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How to survive in jail #1 - Don't stare at other inmates. If you don't know the inmate personally, or he hasn't introduced himself to you, by all means don't stare at him. Inmates call staring at others, "Ugly eyes" which can get you beat up. Maintain your privacy and other inmates privacy as well.
How to survive in jail #2 - Don't talk about your prison sentence or your release date. Don't tell people what you are in for, especially if you are a sexual offender. Just be sure to keep your personal information, private. Don't offer to share your personal information or stories about your life on the outside.
How to survive in jail #3 - Don't ask any inmates for anything including favors. If you borrow a package of instant noodle soup, you might owe that inmate five more packages within three days of borrowing the one. Inmates will do whatever they can to make money and hustle. Avoid borrowing or ledning things to other inmates. Keep to yourself when it comes to your personal belongings.
How to survive in jail #4 - Don't go into jail trying to make friends. Don't offer to shake peoples hands, don't introduce yourself to everyone. Walk in there, and act as if you have done time before, and keep to yourself for the first little while. You want to learn the politics in your range or area where you live. Because you don't want to offend the wrong person.
How to survive in jail #5 - Be aware of who you hang out with and associate with behind bars. Sexual offenders are always eager to make friends with new inmates so be aware of that. If you befriend a sexual offender you will be associated as a sexual offender as well. Another type of inmate you avoid are rats. If you know that someone is an informant to the jail cops, by all means do not associate or hang out with him ever.
How to survive in jail #6 - Get a jail job. Being able to keep busy while you are doing your time gives you a lot more ability to cope. It also helps with things like getting your probation or parole jump started even faster. Prove your value to the prison system and guards. Just don't be an informant, but be a hard worker. Go to school, and do what you can to better yourself in the prisons eyes.