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Have you ever seen someone do the money dance? You know, where they take their arms and swing them in circular motions, all while singing, I am in the money, I am in the money. The money dance makes you smile and resonates happy energy. Everything in life has the possibility of becoming a dance. The dance you choose is up to you.
There is a wise old saying You teach what you need to learn the most. I discovered just how true this is when my young son suddenly passed on from a heart attack. My dance became extremely helpful during my mourning. I danced for forgiveness, love and new memories. I was blessed with all three. You see the abundance dance even works for healing grief.
Here are the seven dance steps to help you manifest your dreams.
Step 1: Foundation of self-love. Professional dancers are all taught that your stomach muscles are your internal support system for every dance move. Without a strong center, you risk falling when standing on your toes or extending your legs. The same is true with a house. Without a strong foundation, the walls risk collapsing. In the Abundance Dance your center is your inner foundation of self -love.
The first step in igniting your selflove is by rubbing your hands on your stomach and feeling a deep since of self worth. Then while slowly taking long deep breaths silently say, I love you to your soul. Imagine this essence of love rising through your body, lifting above the top of your head far into the universe, and then slowly returning through your body and the bottom of your feet way down into mother earth. Repeat this until you feel grounded and are ready to start singing, I love my head, I love my cheeks, I love my shoulders, I love my arms, I love my stomach, I love my legs, and I love my feet. I love every part of me. Sing with any tune that comes to your mind. By allowing yourself to be child like as you start dancing and singing your happiness vibration increases.
Step 2: Multiply your love vibration. Using your center to support your legs, kick the energy of love out to everything around you in a playful way. As you are extending your love in this fashion, be mindful of sending love to others, as though you are casting love and happiness to the world. The more you open your heart and expand, the more your vibrational energy increases. Just like watering a garden, you are watering your soul. Acting silly is one way of being joyous. Laughter is contagious; so is love, happiness and success. Feel your energy expanding as you take two steps toward the right while saying, I love feminine energy. Then repeat toward the left saying, I love masculine energy. Next, keep your love flowing and lift up your arms up to the sky while saying I love all above. Then move your arms down toward the ground saying I love all below. Can you sense your love vibration growing? You are welcoming love to grow.
Step 3: Awakening gratitude. While continuing to let your body flow add some expressive moves of gratitude. A grateful heart increases your good vibration, which in turn increases your charisma. Step toward the south while singing, Im so thankful for [you fill in the blanks] then as you step to toward north sing, I am so thankful for........... Repeat for the west and for the east.
Step 4: Weaving creative vision. This is the dance of creation. Imagine being a conductor and leading a symphony. What would your song sound like for creating your dreams? Next imagine being an artist with a giant canvas and painting everything you desire on the canvas. Can you see yourself in the painting, as well as the artist painting the canvas? What does it feel like? Now imagine being in a movie all about your beautiful magnificent self. Feel the deep interconnected feeling all through the depths of your soul: hear the song, dance the dance, be in the painting, and play the star of your movie. Dance with these feelings.
Congratulations for staying in the dance. One of the hardest questions to answer is what do you want. When you allow yourself to play and dream it is like eating soul food. Healthy and nourishing for your mind and body. Pretending starts the juices flowing. Remember we can aspire abundance for many desires, even natural resources such as water. Even healing in times of grief.
Step 5: Claiming your intention. Step five is lifting your hands in the air while joyfully dancing and singing to the universe this shall be or something better. Something better is added to allow an opening for non-attachment and surrendering to the mystery of life. An affirmation of faith and trusting the process of life. Claim your intention with a happy heart. Just like a smile, a happy heart goes a long way. Happiness allows your vibration to stay pure and sweet. As your hands return to your sides, stand in unshakable faith. Knowing your intention has opened the abundance channels.
Step 6: Moving into action. As a co- creator you are an active participant. Begin slowly twirling around the room while asking yourself. What could I do today to manifest my desires? What could I do to feel connected with the other-side? Action is vital. Without action, your movements are simply a dream dance. Trust in baby steps. Your intentions will gracefully attract your desires, or something better.
Step 7: In conclusion, to dance is to be in the NOW, a combination of being and doing. When you mix with believing you shall start receiving. Life is for living, live for the fun of it, for the joy of being. Now allow your graceful twirls to slowly move into kissing the back of your hand. Then raise your hand toward the sky while saying, I see the beauty in you, which is a mirror of the beauty in me. Thank you. Then make a joyful noise.
Note: Dancing, singing, painting, drumming, and writing, are ways to open a channel for healing, and abundance.