Jumat, 02 Februari 2018

Should The Christmas Barbie 2010 Be On Your Holiday Shopping List

Should The Christmas Barbie 2010 Be On Your Holiday Shopping List

Image source: http://i.ebayimg.com/images/i/380528141325-0-1/s-l1000.jpg

Christmas time must be one of the most anticipated times of the year mainly because of the gifts that come pouring in from family and friends. When you were a little girl, one of the most desirable gifts on your wish list must have been the Barbie Christmas doll and for good reasons, too.

Well, your little girl now also wants her own Barbie holiday doll for 2010. You may think of it as an intergenerational thing since Barbie has been around for 50 years and, by the looks of it, appears to stay for another century. As a parent, you will want to make your kid happy with such a gift, not to mention that it brings back good memories of your own childhood playing with your own Barbie dolls.

You have the choice of a Caucasian or an African-American version of the Barbie holiday doll. You need not worry too much about choosing the better gown because both wear the same gowns with the main difference being their skin color and facial features.

While the Caucasian Barbie Holiday doll has the typical blue eyes and blond hair of the race, the African-American version leans on the exotic side with her light brown eyes and black hair. In company parlance, the Caucasian version gas the Mackie face sculpt while its African-American version features the Goddess face sculpt.

You will also observe that the makeup of each version differs slightly with the main aim being to accentuate the features of each doll. The Caucasian version has black eyeliner, black eyelashes, light brown eye shadow and light mauve lipstick, which makes for an All-American look. The African-American version features silver eye shadow, deep mauve lipstick and black eye liner, all of which draw attention to her exotic features.

The hairstyles are similar, however, with both accented by the same striking tiara-like headpiece positioned ever so daintily to accentuate the beauty of the hair. Even the similar red chandelier earrings draw attention to the graceful neck, the elegant shoulders and the beautiful face of the Barbie Christmas doll.

But what really makes the Barbie holiday doll stand out is the gown! You will rave about its elegant simplicity, its striking colors, and its whimsical touches that blends well together to form a gown worthy of any modern princess as Barbie is herself.

To put it simply, the skirt is made from a white fabric, layered to form a full shape and then accentuated with a red ribbon cascading from the waist. The bodice is patterned in rich gold and red embroidery, cinched at the waist with V-shaped embellishments and then flowing out into the full skirt. The wrap reaches to the floor, caresses the shoulders and provides a splash of vivid color against the white fabric of the skirt.

In short, the Barbie Christmas doll has all the makings of a collector's item. If you are one of the thousands of serious collectors of all things Barbie, this is one doll you cannot miss. Even the box is a treasure unto itself with its red trimmings and Christmas backdrop. When it reaches your hands, Christmas is truly here.

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