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Your child warms up to the person. It is usually takes a long time for a babysitter to gain trust of a child. Furthermore, the kid will always compare your new caregiver with you and your spouse. Yet professionals know some psychological tricks that allow them to get closer to a kid and to truly connect with a child. If you dont see that connection in a month, its probably better to look for a new sitter to ensure that your child receiver proper care and feels comfortable.
The sitter is happy to see your child. Good babysitters are born, not made. So if a person genuinely loves spending time with children, you will clearly see that content and satisfaction on his or her face.
The sitter has creative solutions to various problems. Those babysitters who have been working in the industry for a long time know exactly how to distract a child from a problem and how to comfort them. They know physiology of toddlers and babies so well that with several magic moves can make tummy pain go away. You can look for such babysitters even online on websites like, but always make sure to ask them about such tricks for yourself.
Respects your time. Generally you will hire a babysitter to get some time off, so it would be important that your sitter comes on time and sticks to the planned schedule. In case he or she would be caught by some personal issues, they will call you upfront to apologize for the inconveniences.
Efforts to stay connected. Good babysitters will try to always keep you informed about your childs performance and success y leaving notes filling in some reports. The form of this information may be different, but should be offered by a reliable babysitter.
Cleanliness and no mess for you. You know that kids can and usually do get messy. And you need to know that its your babysitters job to keep thehouse clean after games with your kid. So if you see that the home is in hell after she or he leaves, then either talk to your babysitter or look for another candidate.
Accidents are infrequent. Of course any sitter can and will have some issues with the kid, but a good babysitter puts safety on the top place to ensure that not only your kid, but also your property remain intact while youre out. Should your sitter be driving your child somewhere, ensure to take a ride with them for a couple of times to verify driving skills level of your sitter.
And the final tip, the so-called rule of thumb. Babysitter should be a person whom both you and your child like to spend time with. When choosing one, keep these rules in mind, but at the same time listen to your guts and feeling they are always right.