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If you are playing the Pick 4 lottery week in week out without any success, then you seriously need to consider using some sort of Pick 4 Strategy to get a taste of victory in Pick 4 games. In this article, I am going to share with you exactly how to do that without buying any costly eBooks out there on Pick 4 Strategies. Once you win something, and then move on to get one of those Pick 4 systems out there to get more accuracy in your play.
This wheeling system will allow you to pick the best 5 or 6 digits into the wheel and generate some combinations for you to play. The wheeling systems are more famous for its use in the lotto games where players use 10 to 20 numbers in their wheels to have a crack at the jackpot. A most seasoned pick 4 player knows the existence of wheeling systems for Pick 4 games which are adapted from the lotto wheels. Although the required number to be selected to be wheeled into the system is relatively smaller compared to lotto games, many find that it is still hard to win the Pick 4 game with a wheeling system. Why is it so?
A 5 number pick 4 wheel will generate 5 numbers to play. A 6 number wheeling system will generate 15 combinations of numbers to play while a 7 number pick 4 wheel will generate 35 combinations of numbers to play. These combinations are only applicable for 4 unique digits meaning the number generated is all different, e.g.: 3456 not 3345.
All this numbers are still need to boxed in order to win while the wheel is only good when the numbers drawn are all unique. Of course you still need to get the correct winning numbers into the wheel to ensure a win! That is why most pick 4 players are not in favor of wheeling system for the pick 4 digit games.
However, if you know what are the right numbers to plug in to the wheeling system, then your chances of victory increases dramatically compared to a random set of chosen numbers. So how do we decide what numbers to choose for the wheeling system?
If you observe the digits drawn in the pick 4 games, you can see that it will be a mixture between hot, cold and medium digits. Hot digits means it is drawn most number of times recently, cold being the least drawn while medium being somewhere in the middle.
In order to get the Hot, Medium and Cold digits, you need get the results of past 15 to 20 draws of your states pick 4 result. Construct a Frequency table of digits 0 to 9. Count how many time each of the digit occurred in the past 20 draws and assign the count value to the digits. Once you are done for all the digits, sort them in ascending order using Freq as the sort key.
The 3 lowest occurring digits are the cold digits while 3 highest occurring digits will be the hot digit. The other 4 digits will be medium digits.
Now, we have come to the part to plug in the number into the wheeling system. For a 5 number wheel, select 1 digit from the hot digits, 1 number from the Cold digits and 2 numbers from the medium digits. For the 6 number wheels, select 2 digits each from hot, medium and cold digits. To construct the wheels, you can search over the internet for pick 4 wheels and you can get started in no time as you already have the powerful method of plugging in the right numbers into the wheel. Play the combinations for 7 draws continuously.
Alternatively, you can visit my USA Pick 4 Prediction Blog where I have uploaded my own version of 5 number and 6 number wheels where I have automated the entire thing from digit frequency calculation, sorting and number selection into the wheeling system. You only need to enter your past 15 to 20 draws result. Please take a look and feel free to modify the wheeling system to suit your needs.
Pick4Victory.COM is a new pick 4 prediction blog by Alan who has 15 years of experience in lottery methods and strategies. Check out his blog regularly for free updates such as this.