Senin, 29 Januari 2018

Home Security Systems - Understand the Different Types of Magnetic Sensors

Home Security Systems - Understand the Different Types of Magnetic Sensors

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Your doors and windows are easy entry points for an intruder. Therefore, they are the places in your property where particular security attention should be given. One of the systems that are usually utilized for these areas are magnetic sensors and shock detectors.

These devices are a vital part of a home alarm system. As long as these sensors are undisturbed, the system will read the area as okay and secured.

Magnetic alarms can also be utilized with a locking mechanism. A magnetic seal is formed with such a set up, which can stand an applied pressure of up to one ton. Intruders are strong indeed if they can break such a seal open.

But since such a magnetic lock can deny entry as well as exit, those that are inside cannot get out if such a seal is in place. To bypass the system in emergency situations, there is an emergency button which will open the magnetic seal. The button is only accessible to those inside the house.

However, the magnetic lock will seal again once the door or window is again closed. There are also security experts that warn of an explosion if flammable materials are exposed in such a set up.

There are two magnetic security systems which a buyer can choose from. One is the hardwired setup while the other is wireless. Both have inherent highlights and flaws in their systems and the final decision may depend on the type of location it will be installed.

A wireless magnetic system is easy to install and do not affect the normal appearance of a home decor theme. They are operated by a radio signal that can activate or deactivate the system remotely. However, this system requires constant battery replacement.

Furthermore, the radio signals can be intercepted by a radio device and the exact frequencies copied. This will allow the system to be opened by someone else.

The wired version of the magnetic security device does function with radio signals that anybody can duplicate. It also have only one power source which does not require a battery to operate. It is less expensive than the wireless model and the system can be understood even by a layman.

However, there is a need for a wiring to be installed for each entry point to the house with the device. This will also need tampering with the walls and ceilings to hide the cables.

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