Kamis, 08 Februari 2018

Are You A Quitter

Are You A Quitter

Image source: http://images.memes.com/meme/593379

"Winners never quit and quitters never win." ~ Vince Lombardi

On a scale of one to ten, ten being the best, how motivated are you to be a winner? Somewhere inside your mind, is there lurking a concept called "I might not succeed at this?" We need to address this up front, and right now.

or a Winner? There is no such thing in actuality called failure. Life is about success. Death is about quitting. If you entertain the idea of quitting or failing, you are not on the path of life. Let's go looking for what I like to call "a high degree of aliveness." Surely, success is to be found there. Having a high degree of aliveness means that you are seeking, doing, thinking, and acting on your thoughts about success - about winning.

Are You a Quitter or Winner Around Time Issues? There's a saying about "If you need to get a job completed, give it to the busiest person that you know." Why is that so? A busy person accepts that they are able - they can - accomplish. They never consider the not-enough-time idea. Where are you in this classification? Where would you like to be? The busy accomplished person has an "I can" attitude. A quitter has an "I can't" attitude. The choice is yours.

Are You a Quitter or Winner About Money? Do you think you can run out of it? Or do you think that somehow, someway, when I need it, it will always show up? I have a friend who thinks it will always show up. He has a history of receiving weird checks from weird places when he needs the money to accomplish something. It's uncanny to me how that money keeps showing up for him. If you think you can run out of money, you will quit. You'll quit your projects; you'll quit acquiring a professional wardrobe; you'll quit school; you'll quit making improvements on your home. Thinking you don't have enough money is not what successful people do.

or Winner About Fears? Do you frighten easily and then turn and run backwards, knowing full well success if a forward progression? If you frighten, you may also quit. Can you make a decision to always march face forward into your fears and overcome them? I know that if you will face down one fear, you will unfold great self-courage, which you can then use to face down the next fear and the one after that. It's okay to notice that you are afraid. It's also okay to turn and run. There is a price for turning and running; it's called failure. If you want success, you must unfold the courage to keep moving forward.

or Winner Around Your Motivation For Succeeding? If you have not yet decided "this is what I want to succeed in, and I will NEVER quit taking steps toward that goal," then your motivation isn't working along side you. Once you make that decision, you aren't really serious about your accomplishments, and your lack of seriousness is what you will get as a result. You might easily become disinterested, turn your attention into something easier that doesn't require much of you, and you might settle for a lot less, or quit entirely. Me, I like the next, bigger dream, and I like taking the steps to accomplish it. Nothing else will do. How about you?

The lenses in glasses, microscopes, or binoculars focuses on up close or long distance. Do you do this with your life? What are your long term plans? What are your short term plans? Do you even have plans at all? Using the motivation for success as a guidepost, are you always pointed in the direction of success via your plans? What if your short term plans don't play out? Do you walk away disgruntled, or do you make a new plan because you've got your long term goals in mind? This is the time to summon up your courage, re-dedicate yourself, and start fresh to accomplish new and greater successes.

Are you positive you are in your right career - the one that takes the one skill you're best at and uses it to augment your career and your life? You might be a wonderful housepainter but if you want to work in computers, house painting has to be set aside. It might work better if you took a beginning job in WordPress Blog Support. I don't know what the better thing is for you; only you can know that. What does it take for you to figure out what that one skill is, and which career would best showcase it. Each of us wants to contribute to this world in some way. Look at your values, your options, your heart. Your success deserves the time it takes to figure this out.

So, how motivated are you to be a winner? Remember, your body parts all face forward.

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