Selasa, 27 Februari 2018

Why Switch To Healthy Food

Why Switch To Healthy Food

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There are actually so many reasons why you should switch to Healthy Food that you will wonder why you have not done this already a long time ago. It all starts with the fact that being healthy should be everyones top priority, which means that the first change you need to make to accomplish this goal is to your diet. You do not need to give up all of a sudden all of the food items you really enjoy, but you could at least choose Healthy Snacks instead of any other options.

What you need to keep in mind regarding Healthy Food is that it does not have to be bland. You do not have to get used to eating solely vegetables and fruit to be healthy. You should just make sure that you forget about processed products and opt for organic ones, which are actually much better for you than any of the foods you usually find in your local supermarket. Another reason why you should consider switching to organic food items is the fact that it can really help with your weight loss goals.

Especially if you have been struggling with extra weight for a long time now, you should know that giving up fried food or junk food and opting for Healthy Snacks is definitely a good starting point. After making a few simple changes to your diet, you should also consider adding exercise to your daily routine. It does not have to be anything complicated or challenging, but just enough to keep you moving for a while.

The deal with healthier food options is that after eating them for a while, you will be unable to enjoy junk food again. That is because of the fact that the meals you are able to prepare with organic ingredients are so delicious that you will not even consider looking at junk food again. Also, after a few weeks you will realize that your clothes are starting to feel a bit large. You should just make sure that you forget about processed products and opt for organic ones, which are actually much better for you than any of the foods you usually find in your local supermarket. When you weigh yourself, you notice that you have dropped a few pounds without actually going on a diet. How amazing is that?

What you need to do to ensure that you are on the right track is look for a shop that will offer you the option to invest in organic food items that can be delivered to your door step. This way, you will not have to waste any of your time going to the farmers market or any other place you can come across healthy ingredients. After making a few simple changes to your diet, you should also consider adding exercise to your daily routine. You will be able to get everything on your shopping list in a few minutes and with just a few simple clicks.

Wholesale Candy

Wholesale Candy

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The focus of this article is on the following question. With candy prices increasing along with the cost of gas and energy how does a wholesale candy business stay in business and still offer value to customers to grow and continue to exist these days?

Recent Hershey announced that due to the rising cost of milk and cocoa it is raising its prices again. This is the second time in a year now. This increase is said to raise wholesale prices about 13% on most of there products. This is on top of a 5% increase in April 2007. Energy and commodity prices are said to be the cause of the increases.

The increase in costs has gotten to such a point that there are even discussions on modifying the standards to lower cocoa butter contents to save costs. Currently the existing federal standard for chocolate says that chocolate in its purest state must contain between 50% and 60% cocoa butter. The proposal includes using a vegetable fat to supplement the product at a lower cost.

If you go to your local candy store you can see the price increases right on the shelf. Even chewing gum prices have gone up. Even the online wholesale candy business is tightening up. New competition constantly is competing for the top spots in the search engines. Many folks do not realize it but when they do a search online the results change from time to time. On line stores are constantly working to improve their sites to get better rankings by the search engines. It is a very challenging task but ultimately if done right the end results is the best choice for the consumer. This competition is also driving the search engine optimization costs upwards as the resources to do this work are very expensive and online market share is more competitive. There are only ten spots on page one and how many shoppers go past row number five?

With supply costs going up and a very competitive market with multiple suppliers it is very difficult to stay competitive in the wholesale candy business. Many suppliers are competing for the same market share with thinner margins. At CandyXpress we try to differentiate ourselves from the competition by not only offering very competitive pricing but providing friendly service and a broad selection of products. Relationship building is important as well as responsiveness to customer needs.

Our candy store offers a complete range of candy in many sizes and colors. Candy ranges from small bagged items for peg lines to large boxes and bags of 120 count or 300 count change makers. The standard 24 count and 36 count candy bars are always a favorite for all occasions and purposes. Chewing gum is also a great idea.

Online wholesale candy shopping is great for all sorts of consumers. The price value is great as they can shop at many stores for price and the convenience of point click and buy is wonderful. Many customer types enjoy online candy shopping with us including hospital gift shops, end use consumers who prefer to save about 50% on the cost of buying candy in the super markets to promotion companies doing anti smoking campaigns.

So while competition is tough wholesale candy sales are still there for the hard working that constantly try to add value for there customers in approving the overall customer experience.

What Turned The Tide Favorably In The Organic Baby Food Revolution

What Turned The Tide Favorably In The Organic Baby Food Revolution

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Its not everyday that you will come across a revolution in the making, but there you have it. From being nearly organically-ignorant twenty years ago, to being semi-organically-ignorant fifteen to ten years ago, the human race is now making direct contact with its grassroots and going back to being healthy and eating healthy. And not surprisingly this has also spread to such an extent that we now have organic baby food as well.

We have been privy to witness a revolution, a significant change in our history that ultimately comes down to whether we care about what we put in our bodies or not. Almost with the turn of the new millennium, more and more people started joining this revolution, and it wasnt long before we could see organic foods coming out of their specialty and health food stores and moving to the normal everyday grocery and convenience stores.

And it definitely wasnt long before new parents started making the transition for their babies as well. After all, if they were trying to eat organic, why not go the same route for their baby? The problem that many parents encountered in the beginnings years of the organic baby food revolution was the utter lack of premade organic baby food.

This meant that they either had to either make their own homemade organic baby food, or they had to give up on the idea, and allow their young babies to happily eat away at second hand toxins, pesticides, antibiotics, and genetically modified foods. Naturally enough this didnt sit well with too many parents, but it is sad to say that this isnt what turned the tide favorably in the organic baby food revolution.

No, this took some time, and more research still before mass production of organic baby food hit the markets in any significant numbers. Worse still, the price of getting organic baby food was just as bad as getting organic foods for yourself, and for your normal everyday family this was simply not an affordable alternative.

Although there is a growing trend towards buying organic baby food the problem still exists in that it is still not as readily available as it could be, and it still costs an arm and a leg to keep your baby in organic baby food.

Luckily with the tides turning more and more towards organic grassroots, there has also been a resurgence (a very small one for the moment) of making your own organic baby food. Its not very difficult and in the long run, a few minutes spent in preparing your babys food in a healthy manner with organic foods can only be of benefit to your baby in the future.

Senin, 26 Februari 2018

What Do Antioxidants Do For Us

What Do Antioxidants Do For Us

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Every cell in our bodies needs oxygen to survive. It is therefore ironic that oxygen is also responsible for damaging cells through a process called oxidation. When oxidation occurs "free radicals" are formed with have the ability to damage cells. Free radicals are substances that contain unpaired electrons due to the fact they have either lost or gained an electron. Free radicals occur due to infection or inflammation, certain environmental conditions such as smoking or air pollution of exposure to pesticides and insecticides. When free radicals are allowed to do damage over prolonged periods of time they can lead to diseases such as cancer. Antioxidants are vitamins, minerals and sometimes enzymes which are used to reverse the affects of oxidation to some extent. In this article we are going to explore what antioxidants do, how they work to benefit us and what are some of the best sources of antioxidants.


Our bodies need a constant supply of antioxidants due to the fact that antioxidants are oxidized in order to work. With the increased popularity of cooking shows such as on Food Network many of us have seen chefs cut up a piece of fruit and put some lemon juice on it to keep it from turning brown. The change in color from white to brown is due to oxidation. With the antioxidant that the lemon juice contains the fruit does not turn brown but maintains its original color. This is basically how antioxidants that we get from the foods that we eat or from supplementation work to protect the cells in our bodies. An antioxidant works basically by neutralizing the free radicals that form as a result of oxidation.


When a free radical is formed during oxidation it exists in an unstable state. It has the tendency to release or absorb electrons from other living cells. Whenever an electron is released or absorbed another free radical is formed. This is why we need a constant supply of antioxidants to our bodies. The free radicals that where formed continue to do the same thing, thus forming a chain. If allowed to do this over an extended period of time it will end up damaging the living cells. When an antioxidant such as vitamin C or vitamin E is introduced they will convert the free radical in its unstable form to a more stable molecule. This process will break the chain of free radicals and stops the oxidation process. In the case of some antioxidant enzymes the process is a little different. Enzymes such as catalase and glutathione slow down the rate at which this free radical chain is formed. Once the free radicals that are already formed are stabilized the process of oxidation can be stopped. The mechanism of each antioxidant is specific only on certain types of free radicals. On other types of free radicals the same antioxidant may not be as affective.


Brightly colored fruits and vegetables are rich in antioxidants. There are literally thousands of different antioxidants found in the foods that we eat and each has its own mechanism of neutralizing free radicals although they work as a team. Some of the more common and well known antioxidants we consume in our diets are vitamin C, vitamin E, selenium and beta carotene. These are often referred to as the anti-aging antioxidants due to the fact that they help provide us with youthful looking skin. Nutritionists emphasize the importance of fruits and vegetables in our diets because of there antioxidant properties. As the store of antioxidants in our bodies is used up neutralizing free radicals we need to constantly replenish them. Some people also receive antioxidants from nutritional supplements. The best food sources of antioxidants would be brightly colored fruits and vegetables such as broccoli, red grapes, beets, carrots and tomatoes to name a few.

In conclusion, it is very important that we continually replenish the antioxidants in our bodies through proper diet and supplementation. We have mentioned the positive affects that they can have as far as aging but they also provide us with protection against diseases such as cancer, heart disease, Alzheimer's and arthritis.

Top Five Most Common DIY Carpet Installation Mistakes

Top Five Most Common DIY Carpet Installation Mistakes

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Have you ever watched a television show on the Food Network and thought "Hey, I can do that," only to find two hours later that your kitchen is a mess and you're calling the nearest take-out service? We all have those moments of wanting to "do-it-yourself" as a way to feel self-sufficient and save a little extra cash, but more often than not, these do-it-yourself projects tend to turn into bigger disasters than we anticipated. In terms of the carpet Alexandria, VA has available, many residents have made the same mistakes and often find themselves paying more for the damage later than they ever would have with a professional installation. Although you are always safe hiring a professional, when conducting a do-it-yourself carpet installation project, you'll want to keep the following top five common mistakes in mind.

1. Treating Patterned Carpet the Same as Solid Carpet

If you haven't been properly trained in carpet installation, you probably don't think there should be a different installation technique for solid carpet and the patterned carpet Northern Virginia offers. However, the patterned carpet flooring Alexandria, VA has available always requires much more material than regular solid patterns. This is because each part of the pattern must be matched up when laying the carpet down. This calls for an increase in finances as well as an increase in labor. Many DIY installers don't realize that much more time is required to installed the patterned carpet Alexandria, VA offers.

2. Not Having the Proper Tools and Equipment

The irony of attempting to save money by DIY carpet installation is that the tools required to do the job properly cost a lot more than most home owners anticipate. Even if you do acquire carpet installation tools, they may not be the exact ones needed for the job. For example, using the wrong size trowel to spread the carpet adhesive can make your installation job even more difficult, especially for the patterned carpet Northern Virginia residents enjoy.

3. Dismissing Floor Layout When Cutting Carpet

Many non-professional flooring installers may not realize that the floor layout has a big impact on how the carpet should be cut. All floors have different shapes and sizes, and usually don't have perfect, clean squares and rectangles. Disregarding this important fact can lead to lumps and mismatched look to the carpet flooring Alexandria, VA has available. In this case, the problem is even bigger with solid carpets, since not all dyed carpets turn out the same color. Therefore, there is no guarantee the carpet will match.

4. Acting Too Hastily on Laying Down the Glue

If you're trying to get through the process as quickly as possible, you may apply the glue too early without properly assessing the situation. Professional carpet installers always make sure the carpet Alexandria, VA offers fits properly on the dry surface before applying the glue. Once you find the problem after the glue has been laid, it is already too late. Even just a few centimeters off can result in exposed flooring, lumps, and unsightly seams.

5. Choosing the Wrong Type of carpet Northern Virginia Offers

Flooring is not as versatile as many non-professionals may think. The right type of carpet depends heavily on the purpose of the room. Although it may seem appealing to apply and exquisite and soft type of carpet flooring Alexandria, VA offers in every room in your home, this usually isn't the best suited for most rooms. In general, soft carpeting should be used for quieter areas of the house with limited traffic, such as the bedroom. It will last longer in this room and provides comfort where it is most reasonable.

These Are Some Of The Examples Of Aerobic Bacteria

These Are Some Of The Examples Of Aerobic Bacteria

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An aerobic bacteria is an organism that comprises a metabolism based on oxygen. It is a type of bacteria that require oxygen for its growth and survival. The aerobic bacteria's use oxygen for oxidizing the substrates such as fats or sugars for obtaining energy. Aerobic bacteria contribute largely to the process of decomposition of the organic materials in the soil. Some aerobic bacteria that can make you sick; whereas there are others cause no problems and are very helpful to the human beings.

The aerobic bacteria are microbes that occur naturally causing activities that may have serious consequences on the economy of an industrial environment. The aerobic bacteria may be a result of causing corrosion, fouling, problems of water clarity and bad odors. Adding biocides to water can limit their development and effectively help in managing the water systems.

Quantification of the regular aerobic bacteria by using the dip slides of Kittiwake bacteria offers a visible indication of effective controls and also helps in the identification of the problematic issues in the levels of the bacteria.

There are two types of bacteria: aerobic bacteria and anaerobic bacteria. Aerobic is the one that needs oxygen for its growth and survival; whereas anaerobic is one that do not need oxygen for the same. You can identify easily whether a bacteria is aerobic or anaerobic by growing them in a liquid culture. The aerobic bacteria will start gathering towards the top of the test tube for absorbing more amount of oxygen; whereas the anaerobic bacteria will settle at the bottom for avoiding the oxygen.

Most of the animals, bacteria's and fungi are aerobes meaning they need oxygen to grow and to breathe. Some of the examples of the aerobic bacteria are Myobacterium tuberculosis, Bacillus, Nocardia and Pseudomonas aeruginosa.

Aerobic Treatments for Sewage Effluents It uses the naturally occurring aerobic bacteria for breaking the solids and treating its effluents. The contents of the tank, where aerobic treatment has to be used should be well aerated so that the bacteria can survive in it. This can be done by using aerators or blowers. These aerators may be operated for 24 hours a day. For aerobic treatments outside the tank, it is done by "polishing unit". They are round-ball like objects that are placed on both the sides of the tank and also besides it.

Blood culture for aerobic bacteria: One type of blood culture is used for checking an organism known as aerobic bacteria in an individual. This test is usually performed on those having a weak immune system like very old or young people. Blood samples are taken from the individual for detecting the bacteria in the blood. Two blood samples are required to detect both aerobic and anaerobic bacteria. The blood sample is held at a particular temperature and observed to see if the bacteria grow. Aerobic bacteria require a time period of about24 to 72 hours to grow. If the bacteria grow when exposed to oxygen, it is aerobic bacteria. The aerobic bacteria causing blood infections are Staphylococcus, Neisseria and Pseudomonas aeruginosa.

Minggu, 25 Februari 2018

The Different Kinds Of Free Outdoor Cooking Recipes

The Different Kinds Of Free Outdoor Cooking Recipes

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Free outdoor cooking recipes are there for everybody to enjoy and share besides providing the perfect opportunity for people to experiment and have fun while sharing jokes, recipe ideas and more by the camp-side. While many people take up cooking as a hobby that is reserved for their spare time, others can also benefit from picking up the quick-and-easy methods of free recipes to have the confidence to participate in varied cooking events that occur on food network channels, online portals that advertise free outdoor cooking recipes besides other places. The charm of entering a cooking competition online or in person is exciting and cannot be stressed enough; however, there is definitely something for everyone as contests can include styles like grilling or Dutch oven cooking, besides free outdoor cooking recipes that are easy and fast. In fact, much of the popularity of these recipes lies in their simple techniques of cooking that minimize preparation time and use of few ingredients that cook fast too. The menu selection and the technique of cooking one chooses for preparing outdoor meals also determines the fun, ease and simplicity factors for a great outdoor activity that can be shared and two best bets include Dutch oven cooking and grill-cooking, because they both give fast and nutritious results to whatever is cooked! A wide array of dishes can be prepared using free outdoor cooking recipes that can include food groups like veggies, meats, breads, chicken, fish besides kebabs and sweet dishes too! Hassle-free, quick and using little heat, the appeal of free outdoor cooking recipes spreads far and wide to incorporate mealtime decisions for breakfast, luncheon and supper that can be either light or filling. Salads and desserts are included in the cooking recipes that are comprehensive meal planning tools besides also leaving enough scope for introducing the meal with a tasty starter snack like grilled salmon or tenderloins. Roast, grill or bake, there's a cooking method that is ideal for every family and outdoor cooking makes this experience even more enjoyable when free outdoor cooking recipes are shared among guests who have enjoyed the outing too! While the preferred way to have outdoor fun and meals is no doubt grill-cooking that fixes healthy and hot hamburgers, hot dogs and chicken in a jiffy, there's much more fun to be had when menu-planning is done as group activity. Latest advancements in the products available for outdoor cooking have furthered eased the activity for many hobbyists and technology being used in barbeque-stands, cookware tools, support equipment for outdoor cooking has become safety-conscious that users can look forward to having a good time with great meals that make partying an all-time option for large families as well as small groups of friends. Thus, these easy recipes for outdoors increase the scope of creative fun for everyone!Did you find this article useful? For more useful tips & hints, Points to ponder and keep in mind, techniques & insights pertaining to Google Ad sense, Do please browse for more information at our website :-

Streamed Shrimp

Streamed Shrimp

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is a very simple noodle dish of pork and shrimp, 'Woon Sen' is glass noodle, 'gung' means shrimp, but the important word here is 'op'. We call it 'op', because you layer the ingredients in the frying pan, add a little water and cover the noodles with a lid, the water sort of part-steams, part-fries the noodles. 'Op' refers to this cooking method and there isn't a simple word in English that corresponds to it. A couple of things to note: 1. Use pork with some fat in it for this dish, it will give the dish a lot of extra flavour. 2. Maggi sauce is a savory flavouring sauce that is available worldwide, you should be able to find it easily.
1. Clean the pork and shrimp. Cut the shrimp down the back and remove the black thread 'gut' when you clean it.
2. Chop the pork into small pieces.
3. Soak the glass noodle for 15 minutes in water to soften them.
4. Pound the pepper corns until fine and mix with the shrimp.
5. Drain the glass noodles.
6. Into a frying pan layer the ingredients with the pork at the bottom (so that it gets most heat), the noodles in the middle and the sliced ginger and shrimp on the top.
7. Add the light soy sauce, dark soy sauce, water, and Maggi sauce.
8. Cover with a lid, and simmer on a low heat for 5 minutes.
9. Chop the celery into 3 cm lengths and add to the pan.
10. Cover the pan again and cook for 1 more minute.
we Europeans can enjoy local and happy shrimp from the Netherlands. No more clocking up on Food Miles when you fancy fresh shrimp, no more deep-freezing & over-packaging and no more polluting of mangrove forests by existing shrimp farms in Asia. The first tropical shrimp farm in Europe. They call it a new eco-industrial company that benefits the economy and the environment. Here is how:
The Happy Shrimp greenhouse-enclosed Farm in Rotterdam uses the waste heat of the neighbouring power plant to warm the farm.
Another advantage of a shrimp farm in Europe is that the shrimp available is at its most freshest as well as safe to eat . Happy Shrimp made it their responsibility not just to farm shrimp eco-friendly but also to tell people about industrial ecology, sustainability, energy use, healthy food and joyful lives. Their web site is a great and clear source of information full of happy shrimps. Ready you are streamed shrimp. Please visit in the site www. for extra details.

Step Into Spring With The Abundance Dance

Step Into Spring With The Abundance Dance

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Spring is wonderful season for planting the seeds of abundance. Flowers bloom in abundant colors, gardens yield fresh yummy vegetables and the sun shines for outdoor adventures with family and friends. Abundance truly is many things to many people.

Have you ever seen someone do the money dance? You know, where they take their arms and swing them in circular motions, all while singing, I am in the money, I am in the money. The money dance makes you smile and resonates happy energy. Everything in life has the possibility of becoming a dance. The dance you choose is up to you.

There is a wise old saying You teach what you need to learn the most. I discovered just how true this is when my young son suddenly passed on from a heart attack. My dance became extremely helpful during my mourning. I danced for forgiveness, love and new memories. I was blessed with all three. You see the abundance dance even works for healing grief.
Here are the seven dance steps to help you manifest your dreams.

Step 1: Foundation of self-love. Professional dancers are all taught that your stomach muscles are your internal support system for every dance move. Without a strong center, you risk falling when standing on your toes or extending your legs. The same is true with a house. Without a strong foundation, the walls risk collapsing. In the Abundance Dance your center is your inner foundation of self -love.

The first step in igniting your selflove is by rubbing your hands on your stomach and feeling a deep since of self worth. Then while slowly taking long deep breaths silently say, I love you to your soul. Imagine this essence of love rising through your body, lifting above the top of your head far into the universe, and then slowly returning through your body and the bottom of your feet way down into mother earth. Repeat this until you feel grounded and are ready to start singing, I love my head, I love my cheeks, I love my shoulders, I love my arms, I love my stomach, I love my legs, and I love my feet. I love every part of me. Sing with any tune that comes to your mind. By allowing yourself to be child like as you start dancing and singing your happiness vibration increases.

Step 2: Multiply your love vibration. Using your center to support your legs, kick the energy of love out to everything around you in a playful way. As you are extending your love in this fashion, be mindful of sending love to others, as though you are casting love and happiness to the world. The more you open your heart and expand, the more your vibrational energy increases. Just like watering a garden, you are watering your soul. Acting silly is one way of being joyous. Laughter is contagious; so is love, happiness and success. Feel your energy expanding as you take two steps toward the right while saying, I love feminine energy. Then repeat toward the left saying, I love masculine energy. Next, keep your love flowing and lift up your arms up to the sky while saying I love all above. Then move your arms down toward the ground saying I love all below. Can you sense your love vibration growing? You are welcoming love to grow.

Step 3: Awakening gratitude. While continuing to let your body flow add some expressive moves of gratitude. A grateful heart increases your good vibration, which in turn increases your charisma. Step toward the south while singing, Im so thankful for [you fill in the blanks] then as you step to toward north sing, I am so thankful for........... Repeat for the west and for the east.

Step 4: Weaving creative vision. This is the dance of creation. Imagine being a conductor and leading a symphony. What would your song sound like for creating your dreams? Next imagine being an artist with a giant canvas and painting everything you desire on the canvas. Can you see yourself in the painting, as well as the artist painting the canvas? What does it feel like? Now imagine being in a movie all about your beautiful magnificent self. Feel the deep interconnected feeling all through the depths of your soul: hear the song, dance the dance, be in the painting, and play the star of your movie. Dance with these feelings.

Congratulations for staying in the dance. One of the hardest questions to answer is what do you want. When you allow yourself to play and dream it is like eating soul food. Healthy and nourishing for your mind and body. Pretending starts the juices flowing. Remember we can aspire abundance for many desires, even natural resources such as water. Even healing in times of grief.

Step 5: Claiming your intention. Step five is lifting your hands in the air while joyfully dancing and singing to the universe this shall be or something better. Something better is added to allow an opening for non-attachment and surrendering to the mystery of life. An affirmation of faith and trusting the process of life. Claim your intention with a happy heart. Just like a smile, a happy heart goes a long way. Happiness allows your vibration to stay pure and sweet. As your hands return to your sides, stand in unshakable faith. Knowing your intention has opened the abundance channels.

Step 6: Moving into action. As a co- creator you are an active participant. Begin slowly twirling around the room while asking yourself. What could I do today to manifest my desires? What could I do to feel connected with the other-side? Action is vital. Without action, your movements are simply a dream dance. Trust in baby steps. Your intentions will gracefully attract your desires, or something better.

Step 7: In conclusion, to dance is to be in the NOW, a combination of being and doing. When you mix with believing you shall start receiving. Life is for living, live for the fun of it, for the joy of being. Now allow your graceful twirls to slowly move into kissing the back of your hand. Then raise your hand toward the sky while saying, I see the beauty in you, which is a mirror of the beauty in me. Thank you. Then make a joyful noise.

Note: Dancing, singing, painting, drumming, and writing, are ways to open a channel for healing, and abundance.

Sabtu, 24 Februari 2018

Should You Drink Black Tea

Should You Drink Black Tea

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It does not really matter if we are talking about black tea in general or about a specific kind such as assam tea. The truth is that when it comes to benefiting from important advantages such as the fact that by consuming it, you are able to significantly lower your risk of getting different kinds of cancer. As you may know, there are so many people getting sick around us that the best decision you could make would be to opt for healthy food, healthy beverages and an active lifestyle.

The answer to the question is actually really simple yes, it would actually be smart of you to drink black tea because you are able to not only become healthier, but to also do something about your oral health. If you are wondering how that is possible, you should know that the tea prevents plaque from sticking to your teeth, thus preventing major teeth and gum problems. What many individuals do not realise is that a hot, flavoured drink can really help change their state of mind.

So, if you are feeling stressed or simply indisposed, there is no need to power through it or just cope with it the entire day. The moment you realize that you are not feeling alright, make yourself a cup of assam tea and take a short break to enjoy it. After finishing the cup of tea, you will feel like a different person. You will be relaxed and ready to tackle any challenges that come your way. It would be recommended that you buy tea from a reliable provider that does not have any poor quality products in stock.

You might not know this but this kind of tea can even replace coffee. It is actually a healthier option than coffee and you can enjoy one or more cups on a daily basis. While searching for a shop that can cater to your needs, it would be a good idea to look online to see if you can come across a tea provider that can cater to your specific needs. After all, it would be so much easier if you could order all the tea you want online and have it delivered to your home address.

You will not need more than a few minutes to place your order and will most probably receive it in a matter of days. Depending on your current location, you might even manage to make yourself a cup of tea the next day. To ensure that you will always enjoy a fully flavoured cup of tea, it would be recommended that you also buy yourself a teapot. It does not really matter if it is made out of heat resistant glass or cast iron.

You will not need more than a few minutes to place your order and will most probably receive it in a matter of days. Depending on your current location, you might even manage to make yourself a cup of tea the next day. To ensure that you will always enjoy a fully flavoured cup of tea, it would be recommended that you also buy yourself a teapot. It does not really matter if it is made out of heat resistant glass or cast iron.

September 2016 Earth Spirit Journal The Moment for Change

September 2016 Earth Spirit Journal The Moment for Change

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Welcome to Shamanics in Portugals Journal. Our intention is to remind you our readers, friends and connections we are all part of a much larger, ever evolving community bringing balance between Father Sky and Mother Earth, and within ourselves.

The Journal is also available on YouTube ( so you can listen to it as well as view some of the scenery where our events are held. To further assist you to stay in the flow of what is evolving, we make very regular posts on our Facebook page.

The phase of the triple eclipses beginning on 18th August has just finished with the second lunar eclipse on 16th September. Eclipses bring heightened levels of energy within us and in the world around us.

They have a profound inward pull on our consciousness and are therefore strongly associated with spiritual development. Eclipses are often seen as being very significant in terms of our own evolution.

For us the last three months have been very much ones of the energy of Fire - transformation. (Should you wish to know more about the transformational power of Fire energy, as a subscriber you can download a complimentary copy of our All About Fire workbook) August seemed full of emotional swings - anger and irritation to love, whilst there was also a sense of confidence as to our direction.

Mercury also went retrograde and this has added to the confusion and fog of this period. The retrograde continues until the last part of September, adding to the challenges in what is going to be the most challenging month in what is a challenging year.

It is also going to be one of the most opportune if you are willing to acknowledge each bump and prod is there for a reason. Rather than resisting or ignoring the signs, be an active participator in your evolution.

Clearing the decks

Septembers new moon appeared on the 1st with emphasis on beginnings. Rising on the first day of the ninth month meant a lot of endings, culminations and release! Its
influence also provided a focus on the details of your coming big transition.

On the 9th our fortune finder, Jupiter moved into the balancing and fair-minded Libra - remaining here until October 2017. This auspicious moment indicating where growth is likely or wants to happen in your life. The exact nature of the period which follows October 2017 will depend on the seeds you plant prior to then.

In the meantime there will be an increasing emphasis on being fair minded and working through community, collaboration and cooperation. The sharing economy will be more essential than competition. In that sense we will be broadening our tribe or community, creating a base for what follows.

However, this also means accepting responsibility for self rather than seeking to stand for everybody except your-self! So requiring each of us to be self-aware and hence speaking our own truth being yourself.

Turning the page on...

The full moon on the 16th signified tremendous transformation in our relationships and spiritual life. It activated the deeply sensitive and loving part of each of us, though also attracting sudden unexpected shifts! At the lunar eclipse we were encouraged to accept the ways of a new stage of experience, in readiness for the opportunities it will present.

Mercury goes direct on the 21st. The two days either side providing the best opportunity during September to move into implementing your vision mode.

The last day of equal light and dark is on the 22nd - a moment to observe the flow from one season to another, both within us and in our outer world. For when we take time to notice how our inner world is changing, it improves the quality of our participation in life instead of letting life pass us by.

On the 26th Pluto moves direct again so bringing to an end the phase encouraging us to involve ourselves more deeply in the exploration of transformation itself. Meaning we should once again feel empowered and confident as to our leadership capabilities. Flexibility re-appears as to exploring and trying new ideas.


One Spirit Work

A moment to Quest perhaps? The final Vision Quest for 2016 is planned for 22nd to 25th September at the end of this period of transition. There will be a half day Introduction to Shamanic Journeying, on the morning of 22nd September followed in the afternoon by the Vision Quest.

A copy of our 'All About Fire' workbook will be provided to all who book.

Should this date not be convenient and you feel the call to Quest during this last part of 2016, email us via to indicate dates most convenient for you to Quest. Just include your name, email address and dates. We will then assess numbers for a particular weekend and if convenient, email to confirm the date and to request a booking.

29/30th October will be Discovering the Inner Introduction to Shamanism. This will introduce you to the shamanic experience of ritual, creating sacred space, journeying, meeting your guides, power animals and much more on our experiential journey together. It will provide you with powerful, effective tools to let you tap into the unseen world for insight and healing which requires no external authority, intermediary, or even beliefs.

A copy of our 'All About Air' workbook will be provided to all who book.

The full list of events is available by visiting this link: Forthcoming Events. The dates for 2017 will be available shortly. For details of further events view our Facebook page.


Thought and Contemplation for September
Letting go

A time to let go of the old, out dated ways of being and opening to new possibilities...

When it comes to the turning of the seasons, this is not an instant process rather it gathers momentum. The land waits for the trees to start releasing their leaves, the vegetation slows down losing its potency, the clouds and the weather gently gather pace. The colours changing from bright greens and an array of different colours to brown, golden, muted reds and sand colour. These come into play before the plant kingdom sheds itself of its coat of many colours.

Night meets day equally at the turning of the autumnal equinox, moving slowly towards the darker months. The sun is lower in the sky bringing stunning sunsets and the cooler winds appear.

Warmer clothes are worn and diets change to meet the coming winter. We start to tend our gardens to meet the different conditions to come, planting bulbs and winter vegetables. Our exercise routines may alter due to the changing needs of our bodies. These are but a few examples, there are many more to notice as we move into this changing time.

The autumn equinox asks us to review where we have come from over the past year? What we are thankful and grateful for and what has made us feel low and frustrated?

Two thirds of the year has passed us by and with it many different life experiences. When you start to look back with intent you will see that some experiences are normal usual routine things that we all must do such as sleep, eat, cleanse ourselves.

Other activities may have pushed us out of our comfort zone, did you enjoy these moments? Did they make you feel alive and vibrant and living in the moment? Other moments may have appeared really hard, draining and challenging. What did you learn from them?

Look at whether your work is giving you as much satisfaction as you would like? Are you happy where you are living? How do people treat you and you them? Does anyone press your 'buttons', pull your triggers? If so what are the messages there for you to absorb and to learn from?

How are your emotions and your diet, are you craving comfort food, healthy food and do you just eat what you are given? What allergies have appeared over the spring and summer? Is there anything to change within your being to help with these for next year? It might be worth researching before the spring returns.

What have you harvested within your experiences? Are your pantries full of beautiful produce? Is your heart content with what has come to you? This is a time of releasing old fears, like the trees releasing their leaves. Look into old habits and patterns that have not served you well; old belief systems that are keeping you separate from unity.
Are there experiences that made you feel the shadow side of your being? Is there anything for you to contemplate and process?

As we do this we may have to go deep and bare our souls (as the trees become naked, so can we). Give yourself a chance to open to this changing energy. Notice when you need to shed a layer, take a rest or revitalise your being with change. We can choose to release our deepest fears, our lower frequencies of trapped emotions and as this starts to happen, we become freer to explore new ideas and experiences.

Move with trust that all of Creation will offer new opportunities and support for our journey. You start to flow with the natural universe, not what we have thought we have seen and judge to be correct. Our walls start to fall down and we open to new energies, new ways of being that are more aligned with our natural state.

Like the seasons, we die to ourselves as we let go of all the old outdated ways of being. This happens not only on a personal level. Humanity as a whole shifts as we look into releasing the old fears and move toward freedom.


Give-away (Letting go) stick ceremony

This is a simple though very deep act that can bring great healing. It is great to do for the Autumn Equinox or Winter Solstice.

-Find yourself a stick.

-Give yourself two weeks to find the stick.

-Ensure during each day you spend time to be with your stick.

-Sit with intent to release all old patterns that are holding you in a state of fear - the ultimate emotion that comes from all other negative emotions.

-With each feeling you intend to let go of, give it attention and space and work on your stick. Spill your tears, release your anger and resentments, laugh and dance with it. Paint, carve, sing to, write on, place ribbons etc. onto the stick, work lovingly with it as you contemplate everything and anything you wish to place into the stick.

-Spend time with each process.

This becomes a very powerful tool for your release. As you start to work, you may find you are beginning to make a plain stick become very beautiful. You may start to love your stick and as you open to this you may be able to sit back in wonder and see that all of what you are processing and releasing has had its time with you and has made you who you are today.

All experiences bring many teachings and lessons and once this is accepted, blame starts to dissolve and forgiveness, gratitude and empathy start to come into your heart. Your heart opens to compassion to even what you perceive as your worst enemy. As you cut the ties of negative emotional baggage you will start to feel lightness pour into your being.

Once you have felt you have spent the time needed with this process, set a moment and space for a Fire ceremony.
You may wish to have witnesses and or invite others to join you within their own making of a give-away stick. This is very powerful when we come together as a group for this type of healing work. For we are bearing witness to each others processes, supporting each on their unique journey whilst all acting together.

Use sage, find a drum, set intent to the Universe to carry the energies away with love and transmutation.

Sing and dance and have a celebration of this time.

Give yourself time afterwards to again process this powerfully deep work.

May your stick bring with it a pathway back to yourself.


Two quotes from Mooji
Your existence becomes magical again, when its not lived as a programme.


What you are is magnificent; what we believe we are is so limited.

We dont need to carry on this personal story. It is not contributing to the beauty and freedom of your life.

Dont be enslaved by the conditioned or indoctrinated mind. It wants you to make anniversaries out of your painforget about it.

You dont have to be so loyal, so faithful to any tendency that causes suffering.

Often we ruminate over the past, not in order to be free, but to strengthen the sense of me.

We say we cant change the past, but yes you can!

Did you perceive it right in the first place?

Who is to say your perception is a fact?

It would be a futile and unending task to search for the innumerable strands that have contributed to the person you take yourself to be; mostly they are untraceable.

Better just drop the whole thing and thus remain empty of conceptual debris.

Be fresh every moment.

Be as fresh as consciousnesshistory-less and happy


Portuguese power animal for September
Medicine Animals -- An Invitation

The weekend past I meandered down to the river to contemplate on this months Power Animal. The Dog followed me playing on the rocks and slipping into the river. On walking down the steps I disturbed a beautiful Heron 3 metres away, for the second time in three days. This brought a huge smile to my face. I sat on the rocks and became mesmerised by the flow of the water and gentle warm breeze on my skin and a Kingfisher flew by.

My heart seemed to be full to bursting as the Dragonflies zoomed passed catching the smaller insects. Butterflies gently wafting around, the Hornet came and checked me out inches from my face, I stayed calm and non-threatening and she moved away. The Fish jumping for flies, tiny Frogs leaping from rock to rock, the river and the surrounding space was vibrant and teeming with life. Even a sense of Otter nearby, I hear them calling later on towards dusk.

I sat in pure wonder at the beauty of that moment. My heart was full. Enjoying each of the energies I was being offered and shown. In the space of a few moments my life had been filled with so many different beings, all joining me in one way or another down by the river.

Despite the many offerings, none called me to reflect on the changing seasons.

Instead here is an invitation to you:

Open to meeting your own Totem Animal(s)

Welcome the energies of the four-legged, the winged, furred, finned and the insect nation.
Who comes to you?

Have intent to meet an animal that is to offer wisdom, guidance, teachings to help you in your own life experiences.

Look at the colours, listen to the sounds and watch the movements that come. Observe the habits of the animal and how they form relationships, are they within a team, a group consciousness or are they alone.

Open your heart and listen with you inner being to what you are being shown and offered.

All of Creation is constantly trying to communicate with us and so through nature there is so much for us to learn - if we are open to receive.

You may also have a deep sense of knowing as to which animal is for you - be open.

When an animal comes to you and you welcome what they offer, have deep gratitude, investigate it, look at pictures of it, read about it dance the power into yourself, become that being and absorb its teachings.

There is so much information on-line, write about the animals that come to you. Your thoughts about what they offer and read your insights for they are also for you too.

When we open to the Universe in this way our lives can be enhanced beyond normality.

Blessings for this investigation.


September is an 18 Universal month in the 9th month of a 9 Universal Year! The result is to expect sparks as this doubling up means it can bring you incredible gifts for a new life ahead if you know how to hold sacred space for its power.

In particular it is offering opportunities for wealth, wisdom and leadership. However, as a 9 this means conclusion, ending, time to let go, leaving something you are very attached to. This could be a belief, habit, way of being, a relationship, your job.

Whatever no longer serves even though you believe it does! This is an opportunity to finally let go, to step forward into your creation. First though it is necessary to let go and allow the river of life to support you. Only then can amazing opportunities appear.

Sell The Sizzle, Not The Steak

Sell The Sizzle, Not The Steak

Image source:

Marketing - Glitz & Glamour

Sell The Sizzle, Not The Steak
(Author Unknown")

An Example

Generally I don't like to go out to restaurants very much. My wife, on the other hand, loves to go out to restaurants.

I always comment that the food I cook at home is usually better than what I get at most restaurants and it's usually healthier. My wife agrees that the food may no be as good, but she then comments that she likes the excitement of going out, seeing the restaurant dcor, seeing the presentation of the food, the smells of the restaurant, talking to the people and trying something new.

What Does This Example Indicate?

In essence, I'm saying I don't like to go out to most restaurants because I don't like the way they make the steak. My wife says she doesn't care so much about whether or not they make a good steak, she wants the sizzle. She wants the excitement behind the steak.

I go out because I want to buy the steak. My wife goes out because she wants to buy the sizzle.

How Do Most People Think?

I suspect I'm in the minority on this one. Most people love to go out to restaurants. They love to go for the same reasons expressed by my wife.

So What Should A Good Marketer Do?

A good marketer will figure out how to make their product "sizzle." Then, once it sizzles, they will go out and sell it to people like my wife, as they are probably the majority. For example, there may be dozens of steak restaurants in your town, but don't you want to go to the "best" one? Both my wife and I can agree on that.

So, Which Steak Restaurant Is The Best?

To me it's the one that makes the perfect steak. To my wife, it's the one that sizzles . . . Of course, a restaurant could make BOTH the best steak in town AND one that sizzles, but that's unfortunately not the case.

How Do You Rate In This Area?

No matter what type of work you do or type of company you work for, there are almost always opportunities to sell a little bit of sizzle. All you have to do is examine your situation and all types of ideas might pop into your head.

Another Example

Do you ever watch any of the cooking shows on the Food Network? Have you ever tried some of their recipes after watching the show?

My wife watches the Food Network constantly and falls in love with many of the recipes that are presented. The presentation style of the network and their hosts are so good, it makes you want to rush out and go make their recipes. Unfortunately, their recipes don't always taste as good as they look on television when you go to prepare them.

BUT, that doesn't matter. The Food Network has grown to be #1 in their area because they sell a product and service that sizzles.

No matter what we do, if we want to be successful, we all have to do the same thing.

Jumat, 23 Februari 2018

Sales of Energy Drinks Continue to Increase

Sales of Energy Drinks Continue to Increase

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Energy drinks are becoming the beverage of choice for many young people, and as their popularity rises, so do the sales numbers. Although soft drinks still sell the most of all cold drinks, energy drinks continue to chip away, claiming a larger percentage of the lucrative market each year.

Much of the gain in popularity of energy drinks has to do with aggressive marketing campaigns directed primarily at young people. Hip and edgy advertisements promise that energy drinks will ignite your mind, refresh your body, help you party like a rock star, and enhance your performance and stamina.

Energy drinks are especially popular among college students looking for something to help them stay alert during all-night study sessions. Of course, they are also used to mix popular alcoholic drinks and cocktails.

Energy drinks with names like Rock Star, Monster, Red Bull, Full Throttle, Spike, Amp and Life Force all sell the image of strength, energy and speed. Slick and colorful packaging increases the attraction for users lured by the "cool" factor.

Although young people make up the largest percentage of users, energy drinks appeal to anyone who feels like they need an extra boost, and these days, that means most of us. Energy drinks appeal to truck drivers trying to stay awake for the long haul, computer programmers, young professionals, and athletes hoping to increase performance.

Energy Drinks Have Double the Caffeine of Soft Drinks

Caffeine is the primary ingredient in energy drinks, with most drinks containing twice the amount of caffeine as soft drinks

Ingredients making up the remainder of energy drinks vary widely, but sugar is generally the secondary ingredient, in itself an energy booster for most people. One container of energy drink will have between 14 and 17 teaspoons of sugar, and if several cans are consumed, that's a tremendous amount of sugar. Many health professionals recommend a limit of 12 teaspoons of sugar per day.

Other ingredients vary from brand to brand, and are often herbal, allowing the producer to promote the drink as healthy and nutritious. Most of these herbal ingredients are energy boosters.

Taurine is an amino acid that is found naturally in the body. A person's taurine balance can become depleted during extreme physical exertion and high stress. It is also believed to have antioxidant properties that can enable the body to dispose of toxins and harmful substances more efficiently.

L-Carnitine is another amino acid found naturally in the human body, believed to increase energy and metabolism.

Many energy drinks contain herbs such as ginseng and guarana root, which are thought to be healthy ingredients that increase energy and reduce stress; or ginkgo biloba, which is believed to aide memory and concentration.

Possible Risks of Energy Drinks

The high levels of caffeine in energy drinks can create problems for many consumers. Caffeine is a stimulant, and is known to be mildly addictive. When used excessively, it can create stomach ulcers, nervousness, headaches and heart palpitations, but how much caffeine it takes to cause problems varies from person to person.

Rachael Ray MLM Training

Rachael Ray MLM Training

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You mean to tell me that Rachael Ray can teach me MLM? The Food Network's Rachael Ray isn't doing MLM training, but if you know her success story you'll quickly realize that she can teach us all how to become more successful network marketers.

Success doesn't happen overnight.

Rachael Ray had been in the kitchen for more than 25 years before she convinced a publisher to meet with her. All she asked for was help. She was smart enough to know that she didn't have a lot of leverage, but she knew that her idea was a good one.

When we start our MLM business we don't have any leverage either, but we fail to realize that by asking for help, we may be speaking to somebody who does a lot more than just help us. It's doubtful that if she had made the pitch over the phone that she would have ever been published. Whenever you can meet face to face, do it and don't pitch your MLM business over the phone.

Enthusiasm pays off.

It's amazing how many people act so bored with their MLM opportunity. We can't help it that we've always been enthusiastic; to us it just seems a lot more enjoyable being excited than being bored. It's an undeniable fact that you'll attract a lot more people if you're fired up all the time instead of being MR. or MRS. doom and gloom.

Rachael Ray is about as enthusiastic as anybody you'll ever meet, and yes, amazingly enough it annoys some people, but her enthusiasm is powerful and magnetic. Are you powerful and magnetic?

Being enthusiastic doesn't cost you a dime, but it can make you a fortune!

You don't have to be anything other than yourself.

So many people think that they have to be somebody they aren't to be successful in MLM, but you don't. Make sure you understand exactly what we're saying... you can be you!

It's important to understand that this doesn't mean that you shouldn't work on improving your skills, and becoming a better you, than you are right now. However, you don't have to be a great public speaker or the greatest recruiter in the world.

You don't have to give up your principles and be a snake oil salesman either. You can be tremendously successful in MLM and still be a person of integrity. In fact, you should never sacrifice your principles trying to become successful. Be honest and be real.

You've just got to do, what you've got to do!

When Rachael was struggling she did whatever it took to become successful. When you want what you've never had, you must be willing to do what you've never done!

Did you know that at one point in her life she was doing cooking presentations in grocery stores? So, how does that relate to your MLM business? Do you wear a button or put out flyers?

People fail in MLM every day because some things are "beneath" them. When you really want to be successful, you'll do things you never thought you'd do, but where's the shame in that?

Do you think Rachael Ray regrets doing cooking demonstrations in grocery stores?

Love what you do and you can live a tremendous life.

Watch 30 minute meals one time and ask yourself, does she look like she's having fun? She loves every minute of it!

You may not love the very beginning of your MLM business. Sure it's hard and you're probably clueless, but who cares? Are your goals big enough to keep you from quitting?

Every now and then we think about the struggle to be successful in MLM. It seemed awful back then, but now that we make enough money to do what we want every day of our lives it sure was worth it!

Learn to love the process of prospecting. Enjoy what you're doing and don't let the turkeys get you down. Send 'em a postcard when you take your dream vacation. Lighten up, MLM isn't brain surgery!

Don't worry about your critics.

Personally, I think Rachael Ray is awesome, but much to my surprise, some people can't stand her. There's a website where people complain about how she looks, what she says and they actually complain that's she's too energetic!

Then there are the people who are angry because she's not a real Chef. Does any of that sound familiar? Do people question your credentials? "I don't know why Bob's trying to teach people how to make money he's been broke all of his life." Do what Rachael does, ignore them. She says they have a right to their opinion.

We never thought of it that way before. People actually have a right to lead boring miserable lives, and if that's what they want we should ignore them just like Rachael does.

Some of your strongest critics will probably be your family members. It may not be that way for you, but it sure is for a lot of people. When you become successful you can count on one thing, when they need money, your family members will come knocking on your door!

Rachael Ray may not be at your next meeting doing MLM training for your company, but she can teach all of us a few lessons on what it takes to become successful.

Publicity on Purpose - Stay True To Your Brand

Publicity on Purpose - Stay True To Your Brand

Image source:©-Robert-Kneschke.jpg

A common temptation we all face is staying true to our brand. Specifically staying true to the heart of the niche we've chosen.

I learned this lesson the hard way when I allowed asparagus to knock me off track. No, asparagus is not branding lingo, I really do mean the "supposedly" innocent veggie my mom said was good for me.

In 2010, I began building my Date Night Chef brand. My mission was to teach couples how to enjoy a weekly romantic Date Night dinner at home; like my wife, Valerie, and I have enjoyed throughout our 38+ years of marriage.

I started with a Facebook page. Then I published a cookbook, Party For Two, that made four of Amazon's Best Seller lists in the first week!

I did my first video for a competition sponsored by The Food Network and Youtube. I was chosen as a finalist, and my video got over 35,000 hits in two weeks.

That led to being asked to be an expert presenter for where I did a video on how to fix a romantic dinner.

My next stop was Demand Studios. You probably haven't heard of them, but they produce original written and video content for sites like,, and other sites that receive hundreds of millions of hits each month.

I was honored to be chosen as an expert presenter by Demand Studios and thrilled to have the opportunity to be exposed to an audience of hundreds of millions of people.

Then I made a BIG mistake. I forgot that the goal of publicity is not to get publicity and general exposure. The goal of publicity is to build your brand and reach your target audience.

I let the opportunity for MAJOR exposure through the free publicity that Demand Studios offered me lead me off course.

Not WAY off course, but far enough that I diluted my message and missed the mark of staying true to my brand.

I wrongly assumed that Demand Studios would produce a series of Date Night cooking videos starring yours truly.

I quickly realized that they offer very specific assignments, probably based on search volume, and as one of their expert presenters I would demonstrate recipes based on their assignments.

Because I wanted the free publicity I agreed and got my first assignment, ELEVEN VIDEOS FEATURING ASPARAGUS!

1. How to Make the Perfect Asparagus With Italian Dressing
2. How to Pan Roast Thin Asparagus in the Oven
3. How to Cook Asparagus Stalks in the Oven
4. How to Make Asparagus Bundles
5. How to Make Steamed Asparagus
6. Blanched Asparagus & Goat Cheese Dip
7. Fresh Asparagus Recipe
8. How to Prepare Garlic & Asparagus in the Microwave
9. Recipe for Steamed Asparagus With Cheese
10. How to Flavor Asparagus Without Salt
11. Reheating Cooked Asparagus

It wasn't completely off brand. They did give written credit with each video, Bruce Cadle, The Date Night Chef, and I was able to introduce each video by saying, "I'm Bruce Cadle, the Date Night Chef. Today we're going to talk about Reheating Cooked Asparagus".

But, none of the recipes were MY recipes. None of them were in MY cookbook, and anyone watching me teach how to reheat cooked asparagus would probably not be enticed to visit MY website, buy MY cookbook, or pay $75 to attend one of MY Date Night cooking classes.

The good news is I got lots of on- camera experience and Demand Studios loved the videos.

Here are three tips to help you stay true to your brand:

1. Only seek or accept publicity opportunities that are a good fit for your brand, your niche and your audience.

2. Develop a perpetual publicity strategy that includes a check list with your criteria for publicity.

Does it fit your personality?

Example: If you're not comfortable speaking in public then you may not want to do radio or TV interviews.

Will it be a good platform for your message?

Example: If you're a healthcare professional you probably don't want to do interviews on a hip hop radio show.

Will it reach your potential customers? Will it cause them to know more about you, your products or your service?

3. Don't try to be all things to all people, just focus on your niche! Look for publicity that will build your brand and reach your potential customers!

Kamis, 22 Februari 2018

Public Speaking Tips From Chef Bobby Flay

Public Speaking Tips From Chef Bobby Flay

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I'm a fan of the TV cooking competition, The Next Food Network Star, hosted by celebrity chef Bobby Flay. The winning chef gets his or her own cooking show on the Food Network.

The show offers lesson not just about cooking, but also about presentation skills because the winning chef has to be a good cook and effective and engaging on camera.

In one episode, the contestants had a limited amount of time to cook an entre and then two minutes on camera to demonstrate it in front of a panel of famous TV chefs.

Here are 4 lessons learned from the contestants during their two minutes presenting on camera that can also apply to your presentations:

1. Don't Forget the Introduction
One chef forgot to give the one-sentence introduction of his name, his food show theme and what he was going to demonstrate. When you start your presentation, don't forget to clearly and concisely introduce your overall message also known as the point of your presentation.

2. Time Matters
Another chef underestimated how much time it would take to describe each ingredient, so he ran out of time to finish his demonstration. Sometimes, less is more; it would be better to say less about each ingredient, or each point in your presentation, than run out of time at the end. (And how do you know how long it will take to present? Practice and time yourself!)

3. Remember Your Main Purpose
One of the contestants was very nervous about the presentation and spent so much time talking about himself and describing his dish that he forgot to cook something, prompting Bobby Flay to comment, "You didn't cook anything, dude!" When you present, remember your purpose and what your audience expects and don't disappoint them.

4. Non-Verbals Matter
The judges criticized a few of the chefs for their lack of energy, demonstrated by limited eye contact, no smiling and no vocal variety. In any presentation, it is not enough to have the technical information correct, you also have to engage the hearts of your audience and connect with them. Even though your in-person audience doesn't have a remote control to change the channel the way a television audience does, your audience can and will tune you out if you fail to engage them.

The next time you have to give a presentation, remember the lessons from Chef Bobby Flay and give your audience something to savor and remember.

Plan For Healthier Family Meal Ideas

Plan For Healthier Family Meal Ideas

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Healthy ideas, healthy food, healthy living, healthy decisions and a healthy family are the outcome of a happy and healthy home. For all these reasons, your home can be the best place to plan for healthier family meal ideas. You can sit down together in your weekend and plan healthy meals for the week ahead. Involving your family in such activities will give room for healthy discussions and especially kids would love to be a part of it. There is no need to spend more money in preparing a healthy and nutritious diet; instead all it requires is a systematic planning that could save you immense time and money.

1. Make your breakfast as nutritious as possible: Many of us skip breakfast either to start early to office or to work on our diet. We should understand one fact that skipping breakfast has the tendency to increase your weight subtly instead of reducing it. To give a good start to your day, do remember that a healthy, nutritious and a wholesome breakfast is a must. This also aids in preventing you from stuffing yourself or counting upon unhealthy snacks in the later part of the day. You can plan for healthy breakfast like whole-grain bread with sliced bananas and peanut butter, Egg sandwich with highly nutritious vegetables like broccoli, mushrooms, spinach, tomatoes etc. Oatmeal, whole-grain waffles or cereal with any kind of berries or other fruits like apples or bananas and low-fat milk, Fat-free yogurt with low-fat granola or whole-grain cereal with low-fat milk and strawberries. Such similar items can serve as your best breakfast items that are healthful and can give all that you need for that particular day. Do add fresh, frozen or canned fruits and vegetables or fresh juices in your breakfast to make it a complete one.

2. A power-packed lunch: Lunch is a wonderful part that gives enormous time for you to relish, rejoice and digest your food. Let it be power-packed to energize you and augment your break in the middle of the day with all the vital things it can. Make your lunch little spicy, heavy and nutritious as well. You can plan for your lunch with roast chicken wraps with tomatoes, onions and lettuce, rice with turkey curry, sweet corn soup with rice noodles and garlic prawns, dinner roll with pumpkin soup and pepper and much more. Everything sounds yummy right! Yes you can also make them as colorful as possible.

3. Let your dinner be light and luscious: It is always good to avoid hot and spicy items for your dinner. A light and luscious dinner contributes to your health and fitness in plenty of ways. Dinner is also special in another way as it gives time for your family to eat, share and spread the happiness of the entire day. So eat slowly and take time to listen to your kids and teach them eating etiquettes. Your dinner can be like chicken sandwich with whole-wheat bread and plain yogurt, whole-wheat noodles with fresh vegetables, fried rice with grilled salmon and many such dishes.

Generally concentrate on the serving size and try to avoid sugary drinks, sodium based and oily food items. Try to drink adequate amount of water and healthier drinks like fresh fruit juice or low-fat milk. Always try to eat together as a family and explore the real joy of being together and eating healthier. Also remember to stick to the meal ideas planned for the week to lead an organized life.

Pan-Frying, Shallow-Frying, Sauting

Pan-Frying, Shallow-Frying, Sauting

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(ARA) - Jamie Oliver, Food Network star and best-selling cookbook author, is on a mission -- to make cooking at home easy and fun for everyone. He bills his new book, "Jamies Kitchen," as a "cooking course for everyone." Armed with this cookbook, fresh ingredients and a good set of kitchen tools, there is no technique a new cook cant master.

Jamie Oliver offers the following tips for one of his favorite and most healthy cooking techniques, sauting, or what he calls "pan-frying:"

1. Get Yourself a Pan and Make It Hot

"The single biggest mistake that new cooks make is cooking in a cold pan," Oliver explains. "You must heat the pan before you start cooking. If you start to cook before the pan is hot enough, the food steams instead of caramelizing and frying. You want the heat of the pan to sear in the juices, making the food taste better."

2. Size Matters

"When it comes to frying pans, size matters! If your pan is too small, the ingredients will crowd each other, and theyll end up steaming instead of sauting. But if the pans too big, all those great pan juices will end up evaporating too fast and you may burn what youre cooking," Oliver points out. "So be sure to use the right size pan for the amount of ingredients you have. Also, look for some key features in the pan such as a good heavy bottom that distributes the heat evenly, shallow with rounded sides to make food easy to toss, and an easy-to-hold handle -- long enough to be comfortable to grasp, not slippery, and cool to the touch even when the pan is hot."

3. Want Less Fat? Use Nonstick Pans

"Using nonstick pans lets you use less oil or butter, which means healthy cooking. To get great flavor, what you really need is a good sear. And a good sear doesnt necessarily require lots of fat in the pan," notes Oliver. "When you do this properly, not only do you end up with glorious, flavorful food, but you also seal the juices and the nutrients right in with the flavor and youre cooking healthy food as well."

Oliver has just worked with T-FAL to design his own line of stainless steel cookware, the Jamie Oliver Professional Series. The cookware comes with either pure stainless or nonstick coated saut pans."My wife loves my new T-FAL stainless steel nonstick pans because theyre easy to clean and the cool little red Thermo-Spot lets her know when its ready to go. Her cooking has already improved," he says.

4. Your Mum was Right! The Gears the Thing

"You dont have to go crazy buying equipment, all you need to cook well is a good set of pots and pans (Im partial to my own!), a couple of good knives, including an 8-inch chopper, a heavy mortar and pestle, a set of tongs and a speed peeler," says Oliver.

5. So Whats for Dinner?

"This is the fun part -- planning what goes into the pan. Think seasonally and try to shop for organic products if you can when youre at the market," Oliver urges. "Be intuitive; pan-frying is a fast cooking method, so you want things that are thinly sliced and cook quickly (unless you are finishing in the oven.) You can also score thicker cuts of meat and fish to speed up the cooking time and add more surface area to the food. But what gets me going? Chicken marinated in some fresh herbs and garlic that youve pounded in a mortar and pestle. Steaks that have been liberally seasoned with salt and freshly cracked pepper. Or this fantastic salmon dish that I am including a recipe for below. "Go ahead guys. Get stuck in!"

Rabu, 21 Februari 2018

Organic Eating Habits Arent As Wide Spread As They Could Be

Organic Eating Habits Arent As Wide Spread As They Could Be

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Unfortunately with the easy and ready availability of processed foods, organic eating habits arent as wide spread as they could be. Even those of us who prefer not to literally riddle our bodies with pesticides and chemical toxins find that sometimes a fast food meal from our favorite drive-in or takeaway is easier than going to the trouble of preparing our own organically cooked meals.

I have to admit that I sometimes even go to the lengths of heating up a TV dinner when Im too tired to even lift a finger to dial the pizza joint for a meal that has to be better than a first frozen and then nuked meal eaten in solitary confinement in front of the TV.

In fact this is why I turned to organic eating habits to begin with, to get out of the rut that my life had fallen into. It did take some doing, and I did fall off the organic eating wagon quite a few times, but perseverance finally won through and I was out of my fast food junkie and TV dinner rut, and onto the benefits of organic eating.

The problem is though, that sometimes Im just too tired to bother about cooking a meal for myself and thats when I resort to the fast foods or the TV dinners. In order to combat the seductive quality of these fast paced lifestyle ruts, I even went so far as to find and buy organic TV dinners, but common sense finally set in on that one, and I switched back to stocking my freezer with non-organic TV dinners.

Why? Simply for the reason that after all the processing these foods have gone through, along with the freezing process, and then the nuking, it renders useless any type of goodness that might be found in the foods. So why pay more for what turns out to be essentially the same item? That was my theory anyway.

If you decide to follow an organic eating regime however, you will find that your life just became healthier and more difficult at the same time. It became healthier because youre eradicating pesticides and other toxins from your body, and it became more difficult because now you have a larger monthly food bill, and you also have to search specifically for organic foods!

The benefits however, far outweigh the disadvantages, and you will most definitely be glad later on that you went to the trouble to change your eating habits to organic eating habits.

Online Organic Food Stores That Deliver Quality Organic Food To Customers

Online Organic Food Stores That Deliver Quality Organic Food To Customers

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Although not as proliferate as some people might wish, organic foods are more readily available in more places than they used to be. Apart from the physical brick and mortar stores that you can go to, to shop for organic food, you will also find that there are many online organic food stores available as well.

These stores tend to deliver quality organic food to its customers, and the trick here is to find an online organic food store that you can trust. This can be a difficult process for many people who enjoy the prospect of buying and choosing their own foods, but it cant be denied that online organic food stores do tend to get the job done when you dont have time to do it yourself.

Thats why its always best to scout around and find a reputed online organic food retailer with whom you can place a rushed order and not have to think twice about whether or not you will get the best organic food. You will also find that if the online organic food store you went to is in your vicinity, theres a chance that you will get free delivery thrown in as well.

And if this isnt reason enough to go to an online organic food retailer to get your organic foods even when youre in a pinch then you might want to take on the fact that most of the online organic food stores will have a wider selection of organic foods than you might normally be privy to in a health food store, a supermarket, or even a specialist store.

This is because the online organic food store doesnt need to confine its stores to a physical warehouse or a storeroom. They have the ability to deal directly with the people who produce the organic goods, and in most instances you will find that this also translates itself into lower prices for you as well.

So over and above not having to physically go out and battle the tides of vehicular and human traffic to do your weekly grocery shopping, you will find that your weekly grocery shopping bill might also be reduced more than what you might expect to find. This isnt a guarantee of course, and you will need to look around a bit to find an online organic food store that will literally fit your bill, but once you do, it might turn out to be the best thing that you could have done.

Nephrotic syndrome and its Homeopathic Treatment

Nephrotic syndrome and its Homeopathic Treatment

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What is Nephrotic syndrome?

Nephrotic syndrome is a set of signs or symptoms that may point to kidney problems. The kidneys are two bean-shaped organs found in the lower back. Each is about the size of a fist. They clean the blood by filtering out excess water and salt and waste products from food. Healthy kidneys keep protein in the blood, which helps the blood soak up water from tissues. But kidneys with damaged filters may leak protein into the urine. As a result, not enough protein is left in the blood to soak up the water. The water then moves from the blood into body tissues and causes swelling.Both children and adults can have nephrotic syndrome. The causes of and treatments for nephrotic syndrome in children are sometimes different from the causes and treatments in adults.

Cause of Nephrotic syndrome

Nephrotic syndrome is caused by various disorders that damage the kidneys

abnormal excretion of protein in the urine

The most common cause in children is minimal change disease

infection, drug exposure, malignancy, hereditary disorders, immune disorders, or diseases

Symptoms of Nephrotic syndrome

Swelling (oedema): general, around the eyes, in the extremities, especially the feet and ankles

Swollen abdomen

Facial swelling

Foamy appearance of the urine

Weight gain (unintentional) from fluid retention

Poor appetite

High blood pressure

Complications of Nephrotic syndrome

Atherosclerosis and related heart diseases

Renal vein thrombosis

Chronic and acute renal failure

Infections, including pneumococcal pneumonia


Fluid overload

congestive heart failure

pulmonary oedema

Homeopathic Treatment

Homeopathy, also known as homeopathic medicine, is a whole medical system that was developed in Germany more than 200 years ago and has been practiced in the United States since the early 19th century. Homeopathy is used for wellness and prevention and to treat many diseases and conditions. This fact sheet provides a general overview of homeopathy and suggests sources for additional information.

Homeopathic treatment for Nephrotic Syndrome has been found to be extremely effective. Dr Rajesh Shah, M.D. has worked with Nephrotic Syndrome patients for over 20 years. His well researched medication have changed the treatment protocol. He has to his credit new medicines molecules which have international patents.

Dr. Rajesh Shah, M.D.(Hom.) practices in Mumbai, India. He has studied homeopathy intensively for twenty years. Dr. Rajesh is an internationally acclaimed physician and teacher. Over the years he has conducted seminars and workshops for the practitioners and the students in England, Holland, Belgium, Czech Rep., Greece, Sweden, U.S.A., Ireland, Croatia, Norway, etc.

How much time does it take?

Nephrotic Syndrome is an obstinate, chronic and recurring disease. There is no shortcut to its cure.

The length of treatment varies form case to case, depending of the following factors:

Duration of Nephrotic Syndrome

Frequency of episodes of Nephrotic Syndrome

Extent of renal damage

Underlying cause

Over all immunological status of the patient

Current and previous medication such as cortisone and cyclophosphamide

General health and associated diseases

What is achievable using homeopathy?

In the case of Nephrotic Syndrome and related conditions, the achievable aim of administering the homeopathic treatment is as under:

Reducing the frequency of episodes of Nephrotic Syndrome

Reducing the duration of subsequent episodes

Reducing the severity of episodes

Reducing the steroid dependency, whereby the patient should be able to manage with smaller dose of steroids in the early stages and eventually be able to reduce it and finally should be able to manage without steroids.

For further details visit :

Selasa, 20 Februari 2018



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Nephrotic syndrome is a set of signs or symptoms that may point to kidney problems. Your kidneys clean your blood by filtering out excess water and salt and waste products from food. Healthy kidneys keep protein in the blood, which helps the blood soak up water from tissues. But kidneys with damaged filters may leak protein into the urine. As a result, not enough protein is left in the blood to soak up the water. The water then moves from the blood into body tissues and causes swelling.

Both children and adults can have nephrotic syndrome. The causes of and treatments for nephrotic syndrome in children are sometimes different from the causes and treatments in adults. Childhood nephrotic syndrome can occur at any age but is most common between the ages of 1 and 5 years. It seems to affect boys more often than girls.

A child with nephrotic syndrome has these signs:

high levels of protein in the urine, a condition called proteinuria

low levels of protein in the blood

swelling resulting from buildup of salt and water

less frequent urination

weight gain from excess water

Nephrotic syndrome is not itself a disease. But it can be the first sign of a disease that damages the kidneys tiny blood-filtering units, called glomeruli, where urine is made.

Homoeopathy in Nephrotic Syndrome
The system of homeopathic medicine has a promising role to offer for the treatment of Nephrotic Syndrome, inclusive of all its variants. Inspite of atrocious nature of the condition, it is possible to treat Nephrotic Syndrome successfully. The treatment of Nephrotic Syndrome has to be planned strategically on a long-term basis, being a chronic and deep-seated disease, there is no short cut in the treatment.

Homeopathy is a scientific medical alternative for treating a wide range of chronic ailments, one amongst them being Nephrotic Syndrome. It should be emphasized that homoeopathy treats patient who is diseased and not just the disease. Homeopathy firmly believes in enhancing body's own curative power to maintain the healthy status,by bringing the immune system back to normal.

The basic approach in homeopathy is to evaluate the disease in its whole extent, whereby a lot of emphasis is given to the patient as a whole, besides minutely studying various aspects of the Nephrotic Syndrome.

While making the case analysis of Nephrotic Syndrome, patients minutest of the details about the presenting complaints, severity of complaints, in which areas the edema is more marked, complaints regarding urination, associated complaints, triggering factors, amount of proteins in the urine and blood, etc. are noted carefully. Besides this, a greater deal of emphasis is given to patients individual features such as eating habits, food preference, thermal attributes, and sleep pattern. The study of the patient's mind and emotional spheres, psychosocial background, behavior and personality pattern is conducted meaningfully. Furthermore, patients history of past diseases and that of the family diseases is understood to know the miasmatic background of the patient.

After putting all the vital information together, and fine evaluation process carried out, an individualist medicine is determined. This constitutional medicine, which when administered in the correct dose treats the patient at an inner level and brings about harmony at the constitutional level. The homoeopathy medicine works at the immunological level, bringing about normalcy. The medicine administered reduces kidney inflammation, repairs glomerular damage, thus preventing protein leakage in the urine. This restores water balance of the body and brings down edema. Chances of relapse and recurrence go down with homoeopathy treatment. Homoeopathy medicines also assist in treatment of causative diseases such as diabetes mellitus, hypertension, tuberculosis and SLE. In a situation, where kidney damage has progressed too far, homoeopathy prevents further progress of disease and deterioration of the condition in future

National Integrative Health Services Alliance with Injured Warriors and Families

National Integrative Health Services Alliance with Injured Warriors and Families

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National Integrative Health Services Alliance, With Injured Warriors, Vets, and Their Families -- A Transitional Community Health, Wellness, Aftercare & Continuing Care Services Program

Gerald Vest, ACSW/LISW/LMT
Integrative Health Coordinator/Trainer
575.524.2379 or 575.640.0193

Sean Pearson, BCJ, Services Rep.
Program Coordinator/Advocate Trainer
Patti McClure, MFA, Reiki Master & Owner, Tesoro Health Center, Administrative Coordinator

Mission Statement

Our National Health Services Alliance is established to serve as a volunteer community collaborative and model to engage, introduce, support, advocate, refer and guide our primary clients and participants to holistic & integrative health services, and experiences that promote awareness, healing, restoration, and resilience.

Services Overview

Our integrative, Health Promotion/Wellness and Stress Management approach, incorporates outreach, advocacy and continuing care services that promote awareness, healing, restoration and resilience of our Injured Warriors, Vets and Families. Additionally, our programs are designed to reduce stress, anxiety and depression while improving the quality of lives, health and relationships for individuals, groups, couples, and families returning to our communities from the Wars.

Healing, Recovery & Restoration Self-Care Plan

Our Alliance is designed so that everyone participating in our Health Care, After Care and Continuing Care Integrative Health Services are committed to becoming the "best we can be," a complete human beingphysically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and socially. It is obvious to many of us that the passive, sick-care or conventional mental/behavioral health programs of coding, labeling and drugging of our Injured Warriors has failed. Many VA and community health services are over-whelmed and inadequately prepared to identify, engage and improve the health of our returning Warriors and their families. It is for this reason a Professional & Holistic Self-Care Plan is designed, shared with primary therapists and administered by every participant, team leaders and health practitioners to assure Recovery, Restoration & Resilience of and the development of self-care plan, willpower and improvement of the whole being. Team Coordinators & Community Service Advocates

During our Alliance orientation meetings, incoming Warriors are assigned a Team Coordinator and a team of Advocates. Warriors currently enrolled in our Alliance and graduates of our program serve as advocates assisting participants with meeting basic need requirements, community resources, developing family programs, and assisting with health benefits. The Team Coordinator also reviews and makes recommendations to the Warriors primary therapist for comprehensive and extensive integrative health practices.

Team Advocates Serving Veterans and their Families

Responsibilities include:

Knowing & using community resources for Veterans

Participating in Treatment & Self-Care Plans with Injured Warrior & Families

Assisting with College Admission, Housing, Benefits, etc.

Securing Meaningful Employment

Advocating with Schools and Child Care Programs for best practices

Engaging Injured & Wounded Warriors with understanding, respect and appreciation

Supporting basic need requirementshousing, nutritious food, healthy touch, transportation to VA & other health care services

Networking with community organizations to provide support, assistance and resources

Introducing Partner & Family Touch and the 15-Minute StressOut Program

Community Services Advocate - See our Call for Advocates and an Overview of their Responsibilities

Warrior Recognition Picture:

SSG Lance Bradford, decorated, injured, and wounded warrior--Bronze Star with Valor & Purple Heart returns to Iraq 3 following extensive and intensive integrative health treatment, Ft. Bliss Restoration & Resilience Center & Warrior Transition Battalion. We Salute You Lance for your Dedication, Courage, Devotion and Honor for our Country. We look forward to a safe return for you and all of our great Warriors and their Families.

Alliance Programs & Activities

Integrative & Holistic Health Touch Program

The Best Practice 15-Minute StressOut Health Program- Guidelines for Safe, Skillful, and Nourishing Touch is essential for improving the quality of health and relationships for couples and families. See, International StressOut Program

Individual Therapy

Each Warrior will be reviewed and assessed to determine their fitness and capability to participate in selected integrative therapies. The Warrior will meet with their health practitioners and therapists on a regular basis. The therapists will customize the treatment program based on individual needs, interests and sensitive issues or coping strategies. The Primary Therapist will monitor overall progress and will review requests for additional holistic therapies, and make recommendations accordingly.

Group Therapy

Therapeutic groups are scheduled bi-weekly. The options available are individual, couple, family, spouse and designed to give every Warrior an opportunity to process transitions and traumatic experiences in a safe environment. Most Warriors find that emotional reactions and internal charges associated with trauma and war experiences are reduced when thoroughly reviewed and expressed completely, without avoidance. Sharing stories and experiences with warrior brothers & sisters in groups is often identified by graduates of the program as one of the most beneficial components of treatment. It is essential that our Warriors learn to interact with awareness and not react to external stimuli. Our group principle for healing and for restoration is to be respectful--honest, open, accepting and allowing without judgment by all participants. Some groups are organized by time of enrollment in the program. The focus is different for each group. Warriors new to the program have an opportunity to bond with other newcomers who are also transitioning in the program. Individuals nearing completion of the program often discuss future plans, participate in Advocacy Training and other individual concerns.

Family Health Education & Therapy

With Warrior authorization, confidential sessions are offered to help spouses, close friends, and other family members improve and understand how to support each other during their return to their communitiesfocus is on transformation and transcendence of negative patterns of conditioning and relationship building. Spouses and significant others who participate in family counseling are encouraged to use integrative approaches as massage, Reiki, meditation and Acupuncture on regularly scheduled basis and as part of daily health routine.

Support Group for Spouses and Partners

Topics include coping with PTS symptoms, communication, and stress reduction techniques. Family outings, support groups and special interest programs are planned regularly with participants.

Therapeutic outings

Weekend outings are recreational and educational experiences that expose Warriors to natural healing opportunities. Warriors practice learned stress management techniques and exposures to sensory stimuli in order to cope with crowds, shopping, and driving. Examples of outings include golf, visiting the Outdoor Market, Bicycle Rides, Walks, Camping, Fishing, Boating, Malls, Movies, museums, hiking, etc.

Various Meditation & Relaxation Practices

The Alliance provides many forms of meditation experience--guided progressive relaxation/meditation, moving, and sitting meditations are regular practices. The Warrior learns to become naturally calm, relaxed and at ease with themselves and with others. Benefits include more restful sleep, anger reduction, and less reactive and argumentative behaviors. (See, research benefits of meditation by Dr. Matthew Ricard)

Health Education

Regular health education programs and workshops are offered regularly to introduce and learn to improve the quality of our lives, health and relationships. Note: See Schedule of Activities with the Tesoro Integrative Health Center.

Integrative Health PracticesMovement Therapy

Movement Therapy involves yoga, Tai Chi and Qigong. These practices are used to strengthen the bodys core and increase strength, coordination flexibility and balance, as well as improving overall emotional, mental and physical well-being. Kath State Exercises by Oscar Ichazo are essential practices of the Daily Health Routine introduced to all of our participants.

Expressive Arts Therapy

Expressive therapy includes arts and crafts projects, journaling, drumming circles, and listening to music. These activities allow Warrior to express themselves in an artistic and creative manner without structure and judgment. With authorization, the art, and journals could be shared with the primary therapists and others. Visit Aura Walker's website for other expressive art programs.

Massage Therapy

The Alliance massage therapists use a number of techniques and styles, including deep tissue, sports & chair massage and stretches, trigger point/acupressure, and cranial-sacral. The benefits include pain and stress relief, increased circulation, relaxation, more restful sleep, and overall improved health.


Acupuncture Therapies is based on the theory that there are patterns of energy, called chi, flowing through the body. Disease, discomfort or pain result when this energy is disrupted, weakened, or becomes stagnant. An acupuncturist can correct the flow of energy and restore balance by inserting sterile needles a fraction of an inch in specific points on the body. The continuous free flow of energy throughout the body promotes optimal health and wellbeing. Acupuncture is used to treat pain, sleep disturbances, headaches, anxiety, and many other conditions. It also helps with cravings such as alcohol, drugs, and smoking.


Reiki is an energetic healing art that helps maintain a balanced state on all levels of the body, mind, emotions and spirit. The treatments are gentle and non-invasive--the practitioner clears and strengthens the natural flow of energy simply by placing her hands on or several inches above the body of the Warrior. This produces a deeply relaxing and healing effect. Benefits include decreased anxiety, depression and anger; improved sleep; reduction in pain levels; and accelerated recovery from injury or surgery. Reiki is especially encouraging for maintaining a regular meditation and experiencing the benefits of relaxation throughout the day.

Native American Sweat Lodge

Regularly scheduled Sweat Lodges will be offered for our Injured Warriors and Spouses as a means to calm the mind, restore Spiritual and Social relationships, resolve conflicts, trauma, express feelings of personal losses, forgiveness, and grievances experienced in War.


Our National Integrative Health Services Alliance is adapted as a Community Based Alliance for injured warriors and their families to receive holistic, intensive and extensive services when returning to our local communities. The framework is our version of the US Armys premiere, Wm. Beaumont Army Medical Centers, Ft. Bliss Restoration & Resilience Center, designed and administered by Dr. John Fortunato, Chief.

How to Start Your Own Food Blog

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