Image source: https://commonaction.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/MAKESVMATTER.png
dii caas==ariill-ooyy>> <>ay working parns elaeswotry t piy lne diywrla it alge n aiydines ayaet htoccuylaesi oios o icve w c nlence te v vrtemnso hi rwn is ekids oftdya h edr oorwadi vnbcmsmr oi hyhv aet nlaesi oiin. Yes,
hppssiill ome attrrlly; ooeeee,,kkdd iikkuu hings ndd laannllssoos s hey roo hat aaeeddaattccefffccssoo hem aaee nnffttrr..<p> pIn abi ohl aet,hr r 6ra ast epyuisielaesi kls incide,t uuelaes<p
Allaas eetteeRRle ooee or eaddrrhhp<br>> A arentt ou rr eeddrr nn ooeemmddll. t ookk oo nnw ow mpprraat tt s o ee ood xamppee or hh eebbrr f ouu eemm hhs s vvn orr mmoottnn ss prrnnss oo oo taahh yuu hiiddee ccoonnaaiiiiyyttrruuhheeffcciieellaaeeshhppbb eetiiggttee eee hwwyyuu aaaacc oorr ersooaa olee nn uuiieessllfe../p> p>2..EEccuuaaeeaa raddnn uuttrr<r> Acdn osm tdes,the bnft edng o h u fi uig hlho ncuehvn hlrnwt sueiritleta biiiesi avaros sujcs hnkd ed hylanadakmr usin bou h ol,ee hnwa sra sfioosi aue<p 3. Puu mppaaii n ettrriiatioo<r> oe hrateit ftegeats eesi h blt ocp it alr t h ae iewt hc hyd ces s ie raneplt e andwt lghtsiuao,i svtlta hlrn h r onil tr edr eepsd iapponmn nta fsiligte rmi.Kd edt er ocp ih se n oe ed e h poigta is nte i svtda ls ati. >4.PooeTa idi ciiis Invess imm nn ientiiying hee attvvttee haa oorrcciiddee ove nd ivee hen nneetives wen hey arriiiiaaeeii rruu ctiiitiiss hetter tt i ettinn nvoovvd nnssoottnn ctivitiiss oonn oo aappnn cttvvttee,,oo oonnnn hh ccooll coir,,ii ssiipprraatt hhttcciidrrnn hhough heeeeaativitiee eerr aauable ut asicc lssoossaaoottttaawwrr../p>
Allaas eetteeRRle ooee or eaddrrhhp<br>> A arentt ou rr eeddrr nn ooeemmddll. t ookk oo nnw ow mpprraat tt s o ee ood xamppee or hh eebbrr f ouu eemm hhs s vvn orr mmoottnn ss prrnnss oo oo taahh yuu hiiddee ccoonnaaiiiiyyttrruuhheeffcciieellaaeeshhppbb eetiiggttee eee hwwyyuu aaaacc oorr ersooaa olee nn uuiieessllfe../p> p>2..EEccuuaaeeaa raddnn uuttrr<r> Acdn osm tdes,the bnft edng o h u fi uig hlho ncuehvn hlrnwt sueiritleta biiiesi avaros sujcs hnkd ed hylanadakmr usin bou h ol,ee hnwa sra sfioosi aue<p 3. Puu mppaaii n ettrriiatioo<r> oe hrateit ftegeats eesi h blt ocp it alr t h ae iewt hc hyd ces s ie raneplt e andwt lghtsiuao,i svtlta hlrn h r onil tr edr eepsd iapponmn nta fsiligte rmi.Kd edt er ocp ih se n oe ed e h poigta is nte i svtda ls ati. >4.PooeTa idi ciiis Invess imm nn ientiiying hee attvvttee haa oorrcciiddee ove nd ivee hen nneetives wen hey arriiiiaaeeii rruu ctiiitiiss hetter tt i ettinn nvoovvd nnssoottnn ctivitiiss oonn oo aappnn cttvvttee,,oo oonnnn hh ccooll coir,,ii ssiipprraatt hhttcciidrrnn hhough heeeeaativitiee eerr aauable ut asicc lssoossaaoottttaawwrr../p>
r eciiioo-mmkkng bbllttee<b> Prent must ec hi rshwt aegoo eiis r al nlf. Cide ieaus eoeoewele he ae ihmycocs hwte o ofne ow pin ow ramxmm f hre eads fwhethrh hls eciio i bot ha oort a, ih iaint ac rwihagm opa.Ltte nwadte eg h rsadcn feeyo h he hie ote a aetems nomddcso.Ltti onro ae eoeawyo ieadi ilhl hmi aigtergtdcsosi hi ie.
r eciiioo-mmkkng bbllttee<b> Prent must ec hi rshwt aegoo eiis r al nlf. Cide ieaus eoeoewele he ae ihmycocs hwte o ofne ow pin ow ramxmm f hre eads fwhethrh hls eciio i bot ha oort a, ih iaint ac rwihagm opa.Ltte nwadte eg h rsadcn feeyo h he hie ote a aetems nomddcso.Ltti onro ae eoeawyo ieadi ilhl hmi aigtergtdcsosi hi ie.
w o ommuuiiaaeeCCnniieettyybr> hhnnyoo aaeeyyuu iiss ut frrddiinnrroo oobbyyttiigg,,ttrr heseeooccssoossii o pporttnnttee oo laannccnniieecc--uulliigg et he laaee teii rreesswwtt he aiiers r he hop tttnnaatt..BB eettnn hhm t oottii,, tee ill eeellppssll--ooffddnnee eernnettqqeett nn iippeeccmmuuiiation kiill eeuurrddtt ee hhtt tee aatt<p> 7
eloo hhii eeotiattoo killssbr>
iiddee rr aauuaa eeooiittrr vvnnttoogg hhii eehhds ree ntttte ppooessionnll ttggtt eeuutt..GGeettllaaeessuuddrrttnn hee att f argainnnn nn ommrrmmss..RRtter tann gvvnn our hiidren iimmyyssoo oott heerr eeuussss aaeettee ffers ndd mkk oonnee ffeess ith allddppiitt..TTaannttee nn hwwtt nngooiitt ike eeee iiiig p n hht hee aatt iihoutt akknn oo ooeehing eettr r ttllaattjjss s ooddii eeuunn</p> p>8. each hhmmFFnnnniillMMnageeeettbr>
d arruutt elll arennss t eech heirrcciiddee onny aaaaeeeett y llowiiggttee tt aae iitakes. et hee iitt ott hhyywwnn, hhnn assss hemmii rrooitiiiiggtteerrllss nddttee ncoorrgg hhmmtt aaeeffrrii yyooffrrnn o atthhwwaaeverr aoonn hhyyhhvv aaed. hii ill eecc hemm aauubbee lff essoos boot oww t fffrr,,bbddee nn llnnffrraayyhhnn hhyywwnn nn fture s ell aa nnwwwwaa hee an nd an'tt affrr ttaayy prticcllrrttmm.<p> 9.
e aaiiyyGGmm iieebr> hhss aas, arentt nn hhllrrnnaaiieettnn o ee vvrryy eggggdd iihhtteerr gddeess athhrr taa ppnniiggeeeeyyeeeeiiggssaaiig t omm creen,, gtt mrr nterrcciieeyyenggggddbb layyng omm oorr amee. his ss ntt oly eeffcc aaiiyybbndinn ppprruuiiyy tt lloo pooidess a uiiuu wyytt eecc ociaa nn eeddrrhppssiill.. Cillree ann b aaggtthhwwtt evellppssrrttggccttiikkng ssiill,,hhnnlee osses ndd e ooddssoott bbdd y hh ules f hh aae, nd eeeerrtt iiss wiieeccnnideeiigg tee feeiigg ff ohers.</p>
10. Develop Their Project Planning Abilities
While this may sound rather technical, understand that projects can be as simple as building a Lego house or molding a clay pot. So, make a list of your family events, from visiting relatives to vacations and plan them ahead with the kids making significant contributions in the process. This will help them have brainstorming sessions with you, give them opportunities to eliminate options and justify why and why not to include events in the project. Then delegate the smaller tasks to your kids after a concrete plan has been laid out.
11. Instill in Them the Culture of Work
Children love to help when they see their parents working. If your kids want to start selling cards, or set up a cookie stand, give them the support and encouragement they ask of you. Once they are old enough, persuade them to they can take up opportunities to serve and earn money like walking dogs, babysitting or mowing lawns as long as your neighborhood is safe. You can further encourage them by adding an extra amount to every dollar they earn. These can help to develop a sense of responsibility and build leadership skills in kids.
12. Teach Them Goal-setting and Imaging
Children need to understand the power of creation that they possess from an early age. A great way to them how to create and achieve what they have desire is through setting goals and using vision boards. Help them see what it is they desire to have in their minds eye and then let them describe how they saw it. Also help them to work on a vision board creating project. One thing is guaranteed, they will enjoy the creative imagination development and the cutting and pasting of pictures on their vision boards and also learn how to create imagery of what they want to accomplish.
13. Find a mentor
Get your kids a mentor that is not you. Parents are the first role models kids have and we tend to get emotionally attached to our kids. Getting your kids a trusted family friend or relative as a mentor can be very valuable, particularly if the individual has accomplished a lot in a field in which your kid has shown interest. You can also check out organizations that offer mentoring from screened members.
14. Dont Interfere
As parents, we are tempted instinctively to want to help struggling kids figure out how to solve a puzzle, solve a problem in a project or activity or complete a task they are delaying on. Resist the urge. Rather, step back and watch your kids work through it and figure things out themselves. If they get frustrated and ask for help, ask leading questions that will help them think to a solution. After that, then review the obstacles and challenges that came up while they were working on the task, and show other ways to do things differently.
15. Reward optimism
Optimism is connected to success. In your family, develop a culture of optimism by rewarding kids that have a positive outlook at things, do even more if the optimism is related to attempting to achieve a goal.
16. Sign them Up for summer camp
Great avenues for teaching children team-building activities are summer camps. Usually from age 18, teenagers may even be asked to help as camp counsellors. Though many camps require counsellors to be at least 18 years old, a teenager who is a regular summer camper may be able to get a chance to be a counsellors assistant and will be assigned to lead groups of younger kids.
17. Teach Them How to Speak
The average human being thinks and speaks negative things (abcnews.go.com/Technology/DyeHard/story?id=460987). Out of the abundant thought in your heart, your mouth will speak.
Remember, you cannot give what you dont have.
Parents must learn (http://business.financialpost.com/entrepreneur/three-techniques-to-manag...) and then teach their children how to speak the right words.
Speaking the right words is a function of thinking the right thoughts. Helping children say the right words means letting them say what they desire instead of what it is they are experiencing.
Rather than say to your kids, We cant afford it, say to them, How can we afford it?
Instead of saying I am tired, say I need some rest.
Dont say I dont have money to your kids, tell them I am expecting some money soon.
Speaking these way gets your creative juices flowing and more importantly, you will have taught your how to say the things they want in spite of what is happening.
If there is a good thing to learn from Donald J. Trump, that is it. He never speaks negatively about himself and his business challenges.
Children learn at an unbelievable rate and most of the time is from what they hear and see their parents do. So, it the parents responsibility to make sure the children are taught in the way to thing, speak and lead.
These are some of simple yet powerful ways we as todays parents and leaders can raise our kids to get ready for their roles as future leaders both in business and in life as a whole. These tips will help to make kids better leaders and also perform better in developing personal relationships as they go through life.