the best caterer!

Photo by Wedding Wire

2. First Impressions Matter

When looking for a caterer, search for a company whose pamphlet will make you hungry. After the tempting piece of paper got into your head, call the service provider to meet in person and talk over the details that you are interested in. Make sure that you discuss not only menu, but also beverages. Some catering companies dont offer drink serving so in this case you will also need to look for a bartender and additional servers to serve non-alcoholic beverages.

Photo by Europa Catering Branding

3. Budget

Budget is the most decisive factor in the choice of a caterer. All professional caterers advise setting up a precise budget for the food serving before you head to the caterers office. This is the only way not to get tempted into something more expensive than you can afford. Try to cooperate with the chef in order to create a menu on your budget. Yet if there is something you liked a lot and you see that its over your limit, negotiate the price or maybe ask for a substitute. Experts will always find a way out!

Photo by Phoenix Law Enforcement Association

4. Special Needs

Today being vegan or vegetarian is very popular among people. This means that you have to think about this kind of fashion and be ready for it with your menu. Ensure that your table will serve some green food, some lactose-free food, etc. for people having specific food needs. In a perfect situation you should know about the food preferences of your audience to maybe even design specific meal packages. However, in most cases it is literally impossible to do, so just try to make the menu diverse and interesting. But dont get radical in this case, because you are likely to have meet-lovers too. Make your table balanced and unique with the help of a professional chef from a catering company.

Photo by BrideBox

5. Tasting

And the final important step in finalizing your deal with a catering company is tasting. Dont get surprised if you would be asked for some fee to cover the charge, because this is a traditional practice for caterers. At the tasting choose several main courses keeping in mind food preferences of the guests and also listen carefully to the advice from your chef. 

Photo by Ad Hidayah

How to Enjoy Melbourne Cup Carnival to the Max

How to Enjoy Melbourne Cup Carnival to the Max

Image source: https://i.ytimg.com/vi/JeDdb9lMyFA/maxresdefault.jpg

Amidst food, fun and fashion, the Melbourne Spring Racing Carnival is undoubtedly the ultimate racing period for Australia's Group One thoroughbreds. The event draws top-notch horses, jockeys and trainers from the international racing scene. As the country's greatest get together; it provides an opportunity to make new friends or meet up with old ones, enjoy delicious cocktails and sumptuous food, and celebrate in the boisterous and fun environment that always accompanies horse racing events. However, to make the most out of the Carnival, be sure to follow the tips outlined below:

Chris Phutully/Flickr.com

Take it Easy on the Alcohol

The Melbourne Spring Racing Carnival is the ideal time to indulge in some tasty cocktails. Nevertheless, you know what happens when several drinks turned into several too many: leave the event when you want to, not because you were invited to exit the scene due to serious intoxication. You should also take your 'selfie' before too many drinks take their toll on the classy look you waited all year to show off.

Be Respectful

Naturally, the bullpen is full of men and women showing off their outfits, some of which are even a bit outrageous. However, if you see someone alluring, keep yourself nice and strike up a conversation rather than attempting to maul the person in the middle of the event. Jumping all over your significant other is not recommended either, as it will attract the kind of attention you probably do not want.

Resist Pressure to Overspend on Clothes

Spring racing fashion is a big part of the Carnival and dressing up is half the fun, but do not allow yourself to be pressured into blowing an excessive amount of money on a new outfit you may never wear again. Of course, this does not mean you should wear a micro-miniskirt or show up looking like an unmade bed. Just be reasonable about how much you want to spend on your racing day attire.

Chris Phutully/Flickr.com

Avoid Arguments

If the day is getting long and you think some guy is greasing you off, do not let alcohol make your decisions. Just because someone pulls a face it does not mean he or she is picking a fight. Remember, most of the people at the event are drinking just like you, so instead of getting into an altercation, chug some water, cool off and do not grab the pepper spray unless absolutely necessary.

Avoid Your Boss

Unless you want to be the topic of conversation amongst your boss and coworkers, say hi and quickly move on if you run into business colleagues. Of course, you should not be rude, but it is best to put some distance between yourself and anyone who may enjoy telling tales about you at work the next day.

Leave New Shoes at Home

Hobbling around the carnival is not part of spring racing fashion. This goes for both guys and girls. Your new shoes may look terrific with your racing day outfit, but the pleasure is not worth the pain. In fact, it may be tempting to go barefoot to alleviate the discomfort, but the Melbourne Spring Racing Carnival is a classy event, and going barefoot is a no-no.

Keep Your Distance

Leave the racetrack to the horses. If delays occur between heats, such as a late scratch, do not hit the track to 'perform' unless you want to be evicted from the event.

Food Warnings

Naturally, food is expensive at racing events, but if you pack a basket of goodies, make sure you follow safe food handling tips: you want to save money on lunch, not poison your pals.

Take the Day Off

Plan in advance to take off work following your day of fun at the Carnival. In this way, you can avoid the stress of pulling a sickie because you are too hungover to make it to the office.

Chris Phutully/Flickr.com

Avoiding Long Lines

Toilet lines are exceptionally long at such events, so be courteous and get in and out as quickly as possible. Also, bring enough cash so that long ATM queues can be avoided. If taking your ATM card to the event is a must, remember that the wait is typically longer than the bar and toilet queues combined.

Button Up

The open-shirt Armani lothario look does not work at the races, and therefore gents should plan to wear a tie. Feel free to snazzy it up, as even floral prints are a go this time of year. Additionally, men should always polish their shoes, as the girls definitely notice, but as always, white shoes are a no-no for such an event.

Wind Gusts and Wardrobe

Make sure you are prepared, ladies, as unexpected wind gusts sometimes arrive out of nowhere. Make sure you wear undies or you may be caught on camera in a way you will never live down.

Chris Phutully/Flickr.com

Be Considerate

The cleanup crew after the races have a monstrous task ahead, so bin a few cans and wrappers on your way out of the track.

Racing and Betting Tips

Placing a bet is easy, but do not get carried away. Take a few moments to analyse the bookie market prior to finalizing your wager. The payout for that hot tip you got may be higher from one bookie than another.

Check the form guide and ask those familiar with racing before you bet. Try to avoid wagering because you like the jockey's colours or the horse's name.

Do not bet it all on the first race. Being realistic helps your money to last all day.

Check the Melbourne cup odds before you pick a horse. You might want to try a place or show bet on a long shot rather than win a mere dollar or two on the favourite.

Of course you want to celebrate your winnings, but do not gloat too much: friends will be irritated if they are having a bad run and they may also think you should buy the drinks for the rest of the day. Gloating also makes you a great target for the nearest pickpocket.

Check out more information about Melbourne cup betting here.

The Melbourne Spring Racing Carnival is one of Australia's greatest events and by following the tips outlined above, you will be sure to get the most out of this fun and exciting occasion of Melbourne horse racing.

How to Design Your Own Whole Grain Bread Recipes

How to Design Your Own Whole Grain Bread Recipes

Image source: http://www.naturesownbread.com/sites/default/files/images/product/main/product_soft_100wholewheat_890x1000px.png

You can make great whole grain breads! Often it's as simple as substituting a whole grain blend for part of the flour in your favorite bread recipe. You may need to adjust the liquid a little but other than that, it can be a straight substitution. If you want a 100% whole grain bread, start with your favorite whole wheat bread recipe. You can make great whole grain breads by starting with a white flour recipe and substituting the whole grains for part of the white flour. The result will be a lighter bread, sometimes an almost white bread, with a high fiber and nutrient content. Of course, you can use part white flour and part whole wheat flour.

And it's simply exciting, what you can add to your bread recipe, items like this:

- Rolled oats.
- Rolled grain blends. Use mixtures of rolled oats, wheat, barley, rye and others. These can be bought at natural food stores or online.
- Cracked grains. If you want chewy nuggets in your bread, choose a coarse chop. If you want the whole grains to blend, use a fine chop. Again these can be bought at natural food stores or online.
- Whole grain berries. You will want to soak these overnight before using them or cook them for 30 minutes.
- Whole seeds and nuts. Everyone loves sunflower seeds in bread and breads with walnuts or pecans. Consider also pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, flax seeds, and poppy seeds. A blend of these seeds along with rolled grains makes wonderful bread.

Rolled grains and chopped grains result in very different breads. Rolled grains almost disappear into the bread. The color changes, usually to a creamy color if you are using white flour, and you can see little flecks of bran in your bread. But what really changes is the flavor and texture. Whole grains add richness to your breads. They are moist and chewy. And they keep exceptionally well and are less crumbly. Chopped grains create chewy nuggets in your bread but the texture and color remains much the same.

So how much do you add? That's matter of preference. We make these breads professionally and for chopped grains, we use as little as 1/3 cup per loaf and for rolled grains, we use a cup or more per loaf.

The following recipe is a nice starting point. It has about 30% whole grain blend but is light enough in both texture and color that picky kids will eat it. For those of us that like a little substance to our bread, this fits the bill. This is a delightful bread.

Use this recipe as a base recipe for other breads using rolled whole grains. You might try the following combinations, adjusting the flour to make a soft, almost sticky dough of the right consistency.

- Instead of two cups grain blend, use four. Reduce the flour by about two cups.
- Instead of white bread flour, substitute half white and half stone ground whole wheat.
- Instead of white bread flour, use 100% stone ground whole wheat.
- Add 3/4 or one cup shelled sunflower seeds. The blend has sunflower seeds in it but at this concentration, it is not many. The seeds will absorb a bit of the moisture so be prepared to reduce the flour slightly.
- Add 1 ? cups raisins and 2 teaspoons good quality cinnamon. Double the honey.

This recipe makes two very nice loaves in 5 x 9-inch bread pans. The loaves weigh about 1 3/4 pounds each.

We have not tested this recipe in a bread machine. If you wish to use your bread machine, cut the recipe in half and use the dough setting.


2 1/3 cups water at 105 degrees
2 cups rolled grain cereal mix
1 7-gram packet of instant yeast, SAF or equal
3 tablespoons honey
1/2 cup Baker's Dry Milk (high heat treated dry milk) (see note)
5 cups high protein bread flour, more or less
2 tablespoons butter, softened
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon quality dough conditioner or per producer's recommendation

Note: Milk contains an enzyme that retards the growth of yeast. High heat treatment destroys that enzyme resulting in taller loaves of bread. High heat treated dry milk can be purchased online.


Prepare two bread pans by greasing the inside of the pans including the rims.

1. Combine the grain blend, the water, and the yeast in the bowl of your stand-type mixer. Add the honey and the dry milk. Add about half of the flour and combine with the dough hook until the dough starts to come together. Add the butter and salt. Add more flour in several additions, beating after each, until a soft dough ball has formed. You should use about five cups of flour. Beat with the dough hook for four minutes at medium speed or until the gluten is developed. The dough should be soft (but not too sticky to handle), smooth, and elastic. Water absorption may vary depending on environmental conditions and the flour you use.
2. Place the dough in a large greased bowl and turn once to oil all sides. Cover the bowl with plastic and let the dough rise until doubled, about one hour.
3. Turn the dough onto a lightly greased work area. Deflate the dough by gently folding and pressing most of the air from the dough.
4. Divide the dough in two with a knife. Using your hands, form a cylinder by pulling the dough around the center and tucking the seams together on the bottom, thus gently stretching the surface of the dough. Pinch the seams together to keep them from opening as the loaf expands. Place seam side down in a prepared pan and repeat with the second loaf.
5. Cover lightly with greased plastic wrap or place the loaves in a large food-grade plastic bag and set aside to rise until doubled, about one hour. Rise times will vary with conditions, especially temperature--yeast is very sensitive to temperature.
6. While the bread is still rising, preheat the oven to 350 degrees.
7. When the bread has risen, place the loaves on the center rack of the oven and leave as much room for the air to circulate around the loaves as possible. Bake for 35 to 40 minutes or until the bread is done and well-browned. If you have a probe-type thermometer, the internal temperature should reach 190 degrees. Once baked, immediately remove the loaves from the pans and cool them on a wire rack.

Selasa, 29 Mei 2018

How To Cut Vegetables Using The Tip Fulcrum Method

How To Cut Vegetables Using The Tip Fulcrum Method

Image source: http://cdn.skim.gs/image/upload/v1484157758/ultimate-guide-to-roasting-vegetables-pin_kbh8wi.jpg

I know how to cut vegetables. Trust me, I do. Early in my career I was a lowly prep cook. I was part of a very large system, at a very large kitchen, that fed 15,000 people TWICE a day! My job was to cut vegetables, all day every day. I did this for months! From six in the morning to five in the evening, nothing but onions, carrots, celery, peppers. I spent HOURS cutting.

When you spend that much time with a knife in your hand, you start to find the methods that work efficiently and quickly, as well as those that will give you elbow and wrist problems. With hundreds of hours holding a sharp blade, I was able to give this much thought.

There are specific methods for holding and using the knife that will give more consistent results with greater speed and accuracy, while saving wear and tear on your body. These techniques take into consideration the grip, the knife-hand, and the non-knife hand.

The Grip - The safest and most effective grip for using a chefs knife is not the way most people hold the blade. Most often, I see home cooks holding their knife like a club or a tennis racket, with all fingers wrapped around the handle.

The problem with the club grip is that the blade can spin in your hand. Its potentially dangerous to be cutting vegetables and have the sharp edge of that steel suddenly lunge for your non-knife hand. The blade should always be at a 90 degree angle to the cutting board and strangling the handle with all your fingers makes this difficult to maintain.

The correct way to hold a chefs knife is by pinching the knife between thumb and forefinger just in front of where the handle meets the blade. This part of the knife is called the Bolster. With this pinch on the metal part of the knife, your other three fingers can then wrap around the handle. The first bend of your index finger should rest on the spine of the blade and extend down the side.

Its an important part of knowing how to cut vegetables to have the safest and most effective grip on your knife, but its the motion or method of using the knife that will give you consistently cut items that will then cook at the same rate.

Consistency of cut is consistency of cook, Im fond of saying. One of the best ways to assure all your items are cut the same size is to keep the knife as steady as possible during the prep work. Instead of lifting the blade off the cutting board with each stroke, its better to employ the Tip Fulcrum Method.

The Tip Fulcrum Method simply means that you keep the tip of the knife in contact with the cutting board and use it as a balance point for all your cutting. This makes the knife hand dumb. Its only job is to keep the tip of the knife down, and cut with a circular motion. Up, down, forward, and return. Its like dipping water from a bucket with a spoon, not directly up and down, but slightly circular to take advantage of the sharp edge.

Now its the non-knife hand that becomes the brains of the operation. When the Tip Fulcrum method of the knife-hand meets the kung-fu grip of the non-knife hand, then the cutting becomes easier and safer.

All the fingers of the non-knife hand should be curled toward your palm, looking like some type of martial arts punch, thus the kung-fu grip as I call it. The knife will be guided by the middle knuckle of the non-knife hand, which will dictate the increment of the cuts.

The whole system works accurately and efficiently when given some practice. The proper grip on the knife, along with a circular Tip Fulcrum method, supported by the knuckle of the non-knife hand moving in the increment of the desired cut, becomes effortless after some practice. I can even do it blindfolded now!

Its not a fancy or expensive knife that will show you how to cut vegetables, its the method. While this two-handed technique feels awkward to many people at first, they eventually find that it is the safest and most accurate way to achieve excellent results.

See Chef Todds live culinary class on how to cut vegetables .

How to Build a Project Management Office

How to Build a Project Management Office

Image source: https://www.maketecheasier.com/assets/uploads/2017/03/MS-Project-Alternatives-04-Calligra-Plan.jpg

A Project Management Office (PMO) is a centralized, coordinating body within an organisation that provides an infrastructure of people, procedures, and tools for effective project management. It sets standards, enforces accountability and provides governance to manage a number of projects objectively and fruitfully.

The following are some of the many benefits of having a PMO within an organization:-

Deliver projects with efficiency and consistency.
Implement standard operating practices.
Provide transparent status and financial reporting to the top management.
Aligning investments towards organizational strategy.
Establish foundation for managing organizational portfolio effectively.
Improve stakeholder/customer satisfaction.
Enhance employee productivity.
Improve profitability by limiting project failures, better resource utilization and effective execution of high return on investment.
Archive data on the projects operational performance.

Steps for building the Project Management Office:

Enlist support from Senior Management:-

Before you begin to set up a structured PMO, you need to get the backing from the top-level management as well as the required funding. For obtaining support and agreement from senior management, you will need to justify the changes in organizational structure by explaining the cost-benefit and increment in return on investments.

Establish the Role and Scope of the PMO:-

The role and scope of a PMO can be different in different organisations. While building a PMO, you need to consult your stakeholders to understand their requirements and goals so as to determine how and where the PMO will fit within the organisation. Once the objectives of having a PMO are set, you have to prepare a PMO implementation plan.

Formulate Policies and Templates:-

You need to formulate and document appropriate policies and project templates. These policies and templates will guide the project managers regarding project approval procedures, recruitment and training, funding, resource management and other day-to-day tasks. Standardisation of procedures plays an important part in allowing an organisation to compare different projects and allocate resources wherever necessary. Later, when the PMO grows, these policies may be further reviewed and refined by the Director of PMO in consultation with the individual project managers.

Determine the Structure and Build the Team:-

There is no formula for determining the PMO structure as it greatly depends on the current organizational structure, organizational culture and management style. Some prefer to manage all aspects of the project assigned to them including planning, scheduling, budgeting, resource management and communication. There are others who coordinate these functions with the support coming from various corresponding departments.

Identify Skills and Train the Staff:-

You need to identify the skill sets and proficiency levels of project managers and staff in order to establish the kind of training required to be given. This information can be obtained by reviewing the status of various on-going projects. Most of the training content can be based on the standard policies and procedures defined at the start of the PMO. It is quite reasonable to assume that there will be changes in the staff members and organisational culture over a period of time. An on-going training programme will help train new employees about operating standards and existing employees about procedural changes.

Project Mangement Software Mac

Review the PMO:-

Once the PMO is established, it is the task of the PMO to continue monitoring and measuring project successes. Not only that, it also need to ensure that the PMO continues to stay relevant within the organization by managing a portfolio of projects. Also, it needs to keep identifying processes that need improvement and then develop and implement appropriate improvement measures. The PMO Director has to regularly review the PMO's performance and scope so that it remains relevant to the organisation's changing business needs.


For the PMO to stay relevant and sustainable, you will have to make sure all projects pass through the PMO. Otherwise, there would be no reason to have a PMO within an organization. An effective PMO acts as a catalyst for greater productivity and efficiency. It enables an organisation to achieve more while using fewer resources with lesser risk. All these factors will greatly contribute towards improving the organizations project success rate.

How to Become a Great Baker Useful Tips for Aspiring Bakers

How to Become a Great Baker  Useful Tips for Aspiring Bakers

Image source: https://i.pinimg.com/736x/c4/ec/fc/c4ecfc885e925b5a383612b36caa4c13--small-lamps-kitchen-decorating.jpg

Bakers bake an assortment of goodies including cakes, breads, cookies, pies, and pastries. The most common places of their work are, of course, bakeries and specialty pastry shops. They can also be found working in the bakery section of supermarkets and facilities that serve large quantities of baked goods like hotels, cafes, and restaurants. Usually, their creations are produced in bulk - particularly the breads and pastries.

To be a qualified baker, formal education is a must. Hands-on training is the largest part of the training and actually takes place while at work, but classes that prepare you to read recipes correctly, understand the chemistry in baking, and use the tools necessary to make a baker succeed cannot be discounted. Finally, bakers have to be really talented and creative in order to satisfy the demands of their customers.

If becoming a professional baker is your dream career, then the first step to reaching your dream is to check out baking & pastry schools and then pick one, which you think will offer you the best education. Enroll and take your lessons seriously because everything will be useful to you once you start working.

On the other hand, you can make it in the world of baking by working hard and keeping these few tips in mind. These may be simple advice but these will really help you to become a good baker.

Basic requirement

Make sure to finish high school because you will not be able to enroll in any baking schools without it. It is also a good idea to focus on your math subjects since you need this when pursuing a baking career. Remember, bakers do a lot of measuring which involves fractions, division, addition, subtraction, and equivalents.


Work with a professional baker as an apprentice. The reason for this is experience in the real world helps you to gain more ideas and techniques that you can apply when you start working. You can also observe the baker while they are doing their work and get lots of pointers that will help shape your own career. Furthermore, working alongside a very experienced baker offers you a kind of learning that you cant gain in school.


It is true that practice makes perfect so keep on practicing and try your hand on different recipes. In this manner, you can hone your skills until your baking gets refined. Become familiar with the tools and how to use them and why. Coming into a position with confidence from doing things numerous times makes you a desirable candidate.

Build up your career from your experiences

Successful bakers have worked for many years. Their experience (gained from years of working) has contributed on how good they are today. They have perfected their skills and baking doesnt feel like a chore anymore, but more of a pleasure. Build your career from your experiences and you will reach the top just like your mentors.


Another thing that you must pay attention to in order to succeed in baking is knowledge. Expand your knowledge in baking by researching and being up to date with the latest trends in pastry, cake, cookies, and bread-making. Read books, magazines, and websites that publish anything about food and baking. With extensive knowledge, you will be fully equipped and can readily deal with any issues relating to your profession.


Lastly, students who want to be bakers must understand that baking is a program that requires proper education and training. Thus, the completion of the appropriate culinary program is the key that will open the way to a winning career. Get a culinary arts degree. You will learn a lot about the many sides of the culinary world, including baking - which you want to focus on. Your diploma serves as your certification that proves you are qualified to become a baker. This document will make it easier for you to get a job in big companies, as most of them prefer people who have completed some formal education.

You can be one of the most sought after bakers in the future; start your career as a baker by searching for a recognized culinary or baking school and earn your diploma today.

Senin, 28 Mei 2018

How Online Food Delivery Service Works

How Online Food Delivery Service Works

Image source: https://www.unibaggage.com/shipping/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/How-does-it-work.png

If you are one person who does not like wasting time doing some things then you might need to consider online food delivery. The process is easy, you just need to complete an online form with your details like the address that you want the food delivered to, the type of food as well as the time you want the meal delivered. The meal is brought to the specified destination. They are capable of offering their service to different destinations as long as the places can be reached by a car. Places like homes, universities and offices are some of the common destinations. Other institutions like schools and army barracks also make use of this service.

The first type of online food delivery is a system where you find online delivery companies specializing in this service. They have a database of shops and restaurants that you can choose from. The shops and restaurants register with them and they are put on the online list easily accessible by customers. Therefore they connect customers with the different shops and restaurants. After the ordering has been done and the address put up the delivery company will bring the food to you. You then pay the delivery company for their service.

A different type of online delivery service is where you can look for different shops and restaurants on the internet. You search for companies that service your area, if they operate in your location you can easily place your meal order and it will be delivered to you.

You can also do your search on websites that specialize in hosting search engines. There you will find a list of different menus offered by a variety of restaurants and shops. You can also compare the shops and get to read reviews about them. Once you use this search you can easily choose a menu of your choice; it could be Chinese or sea food for example. There is an option again to choose a service provider within your area.

With online deliveries the order you place is written down and the chances of the waiters making mistakes are very slim because they are taking orders from something written down. This can also be used as proof should there be confusion or a mix up with the orders.

You can also save your time by referring to orders that you have placed before. You simply paste the information and use it again. What you only need to change is the date so that everything becomes current.

The fact that you can chose from an expansive menu list means you can also get new ideas on meals to try out. It will also allow you to mix and match orders and try different combinations. Some advanced systems also allow you to specify exact amounts of food you want.

You are able to use credit card to pay before delivery is made. When the food arrives you would have paid and so eliminated the trouble of still having to pay to the delivery person. Your payment history is also recorded online so that it is easy to identify you as a disciplined payer if you are.

Sharon is a nutrition guru who is an expert in great places for food delivered.

How Much Does Your Food Cost

How Much Does Your Food Cost

Image source: http://oxfamblogs.org/fp2p/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/How-much-does-your-water-cost.jpg

How much does your food cost? Have you ever given it much thought? Does your food budget dictate what you can and cannot consume? Do the weekly newspaper coupons, along with the sale end caps in your local grocery store, choose for you? Why are other people dictating to you whats going to be on your dinner table tonight? While you are pondering your thoughts on the rationale behind your food consumption, have you ever stopped and asked why, as a nation, we are the richest, yet we are the sickest?

The alarming rates of diabetes, coronary heart disease, and obesity plaguing our society suggest that something is terribly wrong! Moreover, we have the richest sources of natural whole foods available to us, but we often only consider processed and refined foods.

We expect a lot from our bodies; we want them to work like well-oiled machines. So how we invest our money in ourselves now will dictate what kinds of insurance premiums we have for our future health.

Ultimately, how we feed our bodies with food will show up physically in our energy levels and through our larger waistlines. Its also apparent that unhealthy processed food choices affect us mentally by clouding our thoughts and zapping our brain power. Consequently, diets comprised of refined foods are nutrient-poor and are causing many Americans to be highly mineral deficient. Over time, these deficiencies can lead to a plethora of degenerative diseases. Your food choice now ultimately determines the cost to you later.

What is the determining factor you use to purchase your food? Do you base your decision on economic principles coupled with quick preparation time? The food you choose could then be a frozen box of batter-dipped chicken breasts, a box of macaroni and cheese, and some frozen peas thrown on the side for good measure. Your purchasing power may be based on the perception that eating healthy may come at a higher price tag. The trade-off would be labor intensive and time consuming, albeit resulting in better-quality and fresher-tasting food. You may have come to the conclusion that you will have to pay more to get the desirable qualities. I disagree! You could still have an inexpensive and time-saving meal by choosing fresh, natural chicken breast seasoned with fresh herbs and tastefully grilled. To accompany the chicken, a wild rice pilaf with added fresh, sauted vegetables would have fed you graciously for dinner and probably afforded you leftovers for the next days lunch.

Optimally, the way we need to feed ourselves to sustain energy, vitality, and better health must come from whole foods. What is a whole food diet? Whole foods are basic foods in their most natural and original, plant-based states. The closer you are eating to the earths soil, the more nutrient dense a food source will be. Such plant source groups and examples are fresh fruits (apples, oranges, grapes, peaches), vegetables (dark, leafy green vegetables, such as kale and collards, broccoli, cabbage, carrots, and sweet potato), whole grains (whole wheat berries, brown rice, buckwheat, and quinoa), and legumes (beans, lentils, and peas), nuts and seeds (almonds, pecans, sunflower and sesame seeds), just to name a few. The key here is to select a variety of fresh, seasonal foods whenever possible.

Does animal protein have its place in your whole food diet? Meat, poultry, and fish, along with dairy products, are not typically considered whole foods because they are not derived from a plant source. However, I believe they have their place on your plate. Consider them a condiment rather than a main dish when consuming them. Make sure you are choosing fresh, organic, or natural meat and poultry and freshwater or wild caught fish whenever possible.

I often hear the assumption that eating healthy costs more and that whole foods are hard to locate in the local grocery. I disagree! Whole grains and fresh, natural foods have arrived at many commercial supermarkets. They are tangible even in bulk portions, making them, pound for pound, less expensive. You optimally only buy what you need. You are not paying for advertising and pricey prepackaged foods sold in specific units. Most often, you need to purchase more quantity to account for the smaller packaging. This is an added expense. Bulk food gives you a plethora of options when choosing a whole grain source. Prepackaged foods are often loaded with enhancements to keep the food looking better, tasting better, and lasting longer. I personally dont want to consume a food that has a longer shelf life than my conceivable future!

I believe our bodies are rare entities. It is our given birthright to be as healthy as we choose. By consuming the purest, whole foods available, we are doing our bodies a great service. We are rewarded by the abundant energy, vitality, and healthy moods we can emulate to others. Thats priceless!

You will be enlightened by the outcome when you begin to embrace the opportunity to replace refined foods with varieties of whole foods. Like a painter creating a fresh idea on canvas, you have your palette of choice colors to begin your original piece of art. Dont shy away from the brilliant colors as you seek new choices in the produce isle of your local market.

If you can grow your own fresh berries, herbs, lettuce, collards, and so on, your food costs will be reduced significantly. If you are unable to produce your own seasonal fresh foods, become a member of community-supported agriculture in your area. Signing up to purchase a share of farm fresh produce promotes a nutritious array for your personal culinary palette. You will also be supporting the dynamics of the farming community. As I began trying many foods for the first time, I recognized that quality, freshness, and taste were other key factors. I am no longer selecting foods just because they are on sale. Furthermore, I am very aware that I vote with my fork each time I eat. Remember, a diet is just another four-letter word. A lifestyle feeds us forever.

Five Nourishing Tips for Promoting a Whole Food Lifestyle

1. Replace white rice and plain pasta with whole grain brown rice and pasta. To transition from white flour products, use a half portion of whole grain flour, such as buckwheat, in a recipe.
2. Keep healthy snacks on hand. Select nuts (almonds and walnuts), nut butters, humus, or fresh-cut fruits and vegetables.
3. Select fats derived from plant sources over animal fat (avocado, olive and canola oil).
4. Drink plenty of waterespecially during the cold winter months as we lose moisture through our breath.
5. Find a source of creative movement you can do daily (dance, walk in nature, buy a yoga tape for home use, take a swim, or ride your bike).

** This article is one of 101 great articles that were published in 101 Great Ways to Improve Your Health. To get complete details on 101 Great Ways to Improve Your Health, visit http://selfgrowth.com/healthbook3.html

How Essential Oils Can Help with Weight Loss

How Essential Oils Can Help with Weight Loss

Image source: https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/10/ec/9d/10ec9d59e583c0712aa10af85c593059.jpg

Achieving your ideal weight can be challenging, but there are many tools that can help you reach your goal.


As a result of his research Dr. Alan Hirsch says that we feel full because of a special mechanism in our brain. Specifically, this satiety response is regulated by what is technically known as the ventro-medial nucleus of the hypothalamus, a portion of the brain that regulates many basic drives including emotions and libido.

One reason we stop eating is that this center signals a fullness or a sense of being satisfied. The nose (and inhalation process) is directly connected to the hypothalamus. An odor molecule in the air makes its way to the top of the nasal cavity which is the location of a small area known as the olfactory bulb with millions of scent receptors.

The odor molecule then moves through the mucous membrane and binds to receptor sites on the olfactory nerve. These receptors may be very specific, in that they are designed to detect particular odor molecules. The system operates by taking individual odor molecules and intensifying them in such a way that the brain can respond to them.

This part of the brain is called the limbic lobe and is the seat of our emotions. The limbic lobe activates the hypothalamus which controls our drives and instincts as well as the ability to feel full. An emotional state can also trigger a desire for food. We can also control what we feel by inhaling certain scents.

The sense of smell can help us suppress appetite and all those irrational emotional responses we have to food. Using our sense of smell consciously can give us control where our will power fails. For most people, using scents can curb cravings.

The Smell and Taste Treatment and Research Institute of Chicago found that inhaling a culinary scent (basil, oregano, lemon, etc.) regularly throughout the day, especially when hungry can suppress the desire to taste and therefore eat. By inhaling an aroma throughout the day, you can inhibit the desire to eat. Dr. Hirsch, in his study, found that the more people used scent to control their appetite, the more weight they lost. The key was to vary the oils used to prevent becoming desensitized which would reduce the effectiveness of the inhaled oils.


Experiment by choosing three essential oils to use throughout the day. Put a couple drops of each one of the selected oils on the cotton wick of your Be Lean Whiffer aromatherapy pendant. Hold the Whiffer close to your nose when you feel you need a stronger scent. The more you use these scents, the more effective they will be. Each day change the oils you used previously with three different ones. This can be done easily by unscrewing the cap and inserting a new wick. Save the used wick for another day in a glass container. (Oils can dissolve most plastics).

Essential oils such as peppermint, bergamot, and grapefruit can have a positive impact in your efforts to lose weight when combined with a healthy (mostly raw) diet and exercise regimen such as hooping or workouts with an exercise ball. Thermogenic drinks can be made Young Living NingXia Red juice, essential oils, and cayenne pepper tincture. A Weight Management Smoothie can be a good substitution for one of your daily meals.


Peppermint is a digestive aid that soothes an upset stomach and helps with digestive problems. It also provides unique weight loss benefits as well. Dr. Alan Hirschs study found that inhaling peppermint can directly affect your brains satiety center, the ventro-medial nucleus of the hypothalamus. This powerful essential oil makes you feel full after a meal. The result is that you can eat less and still feel satisfied. You can choose to either inhale peppermint oil before a meal or drink a few drops in a glass of water or tea right before each meal. Make sure the oil is pure enough to ingest. Do not ingest oils that are not marked GRAS (generally regarded as safe) or are not labeled for supplement use.

Other oils that might be helpful:

Grapefruit - a natural weight loss appetite suppressant and through a process called lipolysis dissolves fat.
Bergamot - stimulates your endocrine system and produces a sense of calm and well being and alleviates stress. Lavender can be combined with bergamot to enhance this calming effect.
Tangerine - A diuretic and is also used to calm the nervous system.
Orange oil - helps overcome depression and gives emotional support.
Ylang ylang - used to clarify thoughts and assist in a feeling of wellness and calm.
Patchouli - used as a sedative and relaxation aid.

Essential oils are a terrific and natural way to suppress appetite and calm emotions as they relate to food and stress, and to actually dissolve fat. For safety and effectiveness, read the directions that come on the bottles of each essential oil before inhaling or ingesting. Reaching and maintaining your ideal weight is a very important step towards achieving vibrant health. Click here for more information about the Be Lean Whiffer and other Whiffer aromatherapy pendants.

Minggu, 27 Mei 2018

How Cooking Shows Influence The Common Kitchen

How Cooking Shows Influence The Common Kitchen

Image source: http://elephantroomcreative.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/Kitchen-65.jpg

Every season, men and women from all across the globe, are glued up to watch every episode of Master Chef. Master Chef is a cooking reality show based from a British original. The show captures the hearts not only of aspiring chefs but of everyone who enjoys fancy and highly-advanced fashion homewares. What explains the surging rating of reality cooking shows? Is it because of peoples genuine interest in how they design their homes? Or is it merely because cooking shows now give viewers the same thrills that we get when watching glamorous celebrities on the tube?

Researches have proved that only 12% of the total adult population dislikes cooking at home. This means that over 50% enjoy fussing at the stove many of them enjoy the activity and others see it as a necessary task. Over 58% watch food programs on TV. They read the food section of newspapers and magazines and visit food websites. Given this, we can fairly say that media is a great influence not only in how homes prepare their food but also on how homeowners purchase home decor and decorate the kitchen.

According to studies, the average households kitchen is primarily influenced by friends and family. But food programs come in second. Viewers watch food TV shows because they want to learn new recipes. But given the fancy kitchen equipment and the convenience that these kitchenware offer, people no longer just watch cooking shows like Master Chef merely for cooking techniques but also to get the latest scoop in lifestyle homewares.

Expectedly, because men and women who love to cook also enjoy decorating the kitchen, high-end brands in kitchen homeware use these top-rating cooking shows to advertise their products. Even celebrities like Jamie Oliver, Donna Hay, and Maggie Beer who already have kitchen branded products take advantage of the high ratings of cooking shows. Now, people do not just watch food programs to explore new recipes, they do so as well to seek inspiration on how to decorate their kitchen.

The cooking show phenomenon has made everyone believe that in order to make good food, it is not enough that he has the right ingredients and knows the step-by-step cooking techniques, people have developed the belief that in order to cook great recipes, they need to have the right and the latest kitchen equipment, visually enticing kitchen interior, and a kitchen space conducive to cooking. In short, viewers want their kitchen to look as pleasant and as functional like their favorite food programs.

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How Air Hostess Training Can Help You

How Air Hostess Training Can Help You

Image source: http://photos.alstatic.com/photos/Z55/1AZgiZ55/Institutes-NCR-Frankfinn-Institute-Of-Air-Hostess-Training-1AZgiZ55-4f3396e6d36f7_regular.jpg

To become an air hostess is a hidden dream of every girl during her growing times. And why wouldnt it be. This career definitely has many reasons to attract the young and beautiful females, as it is glamorous, well-paying, gives them an opportunity to move around and many other benefits that follow.

This sector has a lot to offer its aspirants. One does not only get the chance to be hospitable but also learns to be polite and courteous to other people, which is definitely an incentive along with other advantages.

Though there is no basic education required to become a proficient air hostess or a flight steward, one can always choose to join an Air Hostess Training Institute. In fact, till sometime back, all those girls who were good looking, confident and intelligent, could easily become an air hostess with a reputed airline. But things have changed now, many new institutes have come which train and teach aspiring air hostesses and flight stewards.

But the basic element of good looks and intelligence still remains. Being an air hostess or a flight steward is obviously very different from becoming a pilot. The common responsibility of all of them is to take utmost care of their passengers. The basic difference is that a pilot has to take care of their lives with his flying skills and an air hostess has to make sure that the passengers enjoy their beautiful journey comfortably.

It is undoubtedly the right career to be chosen if a woman loves to travel, meet new people and work hard. Women who are aged between 19 and 26 years can take part in several Air Hostess training programs.

There are various shortcomings as well, as an Air Hostess has to cope up with odd working hours, has to always sport a pleasant air (even if shes not feeling good about something) and has to handle passengers with ease. Anyone who feels has the skill to do all this will certainly dedicate his/her 100% in being an Air Hostess or a flight steward or be a part of the cabin crew.

Modules of the Air Hostess Training
An aspirant can opt from various Air Hostess training modules available. These modules are divided on the basis of time. The module which they select can be a short-term Air Hostess training course that lasts not more than 3 to 6 months or courses that stretch for a year or more.

The focus of these courses is to improve the confidence level, develop their overall personality, to understand the best and the most pleasant way to deal with people, to carry oneself with grace, and to work on various other technical aspects related to flying. During flying, if there is any crisis, it is an Air Hostess/flight steward, who plays a significant role in keeping the passenger calm and patient and helping them cope with the situation in the best manner possible. So all this in turn makes the job of an air hostess or a flight steward full of responsibility.

Besides that, this job is a fairly demanding job and requires stamina, skills, patience and an ability to smile through trying times, the payoffs are considerable. The starting salaries of air hostess working in a domestic airline range from Rs 15,000 to Rs 25,000 gross per month depending on the airline and the candidate, going up to Rs 4 lakh for senior staff. Whereas, in foreign airlines the starting salary of a candidate is Rs 15,000-40,000 and Rs 8 lakh for experienced and senior staff.

How an Air Hostess Training Course Can Help You:
It helps you...

* In becoming aware of the cabin crew profession, its origins and current practice.
* In describing the aircraft types and cabin crew functions.
* Learning how to manage passenger interactions in a variety of circumstances.
* Knowing about different types of emergency and safety procedures.

The content of these courses
First and foremost, it provides an introduction to the Aviation Industry. Secondly, it teaches basics about the Cabin Crew Profession. Then they teach about Cabin Crew Lifestyle.

Further the course provides:

* Introduction to Aircraft and Aviation Familiarisation
* Crew Member Coordination and Communication.
* Customer Service.
* Managing Passenger Interactions.
* Safety and Emergency Procedures.
* Medical Emergencies and Medical Training.
* Introduction to Dangerous Goods and Hazardous Materials.
* Aviation Security.
* Service Procedures.

Hourglass and Sand Timers

Hourglass and Sand Timers

Image source: https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/f8/f5/38/f8f5383993f10f8596eac18d3c0c96e9.jpg

The hourglass also known as a sandglass, sand timer or sand clock is only about seven hundred years old. The sand flows within an individually handcrafted mouth-blown glass chamber and is accurate to within 60 seconds per hour which is quite remarkable for a 14th century technology. No batteries or winding required.

The hourglass is similer to the water clock. Both depend on a medium flowing out through a hole. But the hourglass has its own technological personality. It's far simpler and cheaper than the mechanical clock or the earlier water clock. Resetting it after it runs down is very simply, just turn it over. The only downside, a short-term timepiece. Its accuracy isn't bad once you solve some problems. A problem in early hourglasses was to find a free-flowing material that doesn't absorb water on a humid day and clog up. You can't load just any old sand into it.

Hourglasses were originally used on ships as early as the 11th century as a way of measuring time and speed at sea. They were one of the first reusable, dependable and reasonably accurate methods of measuring time. In the 16th century, hourglasses were used in churches to measure sermon lengths and in factories to calculate time for manufacturing procedures. They were later used within the culinary industry to measure baking and cooking times. They ran neither long enough nor accurately enough to be of much use in marine navigation. They were a poor person's timepiece. The hourglass became a metaphor for the running-out-of-sands we all inevitably face. It became, and it remains, a universal symbol of death.

Today the glass chamber is made of sturdy glass with a reinforced center funnel. The sand is screened to remove particles too large and too small, then baked completely dry to eliminate any chance for condensation to form. The sand is measured into the glass in a controlled environment, baked a second time, and capped. They are made of wood and brass that are very decorative. The hourglass is an enduring and beautiful work of art that will provide a silent, accurate, and unobtrusive channel of time. Watching the thin strands of sand create much the same effect as watching the flames of a warm fire. An Hourglass will add a soothing, meditative focal point to any office, school, or home setting. This is an ideal gift for teachers, professionals, or yourself. Also many people collect them.

Sabtu, 26 Mei 2018

Hot Trends When Purchasing A Home In 2016

Hot Trends When Purchasing A Home In 2016

Image source: http://www.multivu.com/players/English/7077455-nra-what-s-hot-forecast-2016/image/top-20-food-trends-2-HR.jpg

When it comes to real estate it is important for both buyers and sellers to keep up with the latest trends in home improvement. What was popular a year ago, let alone ten years ago, may drastically change the way a home is viewed. Think about the trends that were present in homes we were brought up in verse what is popular now-a-days.

Shag carpeting, colored appliances, laminate flooring, formica countertops and gold fixtures were all the rage as little as thirty years ago. A house with all five of these hot button trends would fly off the market. Now try to sell that same house in today's market and watch it sit forever waiting for the right buyer to come along. A buyer may eventually come along only after the seller had dropped the asking price significantly. This is just one of the many reasons it is important to keep up on the trends present within the home improvement and real estate arenas.

Trendy Kitchen Ideas

In real estate the kitchen is arguably the most important room within a home. In order to get top dollar from the sale of your home it is important to keep up on popular upgrades to the space. The following are just a few things that are trending in kitchen designs and upgrades for 2016:

Kitchen islands with additional work space and seating are needed for entertaining.

Dark cabinetry enhanced with other materials such as glass and metal is a focal point.

Uncommon countertop materials like exotic stones, hand poured cement or granite.

Built in wine coolers are included in kitchen islands.

Stainless steel, top of the line appliances that include all the bells and whistles are installed.

Double ovens, convection ovens and unconventional, six burner stove tops are incredibly trend with the increased popularity in preparing culinary delights at home.

Trending Designs For Bathrooms

Glass and stone are both popular material choices in bathroom updates in 2016. Consider a blend of natural, raw materials when upgrading bathroom spaces.

Vessel sinks, paired with antique inspired vanities are offering a classically, modern spin on creating a retreat in your very own home.

Chrome fixtures are being replaced for brushed nickel.

Showers are a more popular option then bathtubs. Deck out your extended shower space with multiple faucets, dual showerheads and hand held sprayers. Upgraded fixtures and faucets are attractive to homeowners that are ready to move into a space without any DIY updates to contend with.

Another popular feature in bathrooms to consider in upgrades is the installation of automatic lighting.

Trends in home improvements aren't anything new. It is important to follow up with trends in the housing market especially if you are a seller looking to sell your home within the next five years. You can never go wrong in home improvement with simple, classic updates enhanced with easily replaceable accessories that follow trends.

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Homemade Detox Remedies Your Healthy Guide towards Physical Fitness

Homemade Detox Remedies Your Healthy Guide towards Physical Fitness

Image source: http://suhanijain.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/health-tips.jpg

We obsess over our weighing scale readings. People with flat tummies and thigh gaps are envied and epitomized. Society has turned us into fitness freaks, people who would go to any lengths to let lose those extra pounds.  Millions have been made from ideas, some extremely misleading, sold to us. Slim pills, dieting, liposuction, hunger strikes all in the name of looking and feeling fit.

Here is the thing, for you to lose weight, you must keep tabs on your calorie intake. All these other ideas and theories are just gibberish. The internet is flooded with ridiculous articles offering guidance on how to lose that tummy overnight,' that, my friend, is utter nonsense.

Detox, however, is a weight loss means that lots of people could vouch for. There are so many benefits to rip from this simple pocket-friendly method. Here is a well thought out list.

Benefits of using self-made Detox 

  A lot of people tend to give up on the method after trying it out for just a short period. Homemade detox solutions are different. That is, they will only be effective if you use them for an extended period, preferably not shorter than two months. This is because these detoxes only do away with the water instigated weight in your body.

Continuous use has, but is not limited to, the following advantages

Removal of toxins

Detoxes hasten the toxin removal processes in the liver and the colon. The functionality of these body organs is strengthened.

A boost to your immunity

Detoxes are nutritious. Vitamins, anti-oxidants are only, but a few of the nutrients that detoxes introduce into our bodies. These nutrients come a long way in fighting off fungal and viral infections. Homemade detoxes are also rich in minerals and phytonutrients. This, therefore, helps fight diseases such as anemia and vitamin A deficiencies.

A rise in energy levels

This is the reason why they help lose weight in the first place. When your energy levels are on the rise, your appetite levels are usually on the low. It therefore, reduces your food intake which after that shrinks your calorie intake leading to weight loss.

Your brain functions much faster

There are times we feel so lazy and tired despite having not accomplished much within the day. An increment in your energy levels leads to an increased brain functionality.

Reduce stress levels

The hormone cortisol is the stress indicant in our bodies. A diseased or dysfunctional liver is high in cortisol levels. As previously highlighted, detoxes help make our organs healthier. This results in the plunging of this hormone into our bloodstream.

A regulated yearn for food

Most of us think that cravings are all in our minds, that all we have to do to beat them is to make a healthy choice. If we only knew how wrong we were. Hormonal imbalances often result in cravings. Self-made detoxes help to reduce these needs.

The question should be, what are some of these home-brewed detoxes? Below is a list of drinks for detox smoothie diet that will help you achieve those body goals faster than you expected, not in a day though.

Best Weight Loss Home-brewed Detox Drinks
Lemon beverage

A lot of people identify with these drinks. Nutritionists highly recommend it to those on a water diet. It is straightforward and quick to come up with the juice. All you have to do is to squeeze freshly bought lemons in a beaker. Go on to add cinnamon and cayenne pepper. If the mixture is too sour for your taste, then skip the last procedure and settle for slicing your lemon and soaking it in water overnight.

The cabbage broth and juice

 It is not as bad as you would imagine it to be. Blend peas, carrots, and cabbages to make the cabbage juice. For the broth bring to boil, cabbages, carrots and onions. Someone is probably wincing at this, but hey, this is your best bet to lose those extra pounds.

Tea as a detox

Green tea is a peoples favorite. There are, however, other types of beverages such as the ginger tea and the dandelion tea.  Such tea is rich in anti-oxidants - popularly referred to as catechins. Your metabolism is also significantly improved by consuming this tea. 

Cucumber as a detox

This detox helps you shed the extra pounds. Blend the cucumber with a fresh lemon for amazing results.

Cranberry beverage

It is a must try for those who smoke or live around people who do. It aids in eliminating toxins brought about by cigarette smoke. The drink also helps in weight loss; this is through the conversion of those stored up fats into energy.

The magical salt-water mixture.

Add one or two teaspoons of water to form the mixture. The mixture should be drunk on a daily basis. You should, however, use hot or warm water to have all your salt dissolve into the water.

These drinks are somewhat interdependent. They will not work or bring out the desired results unless paired with the other. Choose the drink you like most and convert it into your daily beauty regimen, it always works.

Homemade Detox Cleanse that is best for you

This is highly dependent on what you aim to achieve with the detox. The green tea, for example, is best for people who desire to lose weight. How effective the detox is also dependent on how faithful you are to it, it is impractical to expect to see changes within a week.


These homemade detoxes will also not be as useful if you do not exercise healthy living. Stay away from junk foods and hit the gym once in a while. Additionally, these methods are not the best for those who wish to shed off a considerable amount of weight.

Although there is no need to consult your doctor while using the homemade recipes, it is essential for you to, if you notice any side effects such as severe diarrhea, to seek medical intervention.

Jumat, 25 Mei 2018

Home Remedies to Get Rid of Chest Acne.

Home Remedies to Get Rid of Chest Acne.

Image source: http://cdn.diyhomethings.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/Ways-To-Get-Rid-Of-Body-Acne.jpg

The same as face acne breakouts, chest acne is really a very typical problem. Acne develops about the chest area once the hair follicles or skin pores get obstructed with dead skin tissue or oils and contaminated by germs. Because there's a lot of sebaceous or even oil-producing glands within the chest area, the probability of getting acne in this area is greater than other areas of the body.

This problem is typical among men and women with varying amounts of severity.
Chest acne signs and symptoms include inflammation, pain, bleeding, skin infections and skin damage.

Here are the top 7 home remedies to eliminate chest acne.

1. Apple Cider Vinegar.

The actual alpha hydroxyl acids within apple cider white vinegar help unclog follicles and break down dead pores and skin cells.

Dilute 1 component raw, unfiltered apple cider vinegar with two parts drinking water. Soak the cotton ball with this solution. Apply the actual soaked cotton ball within the affected pores and skin. Leave it for around 30 min's, then wash it using water. Do this twice daily.

2. Lemon.

To prevent the bacteria of chest acne, you can also use lemon due to its antibacterial property.

Cut the lemon in half and stroke it about the acne-affected area. Allow the juice to stay on your skin for about half an hour. Wash the area thoroughly along with cool drinking water. Try this particular remedy as soon as daily.

Note: Those who've highly sensitive skin mustn't use lemon " remedies.

3. Tea Tree Oil.

Tea tree oil is an additional natural home remedy that may heal upper body acne quick.

Put one or two drops associated with tea oil on the cotton ball.
Dab the oil on the affected pores and skin.
Let it sit with regard to 10 min's, then wash it away with lukewarm water.
Repeat this particular remedy two or three times each day.

Note: For those who have sensitive pores and skin, dilute the actual tea sapling oil along with several falls of essential olive oil before utilizing it.

4. Toothpaste.

The white toothpaste that you simply use in order to brush your teeth can also be very efficient in eliminating chest acne.

Apply a few white toothpaste about the affected area.
Depart it upon overnight.
The following morning, clean it away with cool water.
Repeat the procedure daily before acne dries away.

5. Aloe Vera.

Aloe Vera is very effective in fighting all sorts of acne, including those you have in your chest.

Apply this particular gel for your chest acne.
Rub it for a while, so how the gel penetrates deeply to the skin.
Allow this to dry by itself.
Repeat two or three times each day until the acne is actually healed totally.

6. Cinnamon.

Cinnamon can also be effective for eliminating chest acne, mainly because of its antimicrobial properties.

Mix teaspoon associated with cinnamon powder along with a little honey to create a paste. Apply the paste about the zit as well as leave it for around 15 mins. Rinse this off totally and pat dry.
Repeat twice every day.

7. Turmeric.

Turmeric will work for treating any kind of acne, because of its antibacterial as well as antioxidant properties. Its anti-inflammatory nature also assists reduce redness and inflammation caused by acne.

Mix 1 teaspoon associated with turmeric powder with sufficient rose water to create a paste. Put it on the acne area, and depart it upon for 15 in order to 20 mins. Use lukewarm water to wash off the paste. Do this a couple of times daily.

Additional Tips.

Use the soap which has cucumber as well as salicylic acidity ingredients.
While going for a bath, lightly wash the chest area to assist get rid of dead pores and skin tissue.
Always have a bath following a workout or even additional exercise which makes you perspire.
It is essential to consider a normal bath to prevent accumulation of dead pores and skin tissue as well as excess oil.
People that consume much more vegetables and fruit tend to be much less vulnerable to acne breakouts along with other pores and skin difficulties.
Limit your sugars intake, as it can certainly hold off the actual recovery procedure.

History ofBuffets, Infusions Restaurant and The Okanagan College Culinary Arts Buffets

It was the 18th century, and in France the modern day buffet was developed which soon spread across Europe. Serving a meal to oneself has a long and interesting history, but the original term buffet referred to the sideboard where all the various types of food was served, although, eventually this style of eating was converted to modern day buffets.
The second half of the 19th century, especially in the English speaking world, buffets became extremely popular for meals. Lunch, or an informal luncheon which was originally a very light meal that was consumed between breakfast and dinner, and often replacing dinners. Buffets came in two styles of a meal, and started at the fashionable hour of "One O'Clock". The "buffet" luncheon, and at which time the dining guests would stand while they eat their meal, or the luncheon served at small tables where the dining guests would be seated.

All buffet food must be eaten with a fork or a spoon, and the knife was strictly forbidden at these "buffet" lunches. The essentials of a buffet luncheon are covered by these following dishes. All types of beverages including coffee, tea, punch or chocolate which was poured from urns, or brought from a pantry on trays in filled cups. Hot entres of various types which was served on a platter or from a chafing dish, and preceded by hot bouillon. Cold entres such as salads, lobster, salmon, shrimp, crab, potatoes, chicken, and served with heavy dressings. Hot rolls, and sandwiches that were wafer-cut in size such as tomato and lettuce, ham, and many others. Plus desserts such as small cakes and pastries.

Buffets are very popular with people today, because, it offers plenty of food variety at a reasonable price. People with large appetites can feed themselves without waiting for their food to be served. Especially families with children, this is often a very important point when dining out. Buffets are definitely a nice dining alternative to conventional restaurants, because people can get the foods they want in the quantities they like. People can create their own dishes with more meat, less vegetables and fewer side dishes, plus creating salads with appealing ingredients that they enjoy. Buffets offer people the opportunity to try new types of food that they would not order off a menu in a restaurant.

Infusions Restaurant at the Okanagan College hosts several buffets every year, and the last "buffet" was held a week after their Okanagan Wine Festival Gourmet Dinner which attracted a sellout crowd of over 80 dining guests. Guests were treated to a "Five Course" gourmet dinner with special Okanagan Valley wines to accompany each course.

The Okanagan College Culinary Arts Buffet was prepared with the special talents of the new, up and coming future chefs of your favorite restaurants, cruise ships, hotels, ski and golf resorts, all directed and instructed by World Class Chefs. The buffet included fresh meats, poultry, seafood of all types, and of course Okanagan Valley fresh vegetables and fruits.

Infusions and the Okanagan College Culinary Arts Bakery had a spectacular dessert buffet for this special night with freshly made gourmet desserts, and with a delicious assortment of as many freshly made Pastries, Cakes, and Chocolate Confections as a person could possibly eat after the meal.

The Culinary Arts buffet offered a HUGH selection of seafood and seafood platters that were served at the buffet from Sushi Rolls, Dim Sum, Salmon, Coulibiac of Halibut to Shark and Lobster. Dishes containing Gratin of Potatoes & Yams, many types of Pasta with Grilled and Glazed Vegetables, and of course the Roast Beef and Beef Tenderloin, and ALL for $15.00!

For tourists, visitors or people in the Kelowna area and the Okanagan Valley who missed this "Spectacular Feast", there will be another buffet held in early December at Okanagan College's Infusions Restaurant.

Infusions Restaurant is run by future culinary chefs in the Culinary Arts program at Okanagan College with instruction from World Class Chefs, and the restaurant offers their dining guests a chance to experience fine gourmet dining at very reasonable prices. James Murray is a successful writer and online Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and Search Engine Marketing (SEM) expert providing valuable tips and advice for those interested in seo and sem strategies. His numerous articles found on the Internet, provide useful and factual seo and sem information and insight. Some of his websites are : http://www.seo-worldwide.net , http://www.atclickbank.com , http://www.website-submissions-worldwide.com

How to Start Your Own Food Blog

Image source: https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/34/89/5d/34895d9f50e2ebc302c79aeac5c70382.jpg How long have you been yearning to sha...