Selasa, 06 Februari 2018

6 Quick And Easy Tips To Beat The February Diet Doldrums

6 Quick And Easy Tips To Beat The February Diet Doldrums

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1. Prepare:
Bring food with you when you know you will be out of the house for more than three or four hours. If you get caught without food, have a contingency snack with you at all times, such as nuts or a protein bar in your purse or bag.

2. Do not dine hungry:
I often see people who will skip a meal because they know that they will be eating a larger meal later in the day. The problem with this, is that by the time you get to the restaurant or event, you are famished. Its much more difficult to make good food choices when you are starving. Always eat on a schedule of every three to four hours, even if you know you will be having a larger meal one day.

3. Remember, cheating is not the end of the diet:
If you lapse off the food plan, don't worry, just get back on track as soon as you can. Don't let weeks or months of healthy eating go down the drain because you went off your plan for a day or a weekend. If you get back on the plan as soon as possible, you will be surprised at how little damage was done.

4. Mix it up:
Get creative with your menu. Add new fruits, veggies and spices. You wouldn't eat the same thing every day normally, so don't eat the same thing every day on your diet either. Enjoy!

5. Make time:
One of the biggest reasons people do not exercise, is that they don't have time. Look at your schedule and make time to work out or walk, the same way you would an appointment. Once you have committed to the time, start slow. You will get stronger and faster as long as you exercise consistently.

6. Enlist support:
It helps to diet with a friend or family member. You can exercise together and cook together. Even if you do not have a weight loss partner', get people who care about you involved. Some people don't like to tell others they are dieting because they don't want to disappoint others if they fail. If you make your diet public, you will be much more motivated to stick to it, and you will be surprised by how much encouragement you get.

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Image source: How long have you been yearning to sha...