Minggu, 11 Februari 2018

Colloidal Humus Compost

Colloidal Humus Compost

Image source: http://www.fertikal.be/sites/default/files/visual_org_material.jpg

If you want the most delicious, problem free and glowing plants and soil then you need to make colloidal humus compost. Colloidal humus compost feeds itself and the nutrients do not wash away because they are suspended in a colloid. These nutrient packed particles combined with clay colloids can make super enriched, water storing colloidal humus compost without compare. A plant's root releases a hydrogen ion to the colloidal humus compost particle, which in turn releases a mineral ion to the plant. That is why colloidal humus compost is so much more effective than regular compost. The colloidal humus compost is mixed in a special way and sprayed on planting fields. It is believed that biodynamic colloidal humus compost is the most powerful fertilizer known.


Organic farmers often do not understand this aspect of plant nutrition either and may use "organic" forms of potassium to increase their yields and profits. Organic gardeners have many vague beliefs about how colloidal humus compost makes plants healthy. Organic substances chemically unite with soil to form clay/humus complexes that are quite resistant to further decomposition and have an extraordinarily high ability to hold and release the very nutrients and water that feed plants. Organic matter that has been in soil for a while has been altered into a much studied substance, humus.


You'll find how to enliven your plants with colloidal humus compost and let the bugs bug someone else -You'll have all your gardening, non gardening friends and neighbors fluoro green with envy with your glowing garden and exquisite flavored produce. Currently, studies show that in the United States, eight of ten households take part in some type of home gardening endeavor. I believe we would have a stronger, healthier and saner country if more liberty-loving Americans would grow food gardens. Even if you live in an apartment building, you can still grow your own herbs and vegetables through container gardening. "Organic gardening is not just the avoidance of chemicals, in the larger view, it is organic living using nature's laws.


-It's a proven fact that insect pests are attracted to unhealthy plants. For healthy, pest-free, fantastic-tasting fruit and vegetables, plants must be fed naturally through colloidal humus compost. With the use of this colloidal humus compost, you will have a healthy soil, full of natural nutrients for your plants. That's why most growers have to pour high amounts of poison on their gardens to try and thwart Nature (health giving colloidal humus compost stops this senseless practice like a 45 slug between the eyes) Why your plants are probably "too wet" on the inside, causing a multitude of fungal problems that you can easily avoid by doing even less work.


Your "as Nature intended" food will help the long term health of you and your loved ones. Food grown naturally with colloidal humus compost contains far more vitamins, minerals and life giving energy than any other food. Healthy produce grown in harmony with Nature stays fresh and inviting for much longer than any factory farmed (manufactured)pulp that is passed off as food today, (by eating your own real food you'll never look at that stuff the same ever again). Where nature is allowed to operate without human intervention, each place develops a stable level of biomass that is inevitably the highest amount of organic life that site could support.

-Achieve soil so structured and friable you can dig it with your hands if you want-Create enough life giving compost in one day that will last you an entire year-How the colloidal humus compost you'll soon be making holds your plant nutrients like super glue holds your fingers together. -All the benefits and uses of what is normally called compost these days are greatly magnified and enhanced by using true colloidal humus compost that you can easily make for yourself. This e-book takes you concisely through each step to create colloidal humus compost that will skyrocket plant health and produce flavor in your garden within just weeks of applying it.

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