Senin, 30 April 2018

A New Flavor 4 Tips for Trying a New Type of Food

A New Flavor 4 Tips for Trying a New Type of Food

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It's always nice to take your taste buds on a journey. We can become so used to eating the same things that we forget about how much there is out there to try. You might fear not liking something, but you won't know unless you try. If you are wanting to try a new type of food, it's best to prepare accordingly. Here are four tips for trying a new type of food.

Find a good restaurant

In order to properly experience a new kind of food, you'll want to find somewhere that serves it. It wouldn't make any sense for you to prepare it, not knowing how it's supposed to taste right? Look online for restaurants in your area that are not only good but authentic as well. You want to ensure that your dining experience has not been unnecessarily adulterated. Even if you don't care for the authentic version, you can still take satisfaction in knowing that you had the real deal.

Leave your expectations at the door

If you going into eating a new type of food with preconceived notions, you're setting yourself up for failure or at the very least, disappointment. No time is a good time to be close-minded, and this is an especially poor time. What you eat might be radically different from any thing you've ever tasted before, but that by itself shouldn't be negative. Imagine how boring the culinary world would be if everything more or less tasted the same.

Ask questions

You might be wondering about a lot of things. If you are, you should definitely ask questions. This can make you feel more comfortable with eating something you're not familiar with. You should take care to not ask questions that could be interpreted as insulting or patronizing by the staff of the restaurant.

Try as much as possible

When trying a new type of food, you can't make your verdict after trying one thing. In order to properly experience and appreciate it, you should sample as much as possible. Traveling is the best way to really find the variety you crave. Try Mediterranean dishes in Montclair, or shawarma in New York. Taste different types of dishes across the menu and see what captures your fancy. Even if you don't like all of it, you'll surely like some of it.

Trying new things is what makes life exciting. By going out and trying a new type of food, you are expanding your horizons in more ways than you might think. With these four tips, you'll be well on your way to becoming more culinarily well-rounded.

A Moment in Thyme

A Moment in Thyme

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ls"md-ottx-ne lrix> <h as"k
> The art of writing as a career is a free expression of your thoughts, beliefs, experiences, and imagination for a profit.

However, as liberal as this profession may seem, it still has to play by the rules.

Writers can sometimes find themselves in need of legal support if they are not aware of the industrys general dos and donts.

Here Are 5 Issues Authors May Need Legal Support to Address

1. Copyright Issues

The best way to avoid copyright is to only publish your own work, but what about when you need something to support your writing?

This may be an image or a fact to add some credibility to the article or book youre working on. Always reach out to the source you want to cite.

When in doubt, use a trusted third party or practice Fair Use.

Instead of finding a random image from a search engine, sign up for a stock image website or hire a photographer to own your own private stock.

2. Trademark Infringement

Trademark infringement may unintentionally cause you to need legal support. It is the unauthorized use of a trademark or brand in connection to something which may cause confusion.

Have you ever told someone to just Google a random fact, or use a Kleenex to blow their nose? This may be fine for casual conversation, but it is a perfect example of trade infringement.

If you are ever writing about a real-life situation in which someone was using a brand, try to create a fictional alternative to avoid needing legal support.

3. Privacy Rights

Another thing to be cautious about when relating true stories is the respect for privacy protection.

The United States has specific rights about disclosing another persons private information like medical or financial situations. Also, consider personal matters which may be considered sensitive or embarrassing.

Ask yourself if you were the subject how it would feel to have your private business told to the world, and when in doubt, seek counsel before publishing.

4. Contract Challenges

When working with a publisher, always double check the contract negotiations and rights.

Are you signing away film and television rights? How much control will you have in the editing process before the final draft is confirmed?

The best way to avoid needing legal support is to have a consistent, open line of communication with publishers.

When both parties understand submission deadlines, revision guidelines, and updating rights, the smoother the writing process becomes.

5. Registration of Your Copyright

Copyright exists as soon as you put something out in the world. Whether it be as a freelance writer, online blogger, or published author, the moment you put your name on it, its yours.

You reserve the right to authorize others to use your words and information. However, sometimes copyright issues arise.

The best way to protect your writing is to register your copyright. This may require some legal funding, but it is well worth the investment; its like insurance for your work.

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A Look At Arachnophobia Part 1

A Look At Arachnophobia Part 1

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Arachnophobia is the extreme, debilitating, and persistent fear of spiders. It is not the rational fear of spider bites, not the sensible caution of avoiding old wood piles where the brown recluse like to lurk, not the refusal to handle a pet tarantula, but the panic attack brought on by the thought of spiders, the heart palpitations and trouble breathing experienced when a spider is in the anxiety level that may require treatment in order to function without debilitating obsessive/compulsive spider clearing or avoidance rituals.

Arachnophobia is actually the most common of all specific phobias. As we said before, almost half of women and 10 percent of men share this fear.

There is a possible cultural basis for the high prevalence of arachnophobia in those of us of European descent. It seems that spiders were erroneously associated with the Black Plague after the tenth century. "In other words, arachnophobia began as misplaced fear during the plague (having historical basis), then was passed down through European families adding a cultural basis." Some cultures revere the spider as part of their creation myths or consider them good omens or symbols of prosperity. Others just eat them. Yes, in some countries, spiders are part of their culinary tastes!

This phobia can often be triggered by the thought of or sometimes even a picture of a spider. A serious case of arachnophobia is much different than someone who doesn't like spiders. Many people who are afraid of spiders have feelings of panic entering into a situation where spiders may be present.

This fear of spiders can dictate where someone chooses to live, go on vacation, work or what sports or hobbies are enjoyed.

Often this fear is caused by an incident earlier in life which was frightening. People sometimes have the misconception that such a frightening event would have to be a long-lasting or memorable ordeal. Many people don't even remember the events which led to their phobia. The mind can create a phobia based on an instant of panic.

The fear of spiders actually has its roots deep in Greek mythology. "Arachnophobia" comes from the Greek words, "arachne", meaning "spider", and "phobos", meaning "a fear".

Arachne was a beautiful Greek maiden. She studied weaving under Athena, and had extraordinary skill. When her skills were later recognized, she denied any training given by Athena. Athena turned herself into a bitter, old lady.

She approached Arachne, and tricked her into a weaving contest. Arachne wove portraits of the gods performing evil deeds. Athena and Arachne finished their weaving in an extremely short amount of time, but Arachne's work was much finer than Athena's.

Athena was furious that a mere mortal had beaten her in a weaving contest and had portrayed the gods in a disrespectful way. Overcome with rage, she beat Arachne to the ground. Arachne was so upset, she hanged herself.

Minggu, 29 April 2018

A List of Responsibilities of a Software Tester

A List of Responsibilities of a Software Tester

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Given how entitled our lives have become with the progress in technology, it is not that surprising that most of us are oblivious to the significant contribution of software testers in our day to day life in this digitized existence. From the apparent point of view, the job of a software tester may seem like a pretty straight forward, single faceted affair, but in reality, the roles and duties of a software testing engineer is much more layered and complex. Technology is something that almost the entire world is familiar with but many of us don't realize often that manual software testing services are a real thing and our Smartphone (or PC or get the point) would have been a dead mass without their existence. To know about these software testers and their whereabouts in a little more details, lets start from the beginning.

What is software testing?

Software testing is a procedure where a program or application is run by a technician to look for presence of any bugs. Testing is also important prior to the implementation of the program in order to ascertain their integrity of design as well as their quality and to ensure that the programs meet the requirements of the client.

Software testing is conducted in a couple of different steps:

Static Testing: It is carried out during the process of verification. It is a cost effective way of testing as it does not require executing the code in order to look for errors, it just reviews the documents and static analysis.
Dynamic Testing: In this procedure, a program is executed to observe the final result of the test runnings. It is carried out while the validation process occurs.
Planning: It is important to plan what testing methods are to be used and how the activities are going to be controlled.
Preparing: Once the testing method is selected, testing conditions and testing cases are to be designed.
Evaluation: During this step, the softwares performance is checked and evaluated and if the program fulfills the criteria of completion, it is given a green flag.

Why is testing necessary?

By virtue of the essential difference between human beings and a well programmed machine, all of us are bound to make mistakes in whatever we do. And as of 2017, humans are still the ones behind the designing and programming of softwares. So it is quite natural that a software program must contain some glitch in it after being built for the first time. This is where testing becomes necessary-to make sure that the programs the developer conjured up with his lost appetite and sleep deprivation does not fall flat on its behind upon implementation. Hence, the importance of software testing goes as following:

To point out the errors made during the development of the program
To make sure of a certain quality standard of the software
To increase the customers confidence on as well as their satisfaction from the program
To ensure that the application does not result in a failure. Or else it will take a toll in the later phases of development.

What are the roles and responsibilities of a software tester?

The very obvious responsibility of a software tester is to test the programs and report the bugs. During the test planning and preparation stages of testing, testers are to review and construct test plans along with analyzing and assessing the requirements of the design.

Apart from their obvious functions, software testers are given additional responsibilities depending on the companies they work for. Some of these add ons include:

Understand the requirements of the software and clarify doubts regarding the same
Learn about the software that is being tested and all the other softwares that are associated with it
Understanding the entire plan of the master project
Create required test data for the procedure of testing
Maintain test logs
Design specific cases of testing according to the requirements
Create testing plans
Organize the necessary test beds of hardware, software and network.
Report the bugs to the stakeholders
Inform the stakeholders of the test results
Attend to bug reports that have been returned
Update the cases of testing as defects are discovered
Conduct a re-test of the resolved bug issues
Update the automation of tests depending on the updated cases of testing
Report the progress in work to the project manager or team lead
Help the team out through providing them with inputs

The responsibilities differ depending on the firms that one is associated with. For example, smaller companies are able to hire lesser people and hence an individual employed in such a company has to tackle much more responsibilities than the employees of a bigger company.

Overall, manual software testing services are surely not a piece of cakewalk. More or less software testers are burdened with more complicated tasks than their literal designation. Without them, the world of technology would be crumbling apart in a day. So now for the next thanksgiving, you know whom to add to your list of gratitude.

Also read on How to Save Time in Manual Software Testing?

A Consomme Recipe That Youll Never Try

A Consomme Recipe That Youll Never Try

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Ill admit it. Youll never try this consomm recipe. Even my students in culinary college will make it once and probably never again. I try to bring you the best aspects of cooking and make it simple. But, theres no way to make this clear and flavorful broth easily. Its a professional level skill reserved only for the finest restaurants.

If you do attempt it, youll be amazed at the cooking science that goes on in your stock pot. Youll start with a cloudy stock and end up with something thats as clear as water but tastes like the best broth youve ever had. Is it worth the effort?

Consomm is a stock or broth that has been clarified to remove impurities so that it is crystal clear.
A well made consomm should be rich in the flavor of the stock, so an excellent stock is absolutely necessary to start with.

The first consideration is that a high gelatin content in your original stock gives the best final result. The only way to assure this is to make your own beef, chicken or fish stock starting with the bones of the animal. These bones contain collagen, and through heat and moisture it turns into gelatin. You know you have a high gelatin content when your cooled stock is jiggly like Jell-O.

Its really not the consomm recipe thats important, but the procedure that will dictate a cloudy mess or a clear success. The final product should be clear with no trace of fat. Starting with a cold stock that is grease free is necessary to avoid the pitfalls of screwing this up.

The cold stock will be clarified by the addition of clearmeat. This culinary term refers to the combination of egg whites, ground meat, carrots, onion, celery, and an acidic product like tomato or wine. Once it comes to a soft simmer, the clearmeat acts like a filter and catches all the impurities in the original liquid.

This is the science behind making a perfectly clear broth from stock. The egg whites and ground meat are proteins, and as they coagulate they form a raft on the top of the liquid. The liquid simmers, rises through the raft, cools and falls back down. The raft strains the stock and adds some of their flavors to the finished product.

After an hour or so of simmering, it should be carefully strained through cheesecloth and blotted with a paper towel to remove any excess fat. This should result in a perfectly clear liquid that has the intense flavor of chicken, beef, or fish; the original flavor of the stock without the impurities.

The consomm recipe I teach in culinary college is for 1 gallon of finished product. It calls for 5 quarts of stock, 10 egg whites, 2 pounds of ground meat, and one pound of mire poix (meer-pwah), which is finely diced carrots, onion, and celery.

This is not an average household cook skill; its quite difficult and very delicate. The consomm should never be allowed to reach a full rolling boil. This will break up the protein raft and cause the opposite effect. Youll make the original stock even cloudier.

Once the raft forms, DO NOT STIR. Again, any agitation will disrupt your egg white and ground meat filter and give the opposite result of what youve been looking for.

Its not a consomm recipe you should be looking for, but a procedure for making this classical French culinary item. So, heres my procedure:

1) Start with a well-made cold stock that is full of gelatin. Remove any fat floating on top with a spoon and assure that it has no other floaties or impurities at the very beginning.

2) Starting with a COLD soup or stock pot, add 5 quarts of the stock along with 10 egg whites, 2 pounds of ground meat, 1 pound of mire poix and 1 Tablespoon of tomato paste. Stir all ingredients together.

3) Add heat from the stove top, but at a very low flame or setting on your electric stove. The ingredients should slowly come to a soft simmer. If you allow it to boil, all is lost!

4) Youll notice the raft forming shortly before you see the characteristic bubbles of a simmer. Do not disturb the raft in any way, just let it do its job of filtering the stock.

5) Simmer very gently and softly for at least 1 hour and then LADLE the liquid from the stock pot through a strainer with cheesecloth. Do not pour the stock through the strainer as youll undo everything youve been working toward. This will return the liquid to a cloudy state.

6) Chill the finished liquid and remove any excess fat with a paper towel or a spoon once its cold enough to congeal.

Now, you can use this as an ingredient for any chicken, beef, or fish soup youd like by adding vegetables, noodles or grains to your desire.

If youre excited to witness food science, youll love making this consomm recipe. However, if youre frustrated and impatient with the cooking process, this is something youll never try. And, thats a shame because it could be the most flavorful soup youve ever tasted. It will shock your diners at how clear the liquid is, but still packs a great punch.

See the video from culinary college that explains why this is a Consomme Recipe That Youll Never Try

A Brief Guide To Enjoy A Memorable Dubai Travel

A Brief Guide To Enjoy A Memorable Dubai Travel

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The land of skyscrapers- Dubai is known for the amalgamation of ultra-modern, ancient Arabian culture and cosmopolitan lifestyle. A visit to Dubai will make you witness the glittering shopping festivals, indulge in loads of adventure and enjoy culinary delights. Dubai has plenty to offer. For a large group who are on a company holiday trip, it is always wise to rely on a reputable bus hire company in UAE. This will help you enjoy a convenient and comfortable group travel experience in Dubai.

Here is a brief guide that can enhance your travel experience, please have a look!

1. When to Visit Dubai:

November to March: November to April is the time for Dubai winters, which makes it the best time to visit this place. During this time the weather is pleasant and allows tourists or visitors to indulge in all kinds of activities. The much loved Dubai Shopping Festival is held during the months January and February.

Remember this is the peak season! Hotel rates and airfares tend to go high during this time! So, make sure to book well in advance.

April to October: During the months from April to May till October, the temperatures begin to rise. The summer months in Dubai are hot and humid. If you want to avoid crowds and enjoy the less expensive hotel and airfare booking, then travel during this time will prove to be effective.

2. How to Reach Dubai?

By Air- Dubai International Airport: The Dubai International Airport is the busiest and only airport in the metropolis in the UAE.

By Bus- Emirates Express: The Emirates Express connects Dubai to all other emirates like Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Sharjah, and others.

By Road or Self Drive: Driving through Oman is the only way to enter Dubai and does not require a permit (only an exit charge is required).

3. What to See and Do in Dubai?

Burj Khalifa: Burj Khalifa is a world-famous structure that stands tall at 828 meters in Downtown Dubai. It is known as the tallest man-made structure in the world. The Burj Khalifa displays an exceptional work of art, for which it has been called as the Jewel of Dubai. At the top of the building, you will get an uninterrupted view of the citys skyline and beyond.
Dubai Aquarium and Underwater Zoo: Here you will get an opportunity to explore the many species of fish like piranha, otters, Humboldt penguins, lionfish, caiman crocodiles, giant spider crabs and more. At the Aquarium store, you can shop exciting souvenirs.

Desert Safari: For adventure enthusiasts, Dubai proves to be a huge playground. On a desert safari, you can hit the sands in a monstrous 4x4 SUV or indulge in sand boarding, dune bashing, camel desert safari and quad biking.

4. How to get around conveniently?

There are many public transportation options in Dubai to get around the city. Considering public transportation can prove to be an inconvenient way when traveling with a large group. In this case, organizations or companies, who want to arrange a comfortable Dubai travel for a large group, can rely on reputable bus hire company in UAE. This will ensure a comfortable, safe and convenient Dubai travel experience.

By booking a luxury and well-equipped bus from the bus hire company in UAE, you can arrange an exciting Dubai city tour.

Sabtu, 28 April 2018

17 Ways Working Parents can Inspire Children to Develop Leadership Skills

17 Ways Working Parents can Inspire Children to Develop Leadership Skills

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Many working parents are leaders who try to happily balance a daily workload with ball games and family dinners. Many parents that occupy leadership positions soon discover how much influence they have over the minds of their growing kids.

The kids of today are the leaders tomorrow and it even becomes more so if they have parents in leadership positions.

Yes, leadership skills come naturally; however, kids pick up things and learn lessons as they grow that have drastic effects on them later in future.

In a bid to help parents, here are 16 great ways to help you inspire leadership skills in children, the future leaders.

1. Always Be the Role Model for Leadership
As parents you are leaders and role models. At work, you know how important it is to set good examples for the members of your team. This is even more important as parents. You to teach your children accountability through effective leadership by letting them see how you balance your personal roles and business life.

2. Encourage a reading culture
According to some studies, the benefits of reading for the fun of it during childhood include having children with superior intellectual abilities in a various subjects. When kids read, they learn and ask more questions about the world, even when what is read is frivolous in nature.

3. Put Emphasis on Determination
A core characteristic of the greatest leaders is the ability to cope with failure with the same poise with which they do success. Just like trainee pilots are trained with a flight simulator, it is vital that children, who are potential future leaders be exposed to disappointment instead of shielding them from it. Kids need to learn to cope with losses and move ahead when the opposing team wins or another kid is voted as class captain.

4. Promote Team Building Activities
Invest time in identifying the activities that your children love and give then incentives when they participate in group activities. Whether it is getting involved in sporting activities, going for camping activities, or joining the school choir, it is important that children, through these activities learn valuable but basic lessons about teamwork.

5. Groom Their Decision-making Abilities
Parents must teach their wards how to make good decisions very early in life. Children like adults, become overwhelmed when faced with many choices, show them how to funnel down options to two or a maximum of three, regardless of whether the childs decision is about what colour to wear, which animation to watch or which a game to play. Let them know and then weigh the pros and cons of every of the three choices so they can make the most informed decision. Let this sooner or later become a way of life and it will help them in making the right decisions in their lives.

6. Teach Them How to Communicate Confidently
When you take your kids out for dinner or to buy things, turn these occasions in to opportunities to learn confidence-building. Let the place their orders with the waiters or the shop attendants. By letting them to do this, they will develop self-confidence; learn etiquette and simple communication skills required to get what they want.

7. Develop Their Negotiation Skills
Children are natural negotiators even though their methods are not the professional, it gets results. Great leaders understand the art of bargaining and compromise. Rather than giving your children a firm yes or no to their requests, make them offers and make counter offers with valid points. Train them on how to negotiate like never giving up on what they want without asking for something better or at least just as good in return.

8. Teach Them Financial Management
Miranda Marquit tells parents to teach their children money management by allowing them to make mistakes. Let them list out they want, then assist them in prioritizing their list and then encourage them to save for it by offering to match whatever amount they have saved. This will teach them valuable life lessons about how to afford, budget and plan for anything they want in future as well has know what they can and can't afford at any particular time.

9. Create a Family Game Time
These days, parents and children alike tend to get overly engaged with their gadgets. Rather than spending every evening staring at some screen, get more interactively engaged by playing some board games. This is not only a perfect family-bonding opportunity, it also provides a unique way to teach social and leadership skills. Children can be taught how to develop strategic thinking skills, handle losses and be a good sport, abide by the rules of the game, and celebrate wins while considering the feelings of others.

10. Develop Their Project Planning Abilities
While this may sound rather technical, understand that projects can be as simple as building a Lego house or molding a clay pot. So, make a list of your family events, from visiting relatives to vacations and plan them ahead with the kids making significant contributions in the process. This will help them have brainstorming sessions with you, give them opportunities to eliminate options and justify why and why not to include events in the project. Then delegate the smaller tasks to your kids after a concrete plan has been laid out.

11. Instill in Them the Culture of Work
Children love to help when they see their parents working. If your kids want to start selling cards, or set up a cookie stand, give them the support and encouragement they ask of you. Once they are old enough, persuade them to they can take up opportunities to serve and earn money like walking dogs, babysitting or mowing lawns as long as your neighborhood is safe. You can further encourage them by adding an extra amount to every dollar they earn. These can help to develop a sense of responsibility and build leadership skills in kids.

12. Teach Them Goal-setting and Imaging
Children need to understand the power of creation that they possess from an early age. A great way to them how to create and achieve what they have desire is through setting goals and using vision boards. Help them see what it is they desire to have in their minds eye and then let them describe how they saw it. Also help them to work on a vision board creating project. One thing is guaranteed, they will enjoy the creative imagination development and the cutting and pasting of pictures on their vision boards and also learn how to create imagery of what they want to accomplish.

13. Find a mentor
Get your kids a mentor that is not you. Parents are the first role models kids have and we tend to get emotionally attached to our kids. Getting your kids a trusted family friend or relative as a mentor can be very valuable, particularly if the individual has accomplished a lot in a field in which your kid has shown interest. You can also check out organizations that offer mentoring from screened members.

14. Dont Interfere
As parents, we are tempted instinctively to want to help struggling kids figure out how to solve a puzzle, solve a problem in a project or activity or complete a task they are delaying on. Resist the urge. Rather, step back and watch your kids work through it and figure things out themselves. If they get frustrated and ask for help, ask leading questions that will help them think to a solution. After that, then review the obstacles and challenges that came up while they were working on the task, and show other ways to do things differently.

15. Reward optimism
Optimism is connected to success. In your family, develop a culture of optimism by rewarding kids that have a positive outlook at things, do even more if the optimism is related to attempting to achieve a goal.

16. Sign them Up for summer camp
Great avenues for teaching children team-building activities are summer camps. Usually from age 18, teenagers may even be asked to help as camp counsellors. Though many camps require counsellors to be at least 18 years old, a teenager who is a regular summer camper may be able to get a chance to be a counsellors assistant and will be assigned to lead groups of younger kids.

17. Teach Them How to Speak
The average human being thinks and speaks negative things ( Out of the abundant thought in your heart, your mouth will speak.

Remember, you cannot give what you dont have.

Parents must learn ( and then teach their children how to speak the right words.

Speaking the right words is a function of thinking the right thoughts. Helping children say the right words means letting them say what they desire instead of what it is they are experiencing.

Rather than say to your kids, We cant afford it, say to them, How can we afford it?

Instead of saying I am tired, say I need some rest.

Dont say I dont have money to your kids, tell them I am expecting some money soon.

Speaking these way gets your creative juices flowing and more importantly, you will have taught your how to say the things they want in spite of what is happening.
If there is a good thing to learn from Donald J. Trump, that is it. He never speaks negatively about himself and his business challenges.

Children learn at an unbelievable rate and most of the time is from what they hear and see their parents do. So, it the parents responsibility to make sure the children are taught in the way to thing, speak and lead.
These are some of simple yet powerful ways we as todays parents and leaders can raise our kids to get ready for their roles as future leaders both in business and in life as a whole. These tips will help to make kids better leaders and also perform better in developing personal relationships as they go through life.

10 Untapped Places must to Visit While Travelling to India

10 Untapped Places must to Visit While Travelling to India

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India is a land of Gods and Goddesses. In India there are many pilgrim places to visit and people from all over the world come to visit India. Indian culture is the most different culture in the world. There is another mind boggling and exciting part of India known by few people. India is known for its Forestry and Wildlife, Adventure and Leisure.

1) Forestry and Wildlife: 

The wildlife in India comprises a mix of species of different types of animals. Apart from a few farm animals like Cows, buffaloes, pigs, goats, poultry animals and camels, India has an extraordinarily wide variety of wild species like Bengal Tigers, Asiatic Lion, crocodiles, monkeys, snakes, antelopes and the  Asian Elephant.

In India, there are many places to sit back, relax and keep gazing at these endangered species like lions, tigers, peacocks, Rhinoceros, crocodiles and many other wild animals. Few untapped places are:

Gir National Park, located near Talala Gir in Gujarat, which is the only home of the endangered Asiatic Lions and is a place worth a visit for travelers who love wildlife. The best time to visit Gir is from October to June.To know more about Gir National Park, visit

Ranthambore National Park is one of the largest national parks in the northern India located in Rajasthan which is known for its tigers to be seen in their natural habitat. Here, tigers are spotted during the daytime too. Along with tigers, wild animals like leopards, nilgai, hyena, chital can also be spotted. The best time to visit Ranthambore is from November to March.To know more about Ranthambore National Park, visit

Keoladev National Park was formerly known as Bharatpur Bird Sanctuary is located near to Ranthambore in a district called as Bharatpur in Rajasthan. Keoladev is very famous for its Avifauna (Birds). It is a home to 366 bird species, 379 floral species, 50 species of fish, 13 species of snakes, 5 species of lizards, 7 amphibian species, 7 turtle species, and a variety of other creatures.To know more about Keoladev National Park, visit

2) Adventure: 

To all the expeditions, India is the best place for adventure by all the means from Skydiving to Scuba diving. India has the best scenic and adventurous locations to turn your stay into an adventure. Moreover, there are some untapped adventurous destinations in India.

Flyboarding: Flyboarding is the latest, coolest and the newest adventure sport started in India.Goa is the most happening place for water adventure sports in India. Flyboarding is a sport that makes a normal person think of him being a Superhuman. Flyboarding helps to fly with a rapid force in water and this experience is just mind blowing. After Flyboarding, relax on the seashores of Goa and talk to your beloved ones through this Cheap International Calling app named Tringme.

Caving: Caving is one of the best adventure sports in India. This adventure activity is done in the huge caves of Meghalaya. These caves are an adventure because the caves lie between the beautiful green forests and the serene waterfall that it will be fascinated by many.

Bungee Jumping: Rishikesh is one such place to start the wackiest adventure sport in India Bungee Jumping. Bungee Jumping is the craziest sports one can ever think of. Jumping from a mountain into a valley is so freaking insane to be done. Bungee Jumping is a sport to bring your Adrenaline rush.

3) Leisure and Luxury: 

When it comes to Luxury, India is the richest. India is known globally as a land of Rajas and Maharajas. India has many barren places where it is believed that the places have been cursed, and now these places are haunted.

Kasol: Kasol is a hill-station located in the Himachal Pradesh, which lies on the northern part of India. Kasol is a beautiful tourist destination where the majority of its population are Israelis. Kasol follows European culture. Most of the travelers come to relish the beauty of nature. Kasol is a place to be traveled with your friends, family, colleagues, and even Solo. Kasol never disappoints their travelers. The villages near kasol are also too beautiful and still untouched by the modern lifestyle.

Munnar, Kerala- Gods own Country: Kerala is the most beautiful place situated on the southernmost tip of India and is famous for its scenic beauty and land of Yoga. Munnar is a place located in Kerala which is very famous for its tea plantation gardens. Chandys Windy Woods is a property in Munnar which is famous for its unique kind of luxury. Chandys Windy Woods is a five-star property which has its own artificial forest. Towering over a rocky slope hewn from concrete, gnarled roots extend out and downwards out of an enormous trunk that pushes right through the middle of the structure around which the common areas are designed. An artificial miniature waterfall flows through the roots and over the rocks. Munnar is a heavenly place to relax and rejuvenate a human soul.

Bhangarh Fort: Bhangarh Fort is located at the border of the Sariska Tiger Reserve in the Alwar district of Rajasthan. Bhangarh Fort is a 17th-century fort and is famous for the paranormal activities that take place in the dark of the night and is the Most haunted place in India. The fort is so haunted that even the Archeological Survey of India has forbidden the tourists and the locals from entering the fort at night. This fort has a riddling story to tell. Bhangarh Fort is a tourist attraction during the daytime and is a haunted place during the night. This fort is famous for its negative aura and the heaviness of the winds that blow during the nights. This fort holds a good experience to the travelers for all the wrong reasons, and it is also believed that residing at night inside the fort is dangerous and breathtaking.

These are some untapped places in India one will remember throughout their life. Being and exploring these places in India usually, cannot let your loved ones know about your experience. To share your traveling experience with friends and family, use calling app such as TringMe to make cheap international calls to your home country.

10 Reasons to Put Dubai on Your Bucket List

10 Reasons to Put Dubai on Your Bucket List

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The king of almost everything thats the tallest, largest, biggest, highest and the most expensive; Dubai is a destination that has everything a traveler desires. For millions and millions of people Dubai is one of their favorite destinations. But there are still many who have not yet visited this magnificent Middle Eastern city. If you are one of them, read on to know why Dubai should be on your bucket list and what all are you missing by not visiting this amazing city.

1. One of the worlds most beautiful skylines

Dont believe it? Visit and see for yourself. Dubai is atrociously filled with skyscrapers yet they are so beautifully designed that an Ariel view of the city can leave you awestruck. In spite of having the tallest building on earth, and over 4 of the tallest in the world, the Dubai skyline is beautifully segregated without making it messy. Whatever time of the day you get to see this amazing skyline, you are sure to be amazed with the view In front of you.

2. City with the most amazing manmade structures of the world

Dubai is the perfect place to see what marvels can a small percentage of the brain used by mankind can make. More than half of the structures will leave your jaws dropped, as if the engineers were in a bid to make the impossible and the unimaginable. Whether it is the tallest building in the world- the Burj Khalifa, the palm island, the largest mall, or the miracle garden with over 45 million flowers arranged in life like structures, the engineering marvels of Dubai never cease to surprise you out of your wits.

3. Defines the word Cosmopolitan

What more do you need to understand besides the fact that the total population of the local residents in Dubai is a mere 15%. The rest 85% are the expats from different countries. People from all races, caste, religions and walks of life can be seen in Dubai living in peace and harmony with each other. It is the rarest of rare places on earth where people with such diversity live in with almost zero communal violence and community tensions.

4. Food, Food, Food, everywhereand every bite a slice of paradise

A foodies heaven, Dubai is known for practically serving every nations cuisine on the plate. If you can eat it, Dubai can serve it to you. A heaven for non vegetarians who can enjoy from a duck to an exclusive Camel meat, it also has unbelievably great options for the vegetarians and the vegans too. Due to the heavy population of the expats, Dubai boasts of restaurants serving cuisine of different nations such as Japanese, Lebanese, Indian, Arabic, Italian only to name a few.

5. The safest city on Earth

No, no theres no exaggeration here. Dubai is considered to be safest place on earth with zero crime rates and a super vigilant police. This is no mean feat considering the fact that it is the tourist hub and visited by millions of tourists from different parts of the world every year. In the world where people are scared to step out alone even in the most urbanized cities, Dubai boasts of women travelling alone even at the middle of the night without the hint of any fear. The credit also has to be shared by the honest locals of Dubai who boasts of returning millions of money to their rightful owners after they found them lost. The feeling of being at the safest on earth is an experience in itself. Now who would not want to visit such a place?

6. A place that can turn anyone into a shopaholic

Its not a joke to offer practically every successful brand under the umbrella of its world class malls. Everything from fashion to retail and all other possible areas under the sun, Dubai offers them you for a price. From the world famous Dubai shopping festival to the plethora of malls that can make you go weak on your knees and burn a big hole in your pocket, Dubai commands you to shop without you even knowing that. And if that wasnt enough, it built the biggest mall in the world- the Dubai shopping mall, thus giving you every reason to shop till you drop.

7. It is the city of world records

Seriously, naming Dubai as the official city of the best world records wont be a hyperbole. To start with, it has Burj Khalifa- the tallest building around the globe. The scene from its 144th floor of observation deck cannot be described in words and no trip to Dubai is complete without seeing it. The biggest mall of the world- the Dubai mall that outsmarts the yearly foot falls of total number of people visiting the New York City. The palm islands- the largest manmade island of the world, visible even from space, the miracle garden, and even the display of fireworks of Dubai holds the unbeaten world record. Its worth taking a note that Dubai is in no mood of stopping here, there are many attractions coming up that are slated to smash the existing world records by record breaking margins. Phew!!

8. It is the best place to buy Gold in the world

Seriously, if theres any place in the world where you are sure to get endless variety, weight, designs, quantity and cheap pricing of gold metal, its in Dubai. The enormity of the gold souk can be guessed by the mere fact that theres a visible presence of an estimated 10 tons of gold at the souk at any given time. The souk (market) located in the central part of Dubai started in the 1940s and rules the shoppers heart even today with its glitter and glam.

9. The land of the Riches who make no compromises in their luxuries

Why is that a compelling point? If thats what you are thinking, it will be good to mention that although rich and wealthy are present everywhere but not all know how to flaunt it the way Arabs do. From the most luxurious 7 star hotel in the world, to the most costly residences and cars; the people of Dubai sure know how to splurge. If that does not baffle you enough, having a cheetah as a pet is amongst the most cherished hobbies of the rich Arabs. This is a city where the Police roam around in Bentley and Mercedes and hotel interiors are made of real gold.

10. The best contrast of Desert, Water and Ice in the world

Its only in Dubai where you can experience the spectacular desert safari in its full might while you also enjoy extreme water sports like scuba diving, snorkeling, cage diving along with the first ever indoor skiing resort with actual penguins and a 400 meter indoor black run (the worlds first). So much to absorb is it? Well, this is Dubai for you. While it knows how to best use what it already has, the city also has the might to build what it doesnt.

Ten points just doesnt seem enough to describe the effort this city has put in to transform itself from a Bedouin village to the one of the biggest tourist hubs of the world. Unlike the 90s when it was only known as a rich oil reserve of the world, Dubai, today earns of only 10% of its income from oil and a very major part from its tourism industry. This is no mean feat to achieve for a conservative Muslim city. The ease of visa formalities such as non requirement for visa for 33 countries and availability of multiple entries and Dubai transit visa for the rest of the countries has also helped greatly in attracting visitors from many parts of the world.

Jumat, 27 April 2018

10 European City Break Options That Are Sinfully Bewitching

10 European City Break Options That Are Sinfully Bewitching

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Autumn is almost upon us. The bright blue sunny sky along with the warm wind is alluring holidaymakers to step out of their homes and experience heaven on earth. How about a city break escape this weekend? If at all you're planning a city break, but sceptical where to go with your friends or families, we'll help you to choose the best destination in Europe. We're sure you'll get inspired.

Antwerp, Belgium
A proud city, never hesitant to flaunt its majestic cathedrals, unsoiled quays and artistic creations. Talk to any local about Antwerp and you'll be enchanted with their tales and ideas. Due to a connecting port, this rambling city witnessed non-stop incursion of influences that kept cultivating the Belgian beauty with innovative developments.

Porto, Portugal
A phenomenal town voted as 'The Best European Destination 2017', is a concoction of trade, culture, history, architecture and explorations. The river Duoro adds more glitter to the city's infrastructure.

Fly over the majestic Douro in a helicopter and admire imposing bridges, captivating landscapes and multi-hued buildings. Porto is a stunning beach city facing the Atlantic. With budget holidays a walking tour is all you need to explore remarkable restaurants, thriving bars and the whirlwind of markets.

Bilbao, Spain
With an impressive expansion and rapid cultural development beyond boundaries, Bilbao turned out to be a flourishing city post-Civil War. Upon eradicating crucial financial downfall, Bilbao didn't waste much time to become a dynamic city, crammed with attractions such as museums, institutions, music centres, restaurants and art galleries.

Bordeaux, France
Earning the Best European Destination award for 2015, Bordeaux has got every reason to be a compelling town with an interesting history, tradition and culinary delights. Built on river Garonne, the city is split into two parts right bank and left bank.

Teeming with some of the finest hotels, French cuisine, numerous museums, age-old buildings and cutting-edge business developments, Bordeaux is the next best thing that is waiting to startle you in many ways.

Gdansk, Poland
The mysterious and distinctive character of Gdansk will definitely give you a thousand reasons to explore the city and fall head over heels for it. Well, Gdansk is a modern Polish town with a flourishing cultural scene. Whether it's the attractive beaches, intriguing shipyard, parks, sports or shopping vicinities, the city is utterly life-throbbing.

Valencia, Spain
One of the most charismatic tourist destinations, Valencia combines history, heritage and activities suitable for all ages. Whether you're a first-timer or a returning visitor, this Spanish city never fails to astonish the most lethargic traveller.

The architecture of the city goes back to the first century, which can be seen rubbing shoulders with revolutionary buildings. Beaches abiding by the Mediterranean Sea are accessible with 15 minutes from the main city centre.

Nice, France
Life at its best begins at this seaside gem. Nice, a coastal beauty located in Central Europe, offers a whirlpool of unique creations, art, culture, architectural wonders and innovations. It proudly boasts of leading infrastructures, the largest accommodation facilities and ability to allure tourists from all over the world. With its fine and warm Mediterranean climate, Nice promises a unique journey into the heart of serenity and entertainment.

San Sebastian, Spain
No excuses for not visiting San Sebastian. An unparalleled Spanish city that rose to stardom with its unique cuisine and a broad range of festivals, is awe-inspiring.
The city is divided into three main districts, or three key beaches - Ondarreta Beach, Concha Beach and Zurriola Beach. With low-cost holiday packages enjoy strolling on the stone-lined streets around the Old Town, biting into some munchies at the Pintxos bar.

Towards the east, you will discover a vibrant district, Gor. The charming shops might lure you into some exciting shopping activity alongside the Zurriola Beach. The attractions are endless. Hence, to summarize San Sebastian, it's a city to get lost into.

Prague, Czech Republic
The jewel of the world or the city with a hundred spires - Prague, has been listed as an amazing, praiseworthy city since ages. A rewarding experience awaits when you begin your tour with the magical Prague Castle, its gardens or the Royal Palace. The city view from the top of the Castle garden is spellbinding.

As you maintain your walk towards the Old Town Square, you'll be stunned to see the Astronomical Clock still ticking. Move ahead a few steps towards the Jewish quarter to explore synagogues and art-nouveau-style Municipal House.

Zagreb, Croatia
Romance and cultural vigour never appear to fade away from Zagreb. Everything is so very young and fresh. With cheap city breaks visitors can enjoy endless opportunities as they visit parks, museums, watch musical events, admire art galleries, admire architecture and shop at the gigantic malls. There are broad alleys with pretty-looking cafes and city centres with world-class hotel chains.

The nightlife of Zagreb is electrifying. With plenty of bars, beer cafes, cocktail bars, jazz clubs and restaurants, you'll surely be spoilt for choices.
The world is big and beautiful, there is so much to discover with budget holidays.

Author's Bio: 

Andy is a travel blogger at Holiday Desire. His favourite trips require an unhealthy backpacking addiction, passport, low-cost holiday packages and other stuff. A typical destination with mountains, warm blue waters, golden sands and some great food lures him to travel. Follow him on his epic journeys through his blog spots!

10 Cannabis Books You Should Have on Your Book Shelf

10 Cannabis Books You Should Have on Your Book Shelf

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10 Best Holiday Destinations for a European Love Affair

10 Best Holiday Destinations for a European Love Affair

Image source:

Autumn is almost upon us. The bright blue sunny sky along with the warm wind is alluring holidaymakers to step out of their homes and experience heaven on earth. How about a city break escape this weekend? If at all you're planning a city break, but sceptical where to go with your friends or families, we'll help you to choose the best destination in Europe. We're sure you'll get inspired.

Antwerp, Belgium
A proud city, never hesitant to flaunt its majestic cathedrals, unsoiled quays and artistic creations. Talk to any local about Antwerp and you'll be enchanted with their tales and ideas. Due to a connecting port, this rambling city witnessed non-stop incursion of influences that kept cultivating the Belgian beauty with innovative developments.

Porto, Portugal
A phenomenal town voted as 'The Best European Destination 2017', is a concoction of trade, culture, history, architecture and explorations. The river Duoro adds more glitter to the city's infrastructure.

Fly over the majestic Douro in a helicopter and admire imposing bridges, captivating landscapes and multi-hued buildings. Porto is a stunning beach city facing the Atlantic. With budget holidays a walking tour is all you need to explore remarkable restaurants, thriving bars and the whirlwind of markets.

Bilbao, Spain
With an impressive expansion and rapid cultural development beyond boundaries, Bilbao turned out to be a flourishing city post-Civil War. Upon eradicating crucial financial downfall, Bilbao didn't waste much time to become a dynamic city, crammed with attractions such as museums, institutions, music centres, restaurants and art galleries.

Bordeaux, France
Earning the Best European Destination award for 2015, Bordeaux has got every reason to be a compelling town with an interesting history, tradition and culinary delights. Built on river Garonne, the city is split into two parts right bank and left bank.

Teeming with some of the finest hotels, French cuisine, numerous museums, age-old buildings and cutting-edge business developments, Bordeaux is the next best thing that is waiting to startle you in many ways.

Gdansk, Poland
The mysterious and distinctive character of Gdansk will definitely give you a thousand reasons to explore the city and fall head over heels for it. Well, Gdansk is a modern Polish town with a flourishing cultural scene. Whether it's the attractive beaches, intriguing shipyard, parks, sports or shopping vicinities, the city is utterly life-throbbing.

Valencia, Spain
One of the most charismatic tourist destinations, Valencia combines history, heritage and activities suitable for all ages. Whether you're a first-timer or a returning visitor, this Spanish city never fails to astonish the most lethargic traveller.

The architecture of the city goes back to the first century, which can be seen rubbing shoulders with revolutionary buildings. Beaches abiding by the Mediterranean Sea are accessible with 15 minutes from the main city centre.

Nice, France
Life at its best begins at this seaside gem. Nice, a coastal beauty located in Central Europe, offers a whirlpool of unique creations, art, culture, architectural wonders and innovations. It proudly boasts of leading infrastructures, the largest accommodation facilities and ability to allure tourists from all over the world. With its fine and warm Mediterranean climate, Nice promises a unique journey into the heart of serenity and entertainment.

San Sebastian, Spain
No excuses for not visiting San Sebastian. An unparalleled Spanish city that rose to stardom with its unique cuisine and a broad range of festivals, is awe-inspiring.
The city is divided into three main districts, or three key beaches - Ondarreta Beach, Concha Beach and Zurriola Beach. With low-cost holiday packages enjoy strolling on the stone-lined streets around the Old Town, biting into some munchies at the Pintxos bar.

Towards the east, you will discover a vibrant district, Gor. The charming shops might lure you into some exciting shopping activity alongside the Zurriola Beach. The attractions are endless. Hence, to summarize San Sebastian, it's a city to get lost into.

Prague, Czech Republic
The jewel of the world or the city with a hundred spires - Prague, has been listed as an amazing, praiseworthy city since ages. A rewarding experience awaits when you begin your tour with the magical Prague Castle, its gardens or the Royal Palace. The city view from the top of the Castle garden is spellbinding.

As you maintain your walk towards the Old Town Square, you'll be stunned to see the Astronomical Clock still ticking. Move ahead a few steps towards the Jewish quarter to explore synagogues and art-nouveau-style Municipal House.

Zagreb, Croatia
Romance and cultural vigour never appear to fade away from Zagreb. Everything is so very young and fresh. With cheap city breaks visitors can enjoy endless opportunities as they visit parks, museums, watch musical events, admire art galleries, admire architecture and shop at the gigantic malls. There are broad alleys with pretty-looking cafes and city centres with world-class hotel chains.

The nightlife of Zagreb is electrifying. With plenty of bars, beer cafes, cocktail bars, jazz clubs and restaurants, you'll surely be spoilt for choices.
The world is big and beautiful, there is so much to discover with budget holidays.

Author's Bio: 

Andy is a travel blogger at Holiday Desire. His favourite trips require an unhealthy backpacking addiction, passport, low-cost holiday packages and other stuff. A typical destination with mountains, warm blue waters, golden sands and some great food lures him to travel. Follow him on his epic journeys through his blog spots!

Kamis, 26 April 2018

9 Simple Safety Tips for Wood Chippers

9 Simple Safety Tips for Wood Chippers

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Wood chippers are commonly used to turn parts of wood into small bits and pieces. The machine may be used to clear an area of debris such as fallen branches and dead tree limbs, which can be especially common after weather events such as a storm. You might also use a wood chipper to clear a failed yard of overgrown bush and tiny trees. Now you have a clean lawn free of blockages along with a mountain of wood chips you can use as mulch.

Workers feed wood to the chipper where rotating knives moving at speeds of 1000-2000 RPM chop up the branches, tree limbs and trunk pieces till they are reduced into small thin chips. A wood chipper requires huge amounts of power to work, which comes from an internal combustion engine powered by petrol or gas.

Employing a wood chipper will save you lots of time and effort compared to individually chopping each piece to size using an axe or a chainsaw. All that raw power also requires a lot of responsibility on the consumer's part. Failure to prepare and follow safety guidelines can end in a grisly injury or even death.

Whether you're new to wood chippers or an experienced operator, it pays to educate yourself regarding the safe and appropriate functioning of a wood chipper. Here are a couple of safety tips for you to get started.

1. Always read the literature

You should read and understand the operator's manual as well as any other related literature. The manual contains everything you want to know about the machine: technical specifications, operational limitations, machine parts and safety instructions. A wood chipper has lots of moving parts and it is worth it to be aware of the usefulness and potential risks posed by each component.

2. Wear proper equipment

Wear tight-fitting, short-sleeved clothing when working on a wood chipper. Make sure your shirt and pants are properly tucked and remove anything that might get caught up in the machines like jewellery, belts, ties, straps and other hanging items. Ensure that your clothes are cuff-free as well.

Wearing personal protective equipment is essential if using a chipper, and in many states and authorities, required by regulations. Standard safety gear when operating a wood chipper includes a hard hat, safety goggles, ear protection, heavy-duty cuff-free work gloves and steel-toed boots.

The vast majority of wood chipper deaths occur when the operator becomes captured and destroyed by the feeding mechanism and cutting knives. Eliminate all chances where your clothes may get snagged in the timber being fed into the chipper.

3. Check before use

Make it a point to inspect every part of the wood chipper before surgery. Don't use the machine if you see any cracks or flaws like worn hinges and broken hood latches. Make certain all bolts and screws are tight. Test all safety controls and devices to verify they're in proper working condition.

4. Set a safety zone

Clear the area of bystanders, children and animals before starting the system. Establish a security perimeter of at least 10m in all directions around the wood chipper, and make certain that the perimeter is clearly marked by warning devices such as cones, barricades and signs. Immediately switch off the machine if you see someone coming.

5. Clean and clear the area

Remove all obstructions and tripping hazards around the wood chipper. Keep the area around the machine clean and free for simple and unobstructed movement.

Don't let the wood chips stack up, and turn off the machine if the heap has gotten too large so that it could be emptied and stored somewhere far from the chipper. This will reduce the risk of slipping and falling around the machine.

6. Work in tandem

Wood chipper operators should always operate in teams of two or more. Never run the chipper alone. While one is feeding wood to the wood chipper, the other one needs to be on alert near the console, emergency stop button or similar safety devices.

7. Start slow

When you're about to start operation of this wood chipper, run it at the lowest available speed first. Listen to the noise from the chipper. If you hear any unusual sounds, then there might be broken or loose components inside and you've got to immediately switch off the machine. Have it inspected and repaired by an expert.

8. Watch the load

Feeding the wood chipper too big and wide pieces of wood can increase the risk of harm to the employees and damage the machine. Only load material that falls within the limits of your wood chipper. If needed, cut the timber to size prior to feeding it into the chipper.

9. Keep distance

Don't linger close to the wood chipper and keep some distance away when the machine has grabbed the timber you just inserted. This lowers the chances of you getting caught up together with the wood and ground up into little pieces along with it.

8 Things in Your Kitchen You Clean Wrong

8 Things in Your Kitchen You Clean Wrong

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A lot of rooms in your home need regular cleaning and nowhere is that more important as it is for your kitchen. And while you think you have it all under control, the reality is youre probably cleaning most of your kitchen items wrong. Here are some examples:

1. Dishes

Its so easy to buy a dishwasher and free yourself from the choir of having to wash your plates every night. The downside is most people over fill their dishwashers. While this doesnt matter much to the machine itself, it does contribute to a lower quality of washing. The more dishes and eating utensils you put inside, the harder it is for everything to get washed thoroughly. The solution to this cleaning problem is an easy one: never stack dishes on top of one another so everything would get cleaned as nicely as possible. Also, put forks with their tines up.

2. Cutting Board

The numerous cutting marks of your wooden and plastic cutting boards are home to numerous bacteria. Sadly a simple wipe down never helps remove any part of the germs. Although researches have tried to determine whether plastic is easier to sanitize than wood, results have shown there isnt a significant difference. According to NC State News plastic cutting boards should be cleaned with a solution of water and bleach (one tablespoon of bleach per one gallon of water), while wooden boards can use a solution of Mr. Clean and water. The softer the cutting board wood, the more marks it gets, thus the more you need to clean it.

3. Kitchen Sink

You might be very surprised to find out your kitchen sink is in many ways dirtier than your toilet. How so? Its because of all the food particles left over from all your dishes. They can easily become a breeding ground for all kinds of diseases like salmonella and E.coli. Sadly a simple wipe down of your sink never helps eradicate the bacteria. According to director of infection control at Long Island College Hospital of Brooklyn, New York Eileen Abruzzo, the proper way to wash your sink is with water and bleach solution. Fill half your sink with warm water and add two cups of bleach. Wait until the water cools down and flush it all down the drain. Afterwards rinse the sink with fresh water. You must do this once a day using rubber gloves and dont forget to clean the drain plug as well.

4. Grocery Bags

Its great if youre helping out the planet by carrying your food ingredients in your reusable grocery bags. However did you know those same bags are packed full of germs? ccording to Health Essentials Cross-contamination can occur when meat, produce, and pre-cooked foods are placed in the same bag. Its no surprise either that almost nobody washes their reusable bags. While almost nobody would carry several different bags for different goods to avoid cross-contamination, you can still give bacterias the slip by: washing your bags regularly, using them only for groceries and storing them in a clean cabinet and not your car trunk.

5. Coffee Machine

Most, if not all, people rarely take time to clean their coffee machines. Coffee machines can harbor mold and thus bacteria if you leave their reservoirs closed when not in use. The drip filters need to be cleaned after each use and deep cleaned every few months. Do you do that? Well, if you coffee starts to taste weird, its high time you did. Fortunately its easy, all you need is a vinegar and water solution. In a tank mix together equal parts of white vinegar and water and fill the reservoir. Remove the filter. Let the machine run a few brew cycles and then empty the reservoir. Next fill it with water and give it a few cycles until it no longer smells of vinegar.

6. Removable Cooker Burners

Some cooker burners are removable, yet most people only clean around them and never remove them. If you have removable ones, stop scrubbing because there is a far easier way according to One Good Thing. In includes the removables, several containers, water and ammonia. Put all the parts in different containers and fill with ammonia. Then leave the containers for several hours, so the ammonia would dissolve the grime on your burner parts. For old burners its recommended you leave them overnight for maximum efficiency. Be advised, ammonia has a very strong smell, so its best to leave the containers outside. After this period clean the burners, rinse them and enjoy their shine.

7. Fridge

Even though your fridge is meant to store your food in clean and fresh conditions, it can also be packed full of germs. Low temperatures alone are not enough to stop the spreading of bacteria as some germs actually thrive in cold temperatures. All they need is some food spills and  condensation and voila, your fridge has germs. A wipe down with a damp cloth wont help either. In this case you need a vinegar and hot water solution. Wipe the fridge walls with this solution every week. Pay special attention to drawers where meat is kept and especially the salad drawers. According to MailOnline, the salad drawer has around 8000 bacteria.

8. Oven

Most ovens have a self cleaning feature, which sounds really cool because it would save us a lot of elbow grease. However, according to The Kitchn, this feature can do more damage than good and is just there to better sell the product. Using this feature can result in: carbon monoxid build up and blowing of a fuse which would later be really hard to get to. So, if thats how you clean your oven, know it might cost you eventually. Usually the better way is the old fashioned way with a baking soda and water paste. Coat the inside of your oven with the paste and wait overnight until it dissolves the grime. After that wipe the paste with a clean damp cloth. Or consider oven cleaning services. Professionals usually take apart the oven and clean every segment such as: racks, trays panels and fants separately with special detergents. Unlike other kitchen items, ovens and cookers really need special care.

8 Reasons to Plan a Bachelorette in Barcelona

8 Reasons to Plan a Bachelorette in Barcelona

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The big day is fast approaching but just one more fling before the ring: the bachelorette party is on the to-do list. Discover why Barcelona is the ideal destination for you and the gals

Not sure where youre going to party down with the girls on one of your last nights as a single lady? Not to fret. Round up the troops and take everyone to the amazing city of Barcelona that will surely have plenty in store, no matter what kind of fun youre looking for. Heres why you should be considering Gaudis city for your Bachelorette party:

Sun and Sand: Barcelona may be a city, but it is encompassed by a wonderful coastline that leaves little to be desired. One of the great things about this Spanish city is that it is extremely versatile, and that goes for the beaches as well. If youre looking for some wild entertainment, take the ladies to the bustling Barceloneta Beach. If you want a peaceful stretch of sand, however, head on over to Baddalona Beach where youll for sure be rubbing elbows with the locals.

Explore on Two Wheels: Are you travelling with a rather adventurous bunch? Experience all this European city has to offer on the back of a Vespa. Barcelona-based scooter rental agency, Vesping, is trying a new travel concept: GPS guided scooters. Gather the girls, choose your locations, plug them in the personal navigation system on each scooter, and go! Or if you prefer guided tours in Barcelona, check out Vespings tours headed by their city experts.

Rooftop Living Soire: Its 5:00 somewhere, and if youre in Barcelona, you should be finding yourself at one of its many rooftop terrace bars throughout the city. In addition to great cocktails and a slight breeze up ther, they offer an amazing view of the city and a rather glamorous place for you to have bachelorette drinks with the girls.

Airbnb: This is the best invention since low cost airlines. Essentially people rent out their apartments to vacationers. So instead of paying an arm and a leg for a luxury accommodation, you pay less for a city-center apartment with a kitchen and a fabulous terrace. What a great place for all your girls to stay in one place.

Shopping: Not like youll have any time in between shopping and partying to satisfy your shopping itch, but if youre looking to give your credit card a workout or need a new trendy outfit for a night on the Catalan town, make it over to Passeig di Gracia and enjoy the shops and fabulous architecture.

Nightlife: This needs little explanation. bachelorette parties are an excuse to get on down and cut a rug, and Barcelona has a myriad of places to do it. Whether you like relaxed lounge settings with a possibility to dance, or hardcore, all night raves, this vibrant city is sure to help you make memories well into the morning hours.

Alternative Activities: Booze cruise? Limo tour? Cooking class? Or take the plunge and do a group Flamenco lesson, whats more in line with the vibe of this Catalan city? Barcelona offers some of the most unique activities that you can share with your girlfriends for a truly unforgettable trip.

Food: With all that partying, youll need some fuel to keep you going. Explore Barcelonas culinary treats and learn something about the culture in which they come from. Whether its seafood or tapas, youre in for a delectable treat. Try the famous paella, the prevalent traditional Spanish food. Indulge at the chic Can Sole, and try some Spanish delicacies or get to Tram-Tram, located in Uptown Barcelona for the true flavor of tradition.

Your bachelorette party should be nothing short of the time of your life, so get on down to Barcelona and experience everything this European city has to offer with your best girlfriends.

Rabu, 25 April 2018

7 Zesty Pizza Hut Pizzas That You Simply Cant Resist

7 Zesty Pizza Hut Pizzas That You Simply Cant Resist

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There are many pizza vendors trying to establish a strong hold in the F&B market in India. Take a walk through your neighborhood and you would be surprised to see vivid local restaurants and pizzerias, with funky names and flashy lights, trying to meet your food desires. Not to mention, the jazzed-up menus will surely catch your eye, but not sure if the food will also excite you as much as the menu did.

When it comes to food, well, I dont really like to experiment much with my stomach. In a way, I am old school. Hence, a Pizza Hut pizza would delight me and quench my hunger just the way I desire. Besides, the trust factor that develops over time will always be impactful. On that note, I would request you to dedicate some more time of yours to read this blog all way till the end and check out the following 7 tastiest pizzas offered by Pizza Hut. This is my top 7 list that will include both veg and non-veg items. Hope youd like it and agree to my keen observations. Beware, by the time you read it all, youd definitely be hungry. So make sure you are ready with your mobile device and internet connectivity to place an order in a jiffy.
Here we go!

1. The Ever Classic Veggie Supreme Pizza

This one falls under the Supreme category of pizza offered by Pizza Hut. As the name suggest, Veggie Supreme pizza brings to your plate, a unique combination of sliced onions, sliced green capsicum, chopped mushrooms, fiery red paprika, black olives and lastly sweet corn.

Tickles your taste bud, doesnt it?
Hold on, there are 6 more to follow!

Here are some more details about the pizza.

Default Crust: Pan
Default Size: Medium
Yes, the pizza is customizable and you can make it much special by doing the right combinations.
A medium pizza (without any customization) would cost you Rs 480, perfect for two.

2. Supreme Exotica Pizza 

Well well, this is my favorite veg pizza from Pizza Hut. Imagine a juicy combination of premium veggies such as red capsicum, green capsicum, baby corn, black olives and tangy jalapenos, will take you aback indeed!

Heres some more detail about this exotic pizza.

Default Crust: Pan
Default Size: Medium
Yes, the pizza is also customizable. 
A medium pizza that serves two people would cost you Rs 480 only.

3. Mouth Watering Paneer Vegorama

For those who have a thing for Paneer, well, this one is a pure delight. Falling under the Supreme series of pizzas offered by Pizza Hut, Paneer Vegorama presents you with a one of a kind exciting combination of premium veggies such as Onion, Capsicum, Black Olives, Red Paprika & Paneer cubes dipping right into that melted cheese.

Some more details:

Default Crust: Pan
Default Size: Medium
Yes, this pizza is also customizable. Id recommend stuffed crust.
A medium pizza would cost you around Rs 480.

4. Signature Country Feast

For the old school lovers, nothing like this Signature Pizza Hut classic. The Country Feast pizza brings to you a fantastic blend of onion, capsicum, mushroom, sweet corn and well chopped tomato.

Some more details:

Default Crust: Pan
Default Size: Medium
Yes the pizza is also customizable.
A medium pizza (serves 2) would cost you Rs 425 only!

5. Signature Chickeroni (Chicken Pepperoni)

Well, there are non-veg pizzas and then there is this one in particular. If you are one of those meat loving pizza maniacs, well, this pizza just fits right in. All you get here is an overload of Chicken Pepperoni and cheese. Smack it up with a Cheese MAXX crust and trust me, it would be the best thing you might have tasted in a long long time.
A medium sized pizza would cost you Rs 480.

6. Chicken Italiano

Chicken Italiano is one of the most classy non-veg pizza offered by Pizza Hut. You get premium veg as well as non-veg toppings blending perfectly over a cheesy base. To name a few, you get toppings like chicken pepperoni, chicken sausage, mushroom, capsicum and black olives. Lovely, isnt the sound of it? Well, taste it and get even more surprised. A medium pizza would cost you Rs 525.

7. The Ultimate Chicken

Last in the list had to be this one. Chickeroni pizza was indeed a great non-veg delight, but this one is a pizza that will (mark my words) diminish your non-veg cravings unlike any other pizza. What could possibly go wrong when what youre offered is a smothering combination of?
Chicken Meatball, Chicken Pepperoni, Chicken Sausage and Chicken Keema spread all over that creamilicious cheesy pan crust.
Order one today and let your taste buds do the futterwacken!
A medium sized Ultimate Chicken pizza would cost you only Rs 525.

With this, Id wrap up my list of 7 tastiest pizzas from Pizza Hut. As I have mentioned earlier, Pizza Hut is a brand you can always rely on and trust that the food thatll be delivered at your doorstep would be of high quality by all means. Time for you to place your order, hurry up and avail some exciting discounts too!

7 Signs of a Good Babysitter

7 Signs of a Good Babysitter

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Having a babysitter may become your magic wand at some point. If you have a reliable person to take care of your kid, it means that you can have a few hours just for yourself from time to time. The first thing you are likely to do is ask around about babysitters your friends have to secure your choice with the experience of others. Yet recommendations cannot draw the full picture of a sitters behavior. You can expect to learn what your childcare worker will do, but there is very little chance that you can evaluate professionalism of the person you are hiring. For this reason below you can find seven signs of a professional babysitter that can be spot right at your first meeting.

Your child warms up to the person. It is usually takes a long time for a babysitter to gain trust of a child. Furthermore, the kid will always compare your new caregiver with you and your spouse. Yet professionals know some psychological tricks that allow them to get closer to a kid and to truly connect with a child. If you dont see that connection in a month, its probably better to look for a new sitter to ensure that your child receiver proper care and feels comfortable.

The sitter is happy to see your child. Good babysitters are born, not made. So if a person genuinely loves spending time with children, you will clearly see that content and satisfaction on his or her face.

The sitter has creative solutions to various problems. Those babysitters who have been working in the industry for a long time know exactly how to distract a child from a problem and how to comfort them. They know physiology of toddlers and babies so well that with several magic moves can make tummy pain go away. You can look for such babysitters even online on websites like, but always make sure to ask them about such tricks for yourself.

Respects your time. Generally you will hire a babysitter to get some time off, so it would be important that your sitter comes on time and sticks to the planned schedule. In case he or she would be caught by some personal issues, they will call you upfront to apologize for the inconveniences.

Efforts to stay connected. Good babysitters will try to always keep you informed about your childs performance and success y leaving notes filling in some reports. The form of this information may be different, but should be offered by a reliable babysitter.

Cleanliness and no mess for you. You know that kids can and usually do get messy. And you need to know that its your babysitters job to keep thehouse clean after games with your kid. So if you see that the home is in hell after she or he leaves, then either talk to your babysitter or look for another candidate.

Accidents are infrequent. Of course any sitter can and will have some issues with the kid, but a good babysitter puts safety on the top place to ensure that not only your kid, but also your property remain intact while youre out. Should your sitter be driving your child somewhere, ensure to take a ride with them for a couple of times to verify driving skills level of your sitter.

And the final tip, the so-called rule of thumb. Babysitter should be a person whom both you and your child like to spend time with. When choosing one, keep these rules in mind, but at the same time listen to your guts and feeling they are always right.

7 Savvy Chicken Pizzas You Can Cherish This Summer!

7 Savvy Chicken Pizzas You Can Cherish This Summer!

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Well, summer vacation is almost here guys. Im sure everyone has plans for this summer. Right? Let me tell you something. This summer, you surely can excite yourself and your fellow food lovers, be it your cousins, or your folks or your BFFs!

Pizzas are always exciting. You just can't deny that. And when it comes to chicken pizzas, well, there are so many varieties available in the market lately that sometimes its really confusing what to order.


In this blog, I will offer you 7 savvy chicken pizza options, that you may order online or visit your nearest pizza chain to grab one, or two or three (ha-ha).

Ready, set, GO!

Number 7:  Chicken Dominator

For those who are quite the serious chicken fans, you know what, this could actually become your summer fav.
What you get here is an exotic blend of Chicken smoked, chicken salami, exotic double barbecue chicken chunks, ever spicy zesty meat chunks and the inevitable chicken sausages! All of these extravagant non-veg toppings blending perfectly into that pool of hot melted cheese will capture your heart right away.

You surely term this pizza as the one that truly dominates your taste buds.

Number 6: Chicken Salami

Chicken Salami is a one of a kind appetizer. And when combined with Pizzas, you are definitely in love again. (Mark my word).This Pizza offers an exquisite combination of mozzarella cheese with hot and fresh seasoned chicken salami.

Whats not to love, dont you think?

Number 5:  Zesty Chicken

The perfect sign that can be displayed with this particular pizza would say Hot stuff! Handle with extra care!  Its zesty, because it really is!
Offering you a monstrous combination of extremely spicy chicken with red pepper and that enigmatic cheese; simply Smokin!

If you are a fan of that extra punch, you ought to try this one helluva pizza!

Number 4: Tikka Treat

Value for money and perfectly apt to quench your urge to eat non-veg, Chicken Tikka Treat is definitely one of the most delicious pizza I have ever had. What could possibly go wrong when you receive this magnificent combination of Chicken Tikka, Capsicum, Onion and Mushroom popping out of that mouth-watering cheesy ocean!

Foodgasm moment!

Number 3: Chicken Italiano

All right, deciding the final top three was difficult.
Anyways, Chicken Italiano would be the third in the line. Incessantly, a true Italian Pizza, what Id like to connote this pizza as.
When done right, the combination of Chicken Pepperoni, Chicken Sausage, Mushroom, Capsicum and Black Olives will present you something similar to those old school Italian pizzas.
If youd ask me, Id say go thin crust when you order this one, you will be amazed if not already!

Number 2: Chicken Supreme

This pizza is literally another perfect summer hunger quenching bomb!
Heavy as it is, this pizza can be a great hunger quencher, perfect for get together and family time outs. What you get here is the supreme combination of Chicken Tikka, Chicken Hot & Chilly and Chicken Meatball swimming in a pool of exotic cheese.
Go cheese burst when you order this one, will make more sense that way.

Number 1: Ultimate Chicken

Lastly the ultimatum, had to be this one. In India, no food chain has offered me anything more intriguing than this pizza. A ravishing combination of well cooked Chicken Meatball, Chicken Pepperoni, Chicken Sausage and Chicken Keema will leave you craving for one more.

Let this Summer time be extra special with loads of chicken pizza delights.
Now go ahead and offer a healthy, tasty and fun-filled time to your folks and friends, and most of all, yourself! Let joy reach your home in the form of exotic chicken pizzas and may there be smiles around!

Selasa, 24 April 2018

7 Amazing Benefits of Ashwagandha Root for Women

7 Amazing Benefits of Ashwagandha Root for Women

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Nature has gifted us with so many wonderful and powerful herbs. Ashwagandha is one of them. There are 2 plants available in the trade namely Withania somnifera( Ashwagandha) and the other is Withania coagulans .The root smells like a horse, that's why it is called Ashwagandha(on consuming it, it gives the power similar to a horse). The species "somnifera" means "sleep inducing". It is most commonly known as "Indian ginseng" but botanically it is not related to ginseng. It is cultivated throughout India. According to Ayurveda, Ashwagandha is antioxidant, adaptogen, liver tonic, anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial agent. It also possesses an anti-stressor effect and is reported to alleviate stress-induced changes and also provides cardiac protection similar to Ginseng. Ashwagandha root is not beneficial only for men but Ashwagandha root has amazing health benefits for women as well.

Withania somnifera flowers are small and green, while the fruit is orange-red and has milk coagulating properties. The roots of Withania somnifera are used for medicinal purposes.

Botanical Name: Withania somnifera
Family: Solanaceae
Taste: Pungent, Bitter, Astringent
Qualities: Oily, Unctuous, Light
Potency: Hot

Undergoes pungent taste after digestion

Effect on Tridosha: Balances Vata, Pitta, and Kapha but especially Kapha and Vata.
Part Used: Ashwagandha root, Ashwagandha leaves.
Master Charak has classified it among the group of herbs which improves strength and immunity.

Major Chemical Constituents of Ashwagandha:

It contains ingredients like- steroidal alkaloids and lactones known as "Withanolides".Withanone, Withaferin A, Withanolide A to Y, Tropine, Nicotine, Withasomnine. Withaferin A and Withanolide-D are the two main ingredients that contribute to most of the biological actions of Ashwagandha.
In a research, it has been found that Withania somnifera possesses anti-proliferative activity on MCF-7(breast) human tumor cell lines. Withaferin A, a vimentin cytoskeleton inhibitor has been found to be a potent breast cancer anti-metastatic agent and the anti-metastatic activity of Withaferin A is mediated through its effects on vimentin.So, it was concluded that Withaferin A is a promising anti-cancer constituent of Ayurvedic medicine plant Withania somnifera which has been found to inhibit the growth of MCF-7 and MDA-MB-231 human breast cancer cells in culture.

Health Benefits of Ashwagandha:

It improves strength and immunity.
Ashwagandha acts as an aphrodisiac.
It is quite useful in premature ejaculation.
It improves body nourishment.
It is beneficial in a cough, cold and chronic respiratory conditions.
It improves life expectancy and anti-aging.
Ashwagandha is quite useful in neuromuscular disorders like- paralysis, Kampvaat (Parkinson's disease).
This herb has the ability to bring down inflammation.
It is anti-toxic so used in detox programs.
It also relieves itching and also useful in pruritus.
It is also used in chronic respiratory problems.
Ashwagandha is also useful in cases of muscle wasting, emaciation, post tubercular treatment to improve muscle mass and strength.
It is quite beneficial in intestinal worm infestation.
On oral intake, it helps in reducing blood pressure.
It is rich in anti-oxidants and also possesses hypoglycemic activity so also useful in treating diabetes.
It is useful in relieving anxiety and depression because it has nerve calming effect so also useful in various sleep disorders.
Its external application in the form of a paste of root is used to relieve pain, inflammation and also useful in chronic skin diseases like- leucoderma.
Its root paste can be applied externally to treat painful swelling, abscess, cellulitis etc.
It can be given to weak children to improve their immunity.
When it is used along with ghee or milk, it helps in weight gain.
Ashwagandha for women: Ashwagandha is such a herb which is generally related to men but it equally beneficial for women as well.

7 Amazing Benefits of Ashwagandha root for Women:

If a female is planning for conception, take Ashwagandha root powder 5-10 gm and add it to 400 ml water, boil and reduce the water level to 100 ml. After reduction, do not filter the decoction, add approximate 100 ml milk to it. Continue heating this milk until you are left with 100 ml. Now filter it. This is to be taken 30 ml with half a teaspoon of cow's ghee regularly for 2-3 months before conception before breakfast in the morning. After the preparation, it should not be reboiled and must be used within 3-4 hours of preparation. This remedy helps to strengthen the ligaments, ovaries, and uterus so as to prepare for pregnancy. This remedy also helps to reduce the stress levels. It is also a powerful anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant. Moreover, this herb also helps in relieving the auto-immune disorder as the auto-immune disorder is also a cause of infertility.

This mixture contains both water and fat-soluble active principles of Ashwagandha.

It is also used in treating and improving female libido.
Its root extract inhibits mammary cancer metastasis and epithelial to mesenchymal transition. Withaferin A is a steroidal lactone that induces apoptosis and inhibits tumor growth.
It helps in relieving dysmenorrhea.
Ashwagandha also improves the quality of ovum.
It also improves the energy levels. Today, every woman is working outside as well as manages all the household chores which results in fatigue syndrome. Taking Ashwagandha root powder daily keeps the women active throughout the day.
Ashwagandha is also used as menopausal support. Various symptoms of menopause like- hot flashes, anxiety, mood swings etc. are reduced by Ashwagandha.

Ashwagandha Side-Effects

Because of its hot potency, if it is taken along with water, people with Pitta dosha dominance may feel increased hotness but if it is taken with cow's ghee or milk, its hot effect is much nullified.
Withania somnifera is one of the most important herbs of Ayurveda(Indian system of medicine) used for millennia as a "Rasayana" for its wide range of health benefits. It is an ingredient in many formulations prescribed for a variety of musculoskeletal conditions e.g. arthritis, rheumatism as a general tonic to increase energy, to improve overall health and longevity and prevent disease in athletes, the elderly and to maintain women's health. It is well known for other activities like- adaptogenic/anti-stress, anti-fatigue, antiparkinson's, anti-tumor, anti-ulcerogenic and also supports anti-thyroid function. It is also useful in the treatment of various types of cancer like- colon cancer, lung cancer, prostate cancer, breast cancer, renal cancer etc.
It should not be considered only as men's tonic as Ashwagandha root is equally beneficial for females too.

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